Free Resources to Help You Improve Your Writing Skills

Your writing and speaking skills play an important role in your life. Sometimes, this role is bigger than you think at first. Suppose you have something to do with a text. For instance, you want to become a writer, you are a student who writes various essays, or your activity involves writing in one way or another. In any of these cases, you should pay attention to the quality of your skills. Expressing your thoughts in plain language may not be a big deal for you, but as soon as your task requires something more complicated, you face a challenge. Well, creating a good text is a skill that goes beyond knowing grammar rules. And even though the latter plays a crucial role in this process, you should pay attention to other aspects. Thus, one cliché or a bulky phrase can spoil the whole impression of the text and leave an unpleasant aftertaste. So, if you don’t want to ask anyone, “Please write me an essay because I cannot fail again,” then it is time to solve the problem. If you have financial issues and are not ready to waste your money on tutors, you can start with free resources that will help you develop your writing skills.

1. Grammarly

If you don’t get your A-grade papers just because your essay is full of mistakes and some misprints, Grammarly is what you really need. It is an online word processor, but it is twice as better than any usual processor you are used to. It can fix more than 260 types of different errors you might make in your text and suggest more suitable expressions and words to make your text sound much better. One of the great features is the ability to install its extension for your browser and get all your texts checked, whether it is an e-mail or your usual post on Facebook that you create using your browser. Over time you will notice how your vocabulary has enhanced and how much better you have started writing your texts. If you understand that you want to get maximum out of this service, you can get a premium subscription.

2. QuickandDirtyTips

It is one of the best free resources that will help you significantly develop your writing skills. Previously this web service was known under another name, Grammar Girl, so that you might have heard about it somewhere. Here you will find a huge number of short tips that reveal the essence of the issue and help you develop your writing skills in a short time. If you have some grammar questions, you will be able to find the answers on this website. You will hardly face any difficulties in understanding the material provided since it is given in an interesting and pretty simple manner. Before I found out about this resource, I had been paying someone to write my essay for cheap since I wanted to get high grades. You will enrich your vocabulary and develop writing style since the blog covers a tremendous number of topics.

3. Thesaurus

If you start devoting at least 30 minutes to your vocabulary every day, you will reach great results pretty soon, and this service will become your main helper. Here you will be provided with alternative wording to express your ideas brightly and vividly. You will get access to a great selection of synonyms to develop your writing skills and show your expertise in the chosen area. Thus, if you want to simplify and make your texts sound more confidently, you should immerse yourself in this resource to get the best out of it. Besides, you will find out what words are overused, so you should expel them from your vocabulary.

4. Grammar Monster

It is one of the most useful free resources on the Internet that will help you develop your writing skills dramatically and reach a completely new level. It covers numerous topics that relate to punctuation and different parts of speech. The user-friendly format will make the learning process easier and interesting, so you will turn yourself into an advanced writer who skillfully uses the language. If you have some grammar dilemmas, this service will help you meet this challenge. All the explanations and rules are provided together with examples to avoid any misunderstandings. You should be literate to attract smart people and impress them with your writing skills. If your paperwork is full of grammar mistakes, the chances are high that a person will not have a desire to read it till the end.

5. Grammar Book

It is another great resource that will come in handy when you decide to develop your writing skills and knowledge. This service will provide you with different grammar quizzes to make the studying process more efficient since you will be able to reinforce the gained knowledge. Every Tuesday, you will get a portion of updates and blog posts. Don’t ignore quizzes if you are aimed at strengthening your grammar skills. It doesn’t matter what your occupation is, but you will hardly do without sound grammar skills if you want to make a good impression on others.

6. Grammar Girl

Some short and dirty writing advice from Mignon Fogarty. Grammar Girl offers succinct, approachable advice to help you write better. Grammar Girl explains the grammatical principles and standards for word usage that may baffle even the finest writers while using memory techniques to make difficult grammar issues simple.

7. The Guide to Grammar and Writing

An older but still extremely helpful website that can assist you in producing better sentences, paragraphs, essays, and research papers.

8. Paradigm Online Writing Assistant

This website has several helpful articles that explain typical grammatical errors, fundamental punctuation, fundamental sentence principles, etc. Well worth a visit and a read. Similar topics, but with additional examples, may be found at the Learning Centre.

9. Jack Lynch’s Guide to Grammar and Style

These notes are a collection of grammar rules and explanations, style comments, and usage suggestions made by Associate Professor Jack Lynch for his students at the Rutgers University Newark campus.

10. English Style Guide – Economist

This manual is based on the style manual sent to all The Economist journalists. Various tips on how to employ metaphors, punctuation, figures, hyphens, etc. are provided on the website. concise and exact.

11. Poynter Writing Tools

A website devoted to journalists and authors. Additionally, Fifty Writing Tools: Quick List, a compilation of podcasts about writing, is available from Poynter.

12. Learning lab or writing skills

In 10 simple courses, this video will teach you the fundamentals of creating engaging copy. After that, you will receive suggestions for professional copywriting training along with links to guides on creating winning headlines and SEO copywriting.

13. CopyBlogger

Your copywriting abilities will set you apart and enable you to flourish now that blogging has emerged as the most intelligent method for building an authoritative website. In this situation, Copyblogger is useful. Popular copywriting blogger Brian Clark offers helpful advice, principles, and concepts.

14. Write to Done

Blog on the craft and the art of writing by Leo Babuta. The blog discusses a wide range of subjects, including journalism, writing for blogs, freelancing, fiction and nonfiction, gaining book deals, the writing industry, and the habit of writing. updated every two weeks.

15. Copywriting

The copywriting website is stuffed full of helpful tips, articles, tools, and services designed to teach you how to create an enticing, money-making copy. Copy that shifts perceptions and significantly improve your outcomes. So, enter immediately; you will appreciate what you see! It offers articles, tools, copywriting training, and much more.

16. OneLook Dictionary Search

The OneLook search engine has indexed more than 13,5 million words from more than 1024 online dictionaries. On one website, you can look up, define, and translate terms.

17. OneLook Reverse Dictionary

With the help of OneLook’s reverse dictionary, you may explain a notion and receive a list of words and phrases associated with it. You can use a few words, a statement, a question, or even just one word to describe anything.

18. Online Spell Checker

You may use a free online spell checker to get prompt, precise results for texts in 28 different languages. (German, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, etc.).

19. GNU Aspell

A Windows thesaurus and dictionary that can search up terms in practically any software with a single click in English. Although it operates offline, it has the ability to look up terms in online dictionaries like the Wikipedia encyclopedia. Proper nouns, 150 000 root words, 120 000 synonym sets, and definitions and synonyms are all included in the free version’s features.

20. Wordcounter

The most commonly occurring words in any particular corpus of text are ranked by Wordcounter. Use this to identify terms you frequently use or to simply extract a document’s keywords. An alternate tool is Text Statistics Generator, which provides a rapid examination of word frequency.

21. Advanced Text Analyzer

With the help of this free tool, you may analyze texts and determine their word count, lexical density, words per sentence, character count, readability, word analysis, phrase analysis, and graded analysis. Useful!

22. Graviax Grammar Checker

Grammar checker and grammar rules (XML files with regular expressions). Only for the English language at the moment, however, this could change. The guidelines include unit testing. It may serve as the foundation for an OpenOffice grammar checker.

23. Markdown

For web authors, Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool. Markdown enables you to write in a simple, straightforward plain text format before converting it to structurally sound XHTML. (or HTML). needs Perl 5.6.0 or a later version.

24. — Writing Service

You require assistance with your writing but are short on time. You may get custom-written texts that are suited to your demands from the writing service

25. English Forums

Join these forums if you have a query about English grammar to receive guidance from people who are more knowledgeable about the subject or who can provide you with some relevant information.

26. The Ultimate Writing Productivity Resource

A collection of websites, services, tools, articles, groups, and other materials for writers and bloggers who desire to develop their writing abilities.

27. The Writing Center for Writing Studies

One of the most cutting-edge resources, this one is appropriate for those learning particular English functions and styles. Although it is a comprehensive resource, it still offers elements that will be useful to newer and less experienced authors. For instance, you can study up on the fundamentals of speech, and writing, and how these two interact in addition to conducting extensive research on English ideas.

28. Study Guides and Strategies

Definitely not a website for newcomers. This website caters to those who are proficient in both English and study techniques and are now looking for higher marks and grades. This should be your first point of contact if you are seeking more than simply a passing grade. The website is fantastic since it covers many different concepts rather than just imparting facts that you must memorize. It assists you in learning in the classroom, outside of it, and collaboratively. Before it helps you become a better writer, it helps you study more effectively. It is a novel strategy, but it is incredibly successful and will be very helpful to anyone trying to exceed expectations.

29. English Practice

This website’s title has to be the best one ever. You get complete access to all the English practice functions you may possibly require. It is not a location where you may improve your English. You may test and sharpen your English abilities there. You should look at this page after you feel you have retained enough information to pass your examinations. Utilize your knowledge to test your understanding, identify your areas of weakness, and then use this website to enhance your writing.

30. A Research Guide

This website is for you if you are writing an essay and want to get a few additional points. It includes writing manuals that demonstrate how to properly draft certain parts of your work. It offers literature tips that you would typically have to pay for and assists you in writing in a manner that academics love.

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