How to Clean Your Home in Record Time – Tips and Suggestions

We all want a clean home, but not everyone has the time to clean their living space from top to bottom. Unfortunately, that is why some people have been known to allow dust and dirt accumulate in their houses until it becomes an unsanitary mess.

If you are a busy person who is worried about the amount of time it takes to keep your house clean, do not worry because we have a few tips that will help you clean your house in record time.

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Hire a Professional

I know what you’re thinking. Most people cannot afford to pay someone to clean their home. However, for a spotless home in record time, hiring a pro  is the way to go.

Professional Cleaners come with all the cleaning supplies and use equipment such as mops, brooms, and vacuum cleaners. They’re also highly proficient in  cleaning specific surfaces such as glass, stainless steel, marble, and wood because they’ve been doing it for years.

Furthermore, professional cleaners will clean your home in record time without compromising on the quality of their work. Why? Because for any business, their client is their number one asset. Reputable and experienced companies, like Sidepost, for example will do everything in their power to ensure they get your home cleaned fast without sacrificing the quality of their work.

Plan Before You Clean

You will be amazed at how much time you’ll save by planning before you clean, finding that planning is the key to cleaning your home in record time.

Before you commence with any project, you need to draw up an action plan so it’s essential when it comes to cleaning your house as well. What you should do is make a list of all the rooms or surfaces that need to be cleaned and then create a schedule. It also lets you focus on a single task at a time, which can help you clean your home faster.

One of the most common mistakes people make when trying to clean is attacking every problem at once, which is a recipe for disaster. You should separate tasks into categories and focus on one room at a time so it allows you to work more purposefully and efficiently.

For example, you might want to start with the bathroom or kitchen since they need the most attention. Spend some time cleaning your bathroom so you can get rid of all those germs and bacteria that can cause illnesses, then move onto the next – it’s your choice.

Declutter and Organize Your Home First, then Clean Cleaning Will Be Easier

I’ll be the first to admit that cleaning is easier when you have less stuff in your house.  Clutter covers our floors, furniture, and countertops so it’s almost impossible to keep our homes free of dust and bacteria.

Furthermore, it’s a fact that clutter can interfere with your work and cause accidents as well. That’s why it’s essential to declutter your home before you start with the actual cleaning, which will allow you to clean your home quicker than ever.

Once you clear out all the clutter and organize everything else, getting rid of dust and dirt will be a walk in the park because there won’t be anything blocking your access to specific areas. No more moving heavy appliances just to reach those hard to reach areas!

Use Ingredients in Your Home

Don’t have the time to go to the supermarket to purchase cleaning products?  No problem. You can actually utilize the ingredients in your kitchen so you don’t have to spend a ton of money on cleaning supplies.

There are several household items that have been proven as effective cleansers such as baking soda, white vinegar, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. Not only do they help remove dirt and grime, but lemon juice in particular, gives off a fresh scent that fills your home with a pleasant aroma.

You can use baking soda and vinegar to clean up spills on your stovetop. Just sprinkle some baking soda and spray some vinegar onto your stovetop, wait for 15-30 minutes and gently wipe with a cloth.

Toothpaste is also another household item which you can incorporate into your cleaning schedule. If you have dirty mirrors, applying toothpaste and waiting for it to dry will help  eliminate any stains.

Clean Your Floors on a Regular Basis

Your floors are one of the dirtiest surfaces in your house, which is why it’s essential to clean them on a daily basis. Not only will you eliminate all those germs and bacteria that love to pile up on the surface, but you’ll also save time because once you’re finished mopping the floors they’ll be sparkly clean.

By allowing dirt to build up overtime, it not only becomes harder to clean your floor but it can also  cause damage to your flooring. Don’t let that happen because then you’ll have to invest in new floors which will definitely cost you a pretty penny.

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Other Tips on How to Clean Your Home in Record Time

Cut off Distractions by Shutting off Your Phone

Even highly skilled individuals are susceptible to becoming distracted. Your daily activities will be easier to manage if you get rid of as many interruptions as you can. Reduce the amount of time you spend staring at a screen by turning off the television, turning off the computer, and putting your phone on vibrate. Also, put off more labor-intensive tasks for another time, such as organizing the linen closet or putting away bed and pillow sheets and comforters.

