Why You Should Use Poster Frames on More Than Just Posters

It is possible to use posters as art and nothing make them stand out more than a high quality frame. If you think about posters, the first thing that likely pops into your head are rock stars, concerts, album covers and movies. However, there are lots of legitimate art pieces that are available in poster format.

Let’s Talk Real Art and Prints

There are lots of real art work prints that are on posters. By using poster frames these art pieces can be easily displayed and it is a very economical way of decorating a space. Decorators can use almost any type of image or photo on a poster which is quite interesting.

Currently, there are numerous posters that have replicas of famous art pieces. If you’re looking for art to place in your home theater room or even family room, then you can even use old movie posters for decoration. You can easily get these type of posters at your local video store and you may even be able to get them at no charge.

Additional Uses

In addition to using poster frames for posters, you can also use them for showing off awards or memorabilia. You can even make a beautiful collage of photos for your home. Poster frames are great to use to hang up children’s art and even display things you’ve collected such as post cards, stamps and other collector’s items.


The great thing about poster frames is that they are very cheap and you can easily find them. These frames are also very light and you don’t need to do much in order to install them. These frames are very flexible and versatile which means that you can decorate them in any way that you desire. Just about anyone can use these frames and there is no matting.

Types Of Poster Frames

There are lots of black wood or metal frames you can choose from that will help you to display your art without much distraction from the art piece. All you need to do is visit one of these shops and discuss your needs with the framer.

They will likely show you lots of great options that will make your art piece stand out. Most posters are very colorful so the black metal or wood poster frames will do a good job of complementing them. No matter what frame you choose, always ensure that it actually complements your poster/art piece.

Buying Poster Frames

There are many places you can purchase these frames such as at craft stores, discount warehouses, home stores etc. You can of course use online retailers like Amazon as well or Frame Destination for more customizable options.

The cost of poster frames are usually more affordable because there are a lot of materials available including plastic/acrylic. Do note that these frames are not very strong and can be easily scratched.

There are many other types of poster frames including much more durable options like wood or metal and even many elaborate ones. You should consider the theme of your poster when selecting the frame. So, for example, if your poster is sci-fi or has a futuristic theme, then you may want to consider a silver poster frame. If you have a poster that has a classical theme then you can use a gold leaf frame.

Preserving The Poster

It is recommended that you discuss how to preserve the frames and poster from the framer. So, for example, if you have a vintage poster or even a limited edition poster, then these will have to get treated using archival materials first.

You should also use UV protective glass since this will go a long way in actually preventing your poster from fading over time. If you have a valuable poster, then make sure that the backing used is acid free so that there aren’t any issues with discoloration. If you are framing regular posters, then they don’t need as much care and preservation.

This is because they can be easily re-printed over time and replaced. The majority of custom frame stores have dry mounting as a service which will make sure your poster remains flat. However, if you are framing a particularly valuable poster, make sure not to do any dry mounting since this will actually reduce its value quite significantly.

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