5 Things To Expect When You Sign Up For Addiction Recovery

Overcoming substance abuse or any addiction is emotionally, physically, and mentally challenging for the addicts as well as their loved ones. As a result, family and friends often tend to drift apart from the addicts. This pushes them deeper into the pits of despair, where they become fully dependent on the drugs and alcohol to fill the void. We have to break this vicious cycle of substance abuse through continued support and care. That is when residence addiction recovery facilities like Lantana Recovery Outpatient Rehab come in handy where they are welcomed by the trained experts, equipped with the skills to tackle their detoxification journey.

So if your substance abuse problem is damaging your life as well as those surrounding you, then it is time to sign for a treatment program. These are a few of the things you can expect in a standard addiction recovery facility:

Regular Drug Tests

Some facilities offer regular in-house drug testing facilities to its residents as an incentive to do better. The dopamine rush after seeing the improvement aids the patient to adhere to their path. They act as a source of motivation and reinforcement for abstinence. In addition to this, drug testing helps the staff to keep track of any sneaky drug intake. The results from such testing guide the planning of recovery treatment.

Self Acceptance

Self-acceptance is the most integral part of the addiction recovery journey because it strengthens your will-power to grow. When you realize that something inside you needs changing, then you make conscious efforts towards changing it. Acceptance also leads to higher motivation, which in turn speeds up the recovery process and reduces the suffering. Furthermore, it eases you into the post-rehab sober life and decreases the chances of a relapse.

One-on-One Sessions

During the one-on-one counseling sessions with trained counselors, the retreat for men helps you identify the triggers that induce the cravings. They help to pinpoint specific scenarios in which you are most likely to use drugs or alcohol. You learn to avoid them as well as change your coping mechanism and transition towards healthier ones.

These sessions teach you techniques on how to redirect your efforts and time towards more meaningful activities. They help you navigate through the challenges of the detoxification process through improved thinking patterns and behavioral changes.

Group Sessions

As previously mentioned, the most demanding aftermath of substance misuse disorder is the inability to sustain healthy relationships. You are engulfed by the dense clouds of loneliness and despair, which make you feel alien in regular social situations. That is why most rehab facilities offer group counseling sessions where you interact with individuals going through the same conditions. Group counseling is crucial because:

  • You can relate to other’s experiences and challenges, thus feeling less alone.
  • You feel understood and accepted.
  • You can learn from their journey.
  • You get to view things from multiple perspectives and viewpoints.
  • These sessions augment your growth process as they ease self-acceptance.


Relapses do not translate to the failure of the recovery process. In fact, they are a natural part of the journey during the initial days. But as long as you take immediate steps to snap out of it, you are back on track. Turn it over rather than turning it off! Since they can interrupt the process, so these are few precautions you can take to bypass them:

  • Try moving to sober homes or rehab facilities to avoid any triggers present at your home.
  • Get rid of all of your drug supplies.
  • Remove people, objects, and places from your life that can prompt you to relapse.
  • Build a social network consisting of sober individuals.

You may feel that you can never break free of your destructive and addictive habits, but luckily you can; through professional treatment along with psychotherapy. Although they are only effective if you have made the deliberate decision and commitment to changing your life for the better. Otherwise, it will be a waste of your time, money, and efforts along with the higher probability of a relapse. So don’t forget to fuel your journey with inner transformation and determination.

Remember, willingness is the key!