Tips for Rug Care

Rugs are indeed one of the best decorative and functional pieces you can add to your home, office, or any space. It can add color and style to any room you place them into. However, having some rugs around comes with a daunting task, which is to maintain and clean them. There are many factors when it comes to determining how to best take care of your rugs. It includes their location in your space and the amount of traffic it receives. But aside from that, it also depends on the material of the rug you have that will tell what the best methods are to take good care of them.

Today, we are going to give you some tips on how to take good care of rugs. So if you happened to knock over a glass of wine while winning at you will know what to do.  These tips might also help you decide what type of rug you need if ever you haven’t found the best one for your space yet.

Caring for Synthetic Rugs

There are different types of synthetic rugs and each type of fiber provides varying levels of maintenance requirements. But in general, you can take care of synthetic rugs in the following manner:

  • Vacuum them weekly

You should vacuum synthetic rugs weekly to keep them clean. You can also do it more frequently if the rug is placed in a high traffic area of your home or if it frequently comes in contact with pets or foods.

  • Do not rub them

When you spill something on a synthetic rug, clean them by blotting up the excess liquid. Never rub them with a cloth or brush because that can ruin the rug.

  • Use a stain remover as needed

If you spill something on the synthetic rug and it stained, use a stain remover that is recommended by professional rug cleaners. Before using it on the affected area, make sure to test it on a corner spot first to see if it will not ruin the rug.

Synthetic rugs should be cleaned by a professional every 1 to 2 years, and more frequently if it’s placed in a high traffic area.

Caring for a Wool Rug

Wool rugs are more durable but more expensive as well. They can repel liquids, making them more durable. Here are some tips on how to care for wool rugs.

  • Vacuum them twice a month

It is ideal to vacuum wool rugs only twice a month because over vacuuming them can increase shedding and can also damage the fibers. So if you want to keep the fibers intact, it’s better to stick to a regular vacuuming schedule.

  • Vacuum the underside every two months

The underside of the wool rug should be vacuumed every two months to remove any dirt and dust that may have formed or it may have picked up through its fibers.

  • Do not rub and use a professional spot cleaner

Like synthetic rugs, you shouldn’t rub wool rugs as well in case of spills. Just gently blot the liquid up using a clean cloth and then use a spot cleaner to treat it in case of stains.

  • Use a rug pad

If you want to keep your wool rug in its tip-top shape, using a rug pad can help.

Just like synthetic rugs, wool rugs should also be cleaned by a professional every 1 to 2 years, depending on their location and how you use them.

Caring for Coarse Textured, Plant Material Rugs

Plant material rugs are those made from natural fibers and they are identified by their coarse texture. Unlike other types of rugs made from other fibers, they need different care.

  • Know if they can be vacuumed

There are some plant material rugs that can be vacuumed but it depends on the texture of the weave. If your plant material rug cannot be vacuumed, you can simply take it outside and gently beat to remove dust and dirt.

  • Vacuum underneath

Occasionally, or when you’re vacuuming your home, move the plant material rug and vacuum underneath it to help remove debris.

  • Flip it over

When you vacuum the rug or beat it outside, flip it over upon replacing. This way, the rug will achieve more even wear.

  • Scrub with a soft brush and water

In case you spill something on a plant material rug, you can soak up excess liquid with a cloth then scrub the stain using a soft brush and soapy water. Since it is made of natural materials, it is very absorbent, making it more prone to stains. If a soft brush and soapy water won’t do the trick in removing the stain, maybe it’s time to call a rug cleaning professional to help.

General Rug Caring Tips


Here are some of the general tips we can give to keep your rugs looking and feeling as good as new.

  • Vacuum them regularly

Of course, you need to check first if your rug is safe to be vacuumed. If it is, then do it regularly. Use a trusted vacuum cleaner, preferably one that does not have beater bars and then vacuum your rugs on a low-power setting to ensure that they are safe. Also, do not vacuum your rugs’ fringes because this could accelerate its wear and tear and can also pull the fringe right off the rug.

  • Rotate the rug occasionally

This will help promote even wear and it also lets the more highly-trafficked parts of the rug get rest from daily exposure and use.

  • Blot instantaneously

In case of drink spills, oil splatters, and the like, make sure to blot them instantly using a clean cloth. Press firmly around the affected area to absorb as much of the spill. This can help prevent the liquids from staining your rug.

  • Use a rug pad

Rug pads are really helpful in keeping rugs beautiful and in great shape. They can help in reducing excessive shedding because they reduce high-traffic wear on the surface of the rugs. Aside from extending the life of your rug, it can also prevent them from slipping and sliding.

  • Read labels

There are rugs that come with care labels. It’s important to read those labels carefully and follow the cleaning and care directions it suggests. This will really help in maintaining the beauty of your rugs.  Taking care of your rug will help to ensure you can enjoy it or the long term including paying  lounging and enjoying and other activities.

It’s important to treat each rug you have as unique pieces. If you follow these simple tips and steps in taking care of your rugs, they will surely give you years of comfort while giving the rooms in your home a wonderful look. If you’re looking for something that will help you in sanitizing your rugs at home, you can check out our post about the Best Handheld UV Sanitizing Vacuums for options.