Be Sure to Get the Right Vacuum for Your Needs

There are so many vacuum cleaners being offered in the market today. They come in different types, and they offer various functionalities as well. Having lots of options is great. However, it can also be confusing to decide which vacuum cleaner will best fit your needs. It’s because there are vacuum cleaners that come with lots of extra features, which are very tempting. But if you come and think of it, most of us don’t really need all of the extra features or functions they have. Meaning, they will just go to waste when we buy them. 

If you are looking into purchasing a new vacuum cleaner, and you haven’t decided yet what type to buy, you’re in the right place. Today, we are going to share with you some tips for you to be sure that you are getting the right vacuum for your needs. 

Main Types of Vacuum Cleaners

When choosing the right vacuum for your needs, you need to determine what type of vacuum is best for you. There are two primary types of vacuum cleaners, which are upright and canister. They have significant differences from one another. 

  • Upright Vacuum Cleaners

Upright vacuum cleaners have traditionally been the favorite type of vacuum cleaner in the United States and in Great Britain. This type of vacuum can deep-clean carpets better. They usually have a revolving brush roll that provides agitation. There are also some models that offer onboard attachments and extended hoses, making it more versatile. Upright vacuums also tend to cost less compared to canister vacuums. They can be stored easily, as well, because they can stand up on their own. 

One of the concerns with upright vacuums is the weight. It’s because most upright vacuum cleaners are heavy, making them difficult to pull and push around. But you can also find lightweight models today, but the best performers are usually still the heavier ones. Also, upright vacuum cleaners are noisier than canister vacuum cleaners. 

  • Canister Vacuum Cleaners

Canister vacuum cleaners, on the other hand, are the vacuum cleaner of choice in Europe and in the rest of the world. They are better than upright vacuums when it comes to cleaning bare floors, stairs, and furniture. They are also handy in cleaning upholstery and drapes because of the attachments they come with. Most canister vacuum cleaners are also quieter, and they have a separate power head, making them lighter, as well. 

The only downside of canister vacuum cleaners is their size. They tend to be bulkier compared to upright vacuums. Also, their hose and wand configuration makes it more difficult to store in a closet or cabinet. 

Other Types of Vacuum Cleaners

Aside from upright and canister vacuum cleaners, which are the main and most popular types, there are also other types. There is a stick, handheld, robotic, and central vacuum cleaners. 

  • Stick Vacuum Cleaners

Stick vacuum cleaners are like upright vacuums. They usually have tall bodies and handles, and feature a powerhead. Many stick vacuum cleaners are battery-powered. There are lightweight, making them convenient to use when you need to clean up a mess quickly. 

However, stick vacuums mostly don’t perform well on carpeted floors compared to full-sized vacuum cleaners. They are best used for picking up surface litter, but they can’t work as replacements for a conventional vacuum cleaner. A stick vacuum also only has a small dirt bin, and most units are fairly noisy. 

  • Handheld Vacuum Cleaners

Handheld vacuum cleaners are miniature vacuum models. There are some that come corded while others are cordless. This type of vacuum is useful for light and quick surface cleaning. There are also some that can handle cleaning pet hair on chairs and sofas. You can also use handheld vacuums in cleaning your car’s interior. However, they lack the power and capacity to clean like a full-sized canister or upright vacuum cleaners. 

  • Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

Robotic vacuum cleaners can do the cleaning for you while you relax or do other chores. It can do regular vacuuming sessions in uncluttered rooms. There are also smart robotic vacuum cleaners that you can control using an app on your smartphone. However, this type of vacuum is not ideal for shag carpeting or area rugs. Aside from that, they also cannot match the deep cleaning that you can get from the best canisters and upright vacuum cleaners. 

  • Central Vacuum Cleaners

Central vacuums are easier to use compared to canister vacuums because there’s no body to pull along as you clean. The only things you will carry are the hose and powerhead. They are also quiet and have big dirt chambers that do not need to be emptied often. However, they are often expensive, and most require professional installation. 

Things to Consider to Get the Right Vacuum for Your Needs

After knowing the different types of vacuum cleaners you can choose from, here are some of the things you need to consider to pick the right vacuum that will cater to your needs. 

  • Bagged or Bagless?

In choosing a vacuum cleaner, you also need to decide whether you will be getting a bagged or bagless one. When you opt for a bagless vacuum cleaner, you will be able to save on the cost of purchasing bags. However, bagless units need more filter cleaning and replacing. It can also be problematic to empty the bin of a bagless vacuum if you have asthma or allergies. 

  • Your Cleaning Environment

Another thing to consider when choosing a vacuum cleaner is your cleaning environment. You need to evaluate first the surfaces that you will often clean, starting with the flooring. Is your flooring at home carpeted or smooth like wood, vinyl, tile, and marble?

Aside from that, you also need to consider if you have stairs at home and other above the floor cleaning requirements. These can be ceiling fans, light fixtures, and more that might need specialized vacuum attachments. 

  • Traffic and Carpet Soils

Another thing that might influence your choice of vacuum cleaner is the amount of traffic and the type of carpet soils. Carpet soils are brought by the shoes of people and as well as the pets that enter the home. If many people are living in your home and you also have pets, chances are more carpet soils are brought into your home. This is why it is essential to choose the right vacuum cleaner depending on the amount of traffic and types of soils encountered in your home. 

If your home has low traffic and no special soiling conditions, then you can opt for less aggressive vacuum cleaners. When choosing a vacuum cleaner, pick the most aggressive one that your carpet and rug fibers can safely handle. 

  • Features

You also need to check and see if the vacuum cleaner you are looking into buying has most, if not all the features you need to effectively clean your home. See if it includes attachments for your flooring like a soft brush tool or if it has height-adjustable wants, and more. 

  • Filtration

Another important feature you need to look for is the level of filtration the vacuum can offer. It’s because when the vacuum does not offer high levels of filtration, the dust particles can go right through it and be returned to the room air. If you or anyone in your home suffers from allergies or asthma, then you need to find a vacuum cleaner that offers HEPA filtration

  • Noise Level

Another important consideration is noise. It’s because there very noisy vacuum cleaners, making them almost unbearable to use. But you can find vacuum cleaners that can operate at quite comfortable levels. They will still enable you to hear the phone or doorbell while vacuuming. 

  • Capacity

You also need to consider the capacity of the dust bag or bin of the vacuum cleaner. If you have a large home or if there’s a lot of traffic in your home, then you can consider getting a full-sized vacuum cleaner. It will save you the inconvenience and the cost of changing the bag constantly. 

  • Storage

You also need to think about the storage space you have at home where you can keep the vacuum cleaner. Vacuum cleaners come in a wide variety of sizes. Therefore, you have lots of options to find the best one that will fit in the storage space you have at home. 

  • Cost

Lastly, you also need to consider the cost of the vacuum cleaner you will be buying. It’s important to set a certain amount limit for you to easily know which ones will fit your needs and your budget as well. The cost of vacuum cleaners does not necessarily determine their quality. In fact, you can find high-quality vacuum cleaners that cost less but can deliver very effective cleaning. 

These are some of the things you need to look into to be sure to get the right vacuum for your needs. By following these tips, you can ensure that you’ll be picking the best vacuum cleaner that will cater to your needs.