From Daycare to the Office – How It Can Work for You!

When you and your partner, have decided for you to return to work, there may be a few different scenarios that you can use to make your life easier. The good thing is, you can be closer to your child in the process.

In this day and age, there are large companies who have come to realize, returning to work mothers are a vast pool of experience and knowledge that can again be utilized. It is for this reason; some companies now incorporate daycare centers into their business operation to make the best use of these new willing mothers.

If your old company has this facility, all well and good. You could solve two problems in one go. If not, and there a few returns to work mothers who work in the same company, you could maybe suggest this option to your employer. It may just be a business advantage to them, as well as for you.


Secondly, if you wish to return to work, yet you want to work for yourself, there are now a few co-working establishments, that return to work mothers are seeking a solution to their daycare problems. Although, there may not be many in your area, searching to see if there is one in your area, might also be an answer to your problem.

Home Day Care

There is then another option. If you have the experience with children and are in a position to do so, you may be able to join with other like-minded mothers and run your daycare from your own home (space permitting). This can give you the best of both worlds. You have no traveling, and your schedule will not be as chaotic as you are at home already.

Workwise, you have many options depending on your skill levels, and many of these would cover both a co-working center with daycare or if you did have daycare at your own home.

Numerous other businesses seek skilled personnel to help with such duties, as their resume writing services. Unlike the many websites who offer positions to freelance workers, these resume projects are often not as rushed as they have to look more professional.

If you combine either of the co-working spaces, or you have daycare at your home, becoming one of the many resume experts can give you the balance you require for you and your baby.

If you are a budding entrepreneur, you may see there are no co-working spaces with childcare, or companies seeking assistance for resumes. An opportunity may be there waiting for someone to offer both.

Old Company with Flexi Time

If none of these solutions is a viable option for you, and you have to resort to working for your old company, or another without childcare. Flexi-time working may be the answer.

For this, there are several options.

Delayed Start

If you take your child to daycare, it may be possible for you to take them and delay your starting time at your workplace. For the sake of thirty minutes, there should not be many companies who would argue with that. As long as the time is made up, no one will lose out.

With this option, it might mean your partner has to collect your child, or you have to make another agreement with your boss regarding this time.

Five into Four

Working four days rather than five is another alternative, if you can show to your boss you can cram five days’ work into four days, you can save one daycare per week. Your company loses nothing, and you will have plenty to gain by saving those few precious dollars.

Work from Home

Once you have established you have a position, the best time to ask is now. Depending on what your career entails, there is nothing to stop your employer from letting you work from home. With instant communication and internet phones, it is just as easy for you to communicate with your boss as if you were at your desk.

This option can be more than ideal; you will be able to work full-time without having to sacrifice your child, on the days that you work from home. The aggravation and cost savings this option can make would be quite staggering if you calculate it over an extended period.

No matter what option you feel comfortable with, you will see you have many options. Solutions are there waiting for you. All you need to do is choose the option that works best for you.

Employee Benefits

Many workers value the opportunity to spend more time with their kids throughout the workweek through workplace daycare. Some on-site initiatives enable staff members to have lunch and take breaks with their kids or to nurse there. In order to spend more time together, parents might accompany their kids on the commute to and from work. Some parents find that workplace daycare reduces their worry, which enhances their focus at work.

mother checking drawing album image

Company Benefits

Daycare facilities at work can boost employee morale and lower absenteeism and attrition since fewer employees need to take time off to care for their children. The result is fewer business expenses. 

By enabling new moms to return to the workforce sooner, businesses can avoid having to hire and train replacement staff.

Day Care Options

A major business with lots of staff members could decide to set up an on-site daycare facility that solely caters to those staff members. For some companies, partnering with a local organization or educational facility to provide services might be the better option. For instance, Child Care Resource and IBM partnered as a result of the lack of affordable daycare in Rochester, Minnesota. Alongside IBM, a brand-new daycare center was constructed with IBM’s financial support. Smaller businesses in close proximity might think about collaborating to start a neighborhood daycare cooperative. Another choice is to work together with a neighborhood daycare to accept employee kids at a discounted rate.


Companies should think carefully before deciding on a workplace daycare program to be sure it is the right choice. Daycare spaces might become quite expensive if not enough employees use them. The daycare facility must be adaptable enough to appeal to a wide range of parents. For parents of older kids, there is no alternative to on-site daycare. Your business has to come up with solutions for parents of younger school-age kids who cannot attend daycare but still require supervision after school. A complete strategy that might take some time and money to design should cover offering daycare at the place of employment.

Why Companies Should Offer On-Site Childcare Services

1. Childcare Provided On-Site Benefits Everyone

The advantages of on-site daycare are enormous for both the company and the employee. Offering daycare demonstrates to staff that they are valued and deserving of the ease of using an on-site childcare facility.

This provides a platform for excellent employee motivation, which in turn helps the company flourish. That is what we all mean when we say, “fulfill two needs with one deed”!

2. Greater Participation and Productivity

A company that provides on-site childcare services, that utilize a full-service on-site daycare center has higher levels of focus and productivity at work.

An employee can only focus on the task at hand and nothing else. Employees may satisfy their personal requirements, keep an eye on their kids throughout the day, and work without experiencing separation anxiety thanks to on-site daycare.

3. Flexible Empowerment of Employees

The three most crucial elements that affect workplace engagement are Trust, Kindness, and Autonomy. Employees are more likely to exhibit these three qualities if a childcare facility is available on-site.

Additionally, it provides your staff with considerable convenience and flexibility that would not be feasible otherwise.

4. Young people are looking for jobs with on-site childcare

Although they may not yet be parents, millennials are known for being excellent planners. A key decisive element in their employment hunt is childcare. Therefore, providing childcare might position you to draw in the top candidates.

5. Post-Maternity Break Smooth Transition

Knowing that their child is being looked for close by makes it convenient for working parents to attend an early morning meeting or remain for a late-evening meeting.

6. The Mothers of Today Are Relatively Older

Mothers are waiting longer—possibly into their 30s—to have their first child now that family planning alternatives and modern healthcare is available. They are therefore nearing parenthood while still holding prominent positions.

Therefore, childcare will be a factor in maintaining this important group of employees that an organization just cannot afford to lose.

7. More mothers are supporting their families financially

While their children are also essential to them, their professions are. Mothers are the primary breadwinners in the majority of homes nowadays. You do not want to disregard such a sizable portion of the workforce!

8. More fathers are prioritizing their children

We must not neglect working fathers as well. They place a high priority on taking care of one’s family. Childcare takes into account the reality of today’s modern dads, who are just as committed to prioritizing parenthood as moms are. They are equally drawn to jobs that provide on-site daycare.

9. Provides Emotional Security and Stress Relief

Employees’ personal life and the emotional baggage they carry to work have an influence on the workplace. In-house childcare will operate effectively in the workplace if this relationship is not acknowledged.

Additionally, it can lessen the tension and tardiness brought on by separation anxiety. Additionally, having children around the office may boost morale and create motivation for workers to avoid confrontations.

10. More Commitment and Loyalty

A big benefit for employee happiness is having a childcare facility on-site. Even those who do not use it benefit from it since having a center at work makes their coworkers happier and more dependable.

It will advance the company in the proper path since everyone will be working in perfect harmony and with greater loyalty.


Emma Anderson is the head resume writer at Job Frog Resumes – . She balances taking care of her energetic 2-year-old girl, her hungry husband, work career and social life – just managing to fit sleep in there somewhