How to Spot Potential Health Problems in Dogs: Prevention is the Key

No one thinks about the day when they’ll need to find a veterinarian for their dog. We love our dogs unconditionally and want them to live forever, but that’s not always possible. Sometimes your dog will be in full energy mode while sometimes sitting quietly in a corner. It becomes challenging to understand whether it is really tired or facing any health issues.

If you’re a dog owner, then you should know how to spot some of the most common health problems because if you are unaware of any condition, your dog will have to suffer. Thus, we have come up with this post that mentions the common health problems faced by dogs, so you can take your pup in if they show any of these symptoms. Some dogs need a dog knee brace to support them to stand-up, and can play and run with the other dogs.

Skin allergies and other skin conditions:

  • If a dog starts excessively licking themselves or biting at an area that itches, then there could be an underlying issue like fleas, allergies, parasites, etc. Some of the most likely causes are flea bites, contact with chemicals or grasses that your pet has been in contact with, food sensitivities to certain meats or grains, etc. In this case, you should take your dog for a bath using an anti-allergy shampoo like oatmeal shampoo and oral medication if needed. Also, make sure to contact the veterinarian immediately so they can prescribe treatment for whatever may be bothering our furry friend!
  • Arthritis: Arthritis can be caused by old age but is connected to accidents as well, so make sure to avoid any jumps from high heights or stairs where possible; exercise will help relieve pain too! Use warm water on arthritic joints at least twice daily while applying some kind of lubricating creams such as natural coconut oil, shea butter, or olive oil.
  • Obesity: Obesity can result in many health problems, including diabetes, liver disease, and arthritis as well! Feeding your high-quality dog food with fewer calories is the essential step to take, but you should also regulate their activity by taking them on more walks and playing fetch a couple of times per week.


Infections are often caused by infections from bacteria such as salmonella, which can be transmitted via rodents, cats, or even humans who come into contact with an infected dog’s saliva while they’re licking themselves clean. Watch out for any symptoms like diarrhea, fever (can indicate distemper), vomiting blood, etc.

  • Ear infections: When your dog constantly keeps scratching their ears, it may be the sign of an ear infection. Ear infections are usually caused by allergens such as dust mites which can cause a lot of irritation for your dog and have to be treated quickly.
  • Contact dermatitis: Contact Dermatitis is also known as “Hot Spots” because they often appear around areas where there’s been friction against skin or hair, like when he lies down on bedding that doesn’t fit him properly, gets wet in rain puddles, or even after being groomed with harsh shampoos or brushes. Treating your dog immediately should stop the itching and redness before any nasty sores start forming!

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia occurs from abnormal development, but it could be treated if it’s caught early. Signs of Hip Dysplasia are limping, trouble to keep balance, and maybe even some difficulty jumping up onto things like beds or couches.

  • Labrador Retriever Cancer: Labrador Retrievers have a higher risk for cancer than any other type of dog, but this doesn’t mean they’ll always develop it! Watch out for lumps that grow in size to be sure you’re catching the problem before it gets too big.
  • Liver Shunt: The liver is an organ with many functions, including detoxification and digestion, which means if there’s something not going right inside your pup’s liver, then he might show signs such as vomiting regularly, lack of appetite, or having random seizures. This can also happen when dogs become too sensitive to a certain food, so it’s important to take your dog in if he shows signs of a liver shunt.
  • Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland either doesn’t produce enough hormones or malfunctions and produces too many, leading to a low metabolism rate, leading to weight gain and lethargy. You might notice that your pup seems tired all the time, has extra fat on its body, and maybe even some hair loss as well!
  • Toxoplasmosis: Toxoplasmosis is one of those infections where you’re more likely than not going to get sick from it but good news! The risk’s pretty small for dogs because most of them are natural carriers (meaning they have the infection without any symptoms. It can, however, affect the dog’s brain and cause seizures. If you’re observing any of these symptoms in your pup, then it might be a good idea to take him in toto see his vet!

Congenital deafness

Congenital deafness is when a dog was born without hearing, so he may not come when called or startle at loud noises like thunderstorms. It’s essential for owners to know how to spot this because if they don’t notice anything, that could mean closer-to-home problems such as having no warning before someone steps on their tail!

  • Straining/constipation: Straining while defecating usually means there are some issues with the food. Make sure the dog’s diet is high in fiber, and always make sure they have plenty of water. If not, then constipation could be a problem that needs to be taken care of through medicine or surgery. Straining while defecating can also mean there are some issues with their bladder, so it might be a good idea to take your pup to a veterinarian to see if they’re noticing any changes!
  • Stomach ache: If your dog is constantly whining or crying, it could be experiencing some stomach pains. It’s important to take them in to see their vet if you notice any changes in the frequency of urination, bowel movement, and appetite because these are all signs the pain might have something more serious going on! Besides, if there’s any bloating stomach problem, you will find a home remedy for dog bloated stomach to cure them.


There isn’t always time for prevention but being aware of what some common health problems can mean before taking your pup in will help with nurturing a healthy relationship between pet and owner.