Understanding Your Body As You Get Older

Everybody gets old. It’s an irreversible process that entails lots of changes in our bodies. There’s no surprise as humans are complex organisms with nearly limitless functions and features. However, as people age, the body cannot keep up and lacks the support needed for repairs. As such, it is best to have a better understanding of your body as it ages. Remember, the key is to age well by adapting to logical habits and rules that will keep the body as active, healthy, and comfortable as possible. So, read below the things you should know and do as your body gets older.


Your heart never chills out, pumping blood 24 hours a day. In fact, it will beat about 100,000 times in one day, 35 million times in a year, and a whopping 2.5 billion times in an average lifetime!

As you get older, the heart’s electrical system suffers from normal wear and tear. Blood vessels lose their elasticity and become stiffer, while fat deposits may pile up on the artery wall. Thus, making it more pretty difficult for the heart to pump blood. The extra work it requires can lead to high blood pressure and other heart conditions.

There are lots of things you can do to keep the heart healthy. First, stay active, even as you age. Take moderate exercises, such as walking or running, to regulate your weight and keep your blood pressure level down.

Healthy eating is another way to support the heart. Go for healthy proteins from fish and poultry and healthy fats from nuts, avocados, flax seeds, and olive oil. Of course, don’t miss out on other heart-healthy fruits and vegetables. 

Lastly, get adequate sleep and manage stress. Both can do wonders in repairing and keeping your heart in excellent condition.

Bones and Joint

You might see other people becoming shorter as they age or no longer having the same stance when they were younger. That happens because bones shrink in density and size starting at age 40 onwards. Moreover, they become weaker, making them vulnerable to fracture.

Meanwhile, joints also lose suppleness and strength, with the cartilage and fluids that support them also deteriorates and lessens with aging. That is why many older people suffer from arthritis as the connective tissues wear away, causing the bones to rub against each other. Thus, leading to stiffness, swelling and pain.

Ensure that you get lots of calcium to boost your bone health. Excellent calcium sources include dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, fish with edible bones like canned salmon and sardines, and dark green leafy vegetables like kale and broccoli.

Enough calcium intake is a must, but you also need to ensure that you get vitamin D. It aids in calcium absorption and in keeping your bones’ strength. Spend time in the early morning sunlight as it is the best source of vitamin D. Afterward, you can add other foods, such as mushrooms, egg yolks, fish like tuna, herring, and sardines, and fortified foods.

Meanwhile, regular exercise can also help delay or prevent bones and joints normal wear-and-tear and keep their flexibility and strength. Combine it with a healthy diet with lots of calcium and vitamin D can do a lot for your bones and joints.

Urine Control

Another change you will notice as you age is the difficulty to control your bladder. Some individuals may experience leakage as they cough or sneeze, while others urinate large amounts even if they don’t want to. The condition is called urinary incontinence, which implies that the person’s control of the urinary sphincter is weakener or lost.

Urinary incontinence is caused by different factors, such as hormone level changes in women, while prostate’s enlargement can be the culprit for men.

If you experience any symptoms, consult a doctor immediately as most cases can be regulated or even cured. Staying away from bladder irritants, such as sodas, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, tomato-based products, spicy and acidic foods, can also help ease the problem.

Bowel Movement

Emptying your bowels may not also be as regular as you get older. The digestive system tends to slow down with age, which means it cannot pass waste through as quickly as before, leading to constipation. Conditions commonly affecting older people like diabetes, depression, and Parkinson’s disease may also require medications that aggravate constipation.

Drinking lots of water and increasing daily dietary through the consumption of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables will help relieve constipation. Meanwhile, physical activity is encouraged to improve the regularity of bowel movement.

Eyes and Ears

Changes in your vision and hearing are most likely the first ones you will notice from within as you age. It will be more challenging to see things up close and harder to view things in low-light conditions. Colors may not be as vivid, and shapes may not be as defined. That is because the lens of the eyes stiffens, and your visual field decreases as you age. Moreover, different eye problems also come with aging, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts, worsening the issue.

In terms of hearing, you might not be able to hear clearly as you were young, requiring your loved ones to talk to you too closely or loudly. It will also be harder to hear high frequencies or in crowded areas, such as shopping centers or busy streets. The effects are usually gradual, often caused by the changes in the inner ear and irreparable damage in the hair cells.

Besides regular consultation, you can keep your vision as healthy as possible by protecting wearing hats or sunglasses to shield your eyes from harmful UV Light. Reducing screen time, be it on the TV or smartphone, can vastly help. Of course, eating foods with the nutrient beta-carotene will aid in your night vision.

On the other hand, you can avoid age-related loss of hearing by wearing ear muffs or ear-plugs and veering away from noise exposure and loud noises.

Skin, Hair, and Nails

Lots of noticeable physical changes happen in the body, too. Hair starts growing slower, thinner, and turning gray. Nails also take longer to grow while becoming brittle in the longer run. Of course, the skin becomes dry, sags, and wrinkles begin to appear.

To combat such effects, you can take marine fish extract and biotin that boosts hair production. Skin will do better with moisturizers, and drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated. For the nails, preventive care is needed, such as avoiding it from getting wet and having professional nail care will both help maintain the nails’ structure.

Teeth and Gums

While teeth are incredibly strong, years of everyday usage chewing, crunching, and grinding will wear away the teeth natural covering. Gums also recede with age, and the combination of both conditions puts older people at higher risks for infection, tooth decay, and eventual tooth loss. 

Regardless of age, you must brush twice daily and floss at least once a day to remove plaque or food that may be stuck between your teeth. Rinsing with antiseptic wash will also help kill harmful bacteria that can live in your teeth, tongue, and mouth. And, never miss seeing your dentist regularly for the proper monitoring of your dental health.

Brain and Nervous System

Lastly, the brain and nervous system also dwindle with age. The brain shrinks, and cell production decreases, making it harder for neurons to communicate and pass messages. Thus, affecting your memory, thinking reflexes, and coordination.

If the effects affect your lifestyle or typical living pattern significantly, or if it comes with other symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor right away. A healthcare provider can advise possible ways to keep your brain sharp or help rule out any underlying condition that may need serious medical attention.


You cannot turn back the hands of time to prevent aging. What you can do is try to understand all the changes and accept that it’s a normal process of life. After embracing it, prepare your body, make better lifestyle changes, be patient, and devote more care to yourself – all that will help you make the most of your body as you get older.

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