How to Easily Clean Your Carpet

There are currently different flooring products, such as bamboo, wood, stone, cork, and tiles. Despite the diversity, carpeting remains popular. According to statistics, the carpet industry contributes to about 50% of the US’s flooring market. Many people love carpeting because of its warmth and softness. To enjoy this warmth, you should maintain your carpet and keep it clean. A clean carpet creates an image of a clean home and is beneficial to your health. In this article, we shall continue to share ways on how you can clean your carpet easily.

Clean Using a Machine/ Steam Cleaning

Most steam cleaning systems perform the cleaning using the water extraction method. The systems inject a solution into the carpet pile then pull the dirty solution back into the machine. That’s how simple the cleaning is performed. The cost of these systems is dependent on their extraction power. Therefore, you should consider the most expensive system you can afford to relieve the burden of water extraction.

The fantastic thing about these cleaning systems is that they don’t get your carpet overly wet. This can easily damage your carpet, cause shrinkage, discolor the carpet, and trigger a foul odor. When it comes to shopping for the right carpet cleaning machine, experts from often insist that you stick to popular models, such as Prochem, Truvox, Victor, and Rug Doctor. Recognized brands are designed for functionality and durability. The good thing is that you can always find a model that suits your budget.

Seek the Help of a Professional

Why should you persevere the hassles of cleaning your carpet while you can have professionals do the task? If you don’t have free time to perform the task, bringing a pro on board can save you significant time. Professional carpet cleaners use different carpet cleaning methods, and you have the chance to pick your preferred option. Hiring a pro ensures quick and perfect work as they are more experienced with different carpets. Today, there are many carpet cleaning companies out there. So, you have the advantage of picking one that meets your budget and location. Thanks to the internet, the search and booking for a cleaner can now be done at the comfort of your home.


As professional carpet cleaners will always tell you, a carpet is like a giant air filter. It gathers all sorts of dirt and dust. When not attended to, the dirt and dust can pose a health hazard to your family. Besides, the two can cause the wearing of your carpet’s fibers over time. Owning a vacuum cleaner and vacuuming the carpet regularly can help save the situation. To ensure a perfect vacuuming, professionals often insist that you stay cautious and take your time to work on the overlapping strokes. Three backward and forward strokes can help much in ensuring a clean carpet.

Clean with Vinegar

Although vinegar is used mostly in the kitchen, it can be used in other ways, such as cleaning your carpet. When it comes to cleaning your carpet using vinegar, you should begin by tackling any stains first before you proceed. Also, do a patch check first to ensure that your carpet can handle it.

When you are ready, make a solution of one part white vinegar to three parts water. If you have a plant mister, add the solution there, and spray the solution on your carpet. Leave it for a few minutes so that it can do its work. Go ahead and blot with a clean microfiber cloth. When doing this, don’t you ever scrub at a stain.

Clean the Floor

It doesn’t make sense at all, spending your time cleaning the carpet and floor dirty as it was. Cleaning the floor should be the first thing you do before you even clean your carpet. When cleaning, ensure that you cover every area. The areas covered by carpets and under the seats often accumulate plenty of dirt and dust. Therefore, you should remove the carpet and turn all the seats upside down to thoroughly clean the area.

Freshen up the Carpet Using Baking Soda

Baking soda is also an essential item when it comes to the cleaning of your carpet. Therefore, when you are done cleaning your carpet, ensure that you sprinkle a fair amount of baking soda on the carpet and let it wait for about ten minutes. Baking soda is known to absorb odors and cling to dirt particles. This eases the removal of dirt once the ten minutes are over. Besides, the trick helps leave your carpet looking super clean.  You can also clean all the fabric in your home with great services like Upholstery Edinburgh.

Carpet cleaning is a tiring undertaking. At the same time, it’s hard to avoid it as a homeowner since everyone wishes for a clean home. Highlighted in this article are tips and tricks you can utilize to ensure that your carpet is kept clean at all times.

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