Always Clean the Dishes

If you are the type of person who tends to let the dishes build up in the sink to avoid washing them, try this easy approach to put the amount of effort needed in washing the dishes into perspective. Before beginning to wash the dishes on any of the following days, start a timer and make a note of how long the process took. Do this whenever the thought occurs. It will be much easier for you to convince yourself to take care of the dishes right now if you know that completing the chore would only take a few minutes of your time.

In cleaning Burned Pans and Pots

If you want to clean a pot or pan that has been badly burned without having to scrape it, cover the burned area with a good amount of baking soda, and then pour hot water into the pot until it is between a third and half full. When the water is no longer too hot to touch, bring in the sponge and begin scrubbing the burned area with the baking soda solution. Do this until the area is clean. Remove the solution, then wash the saucepan with hot water and some dish soap.

Always Keep Your Sink Clean

Using a multi-purpose cleaner allows for the removal of germs and debris from meals from the sink, particularly the faucet. Because our hands are often coated in raw chicken, the faucet is something that should be cleaned more frequently. We should all do this. In addition, you need to remember to clean your sponges regularly. You can do this by placing them in the microwave or dishwasher to get them cleaned. 

If you are going to use a microwave, first check to see if the sponge has any metal in it. After that, soak the sponge thoroughly in water and heat it in the microwave for two minutes; take caution while removing it from the microwave because it will be quite hot. 

If your sponge holder has acquired mold or bacterial buildup, use a toothbrush dipped in bleach or white vinegar to clean away the mold. But, you should never use both solutions together because doing so causes a harmful chemical reaction. After that, you should either put the sponge caddy in the dishwasher or wash it by hand with hot, soapy water.

Each Room Should Be Thoroughly Cleaned from Top to Bottom

Shake the surfaces to dislodge crumbs, dust, and hair off your pet before you give in to the temptation to use the vacuum for a quick clean-up. When cleaning each room, make sure to follow the top-to-bottom guideline and knock dust and dirt from drapes, bookshelves, lampshades, and mantles onto the floor as you work your way down. After that, vacuum everything up. You do not have to worry about where the dust goes and if you have a good vacuum, you will be able to clean the space in a shorter amount of time.

Do the Simple Tasks First

Get the basics down first. You can get the motivation you need to tackle larger cleaning projects in high-traffic sections of the house, such as the kitchen and bathrooms, by giving a few rooms with low traffic a quick and easy makeover. You will gain the motivation to complete the remaining aspects of your home. The dining area, the living room, or the home office are all wonderful places to begin if you want to get organized in your house.

Replace Your Soap

Before you ever take up a scrub brush, you should have a plan for your cleaning. Soaps made with glycerin or vegetable oil should be kept in the bathroom to ensure that the walls and floor of the shower maintain their luster for as long as possible. These soaps have a better ability to rinse clean than traditional soaps based on tallow, which tend to leave a white, slimy film of soap scum on the walls of your shower.

Tune Up Your Vacuum

Maintaining your vacuum properly will ensure that it operates at peak suction power and efficiency. Once a month, you should clean the machine by replacing the disposable bags, wiping both the interior and the bottom of the machine, and detangling the rotating brush in the area where it gathers hair and tangles it. After that, have a trained technician do maintenance on it once a year.

Keep Things Close at Hand

Investing in a caddy that can hold your cleaning goods and make them easily accessible when you need them is a good idea. Another way in which this helps save time is that it eliminates the need to compile all of the necessary cleaning supplies before getting started.

Set a Schedule for Cleaning

Have a schedule for your time spent cleaning the house and treat it with the same level of importance as you would a job that pays you. This will also assist in preventing the natural urge to wait until you have time to do anything.

Get Rid of Clutter

Go from room to room and pick up any junk that you find before you even begin cleaning. As you take up each object, whether it be a magazine, a well-read paperback book, or an old pair of sneakers, think about whether you should have to put it aside, throw it away, or donate it.

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Cleaning is not a simple activity and completing it in a short amount of time adds another layer of difficulty to the process. To clean your home efficiently, the two most critical items you’ll need are the right cleaning tools and the knowledge to give it a thorough cleaning. The tips and suggestions that were provided above will assist you in cleaning your home more quickly and effectively.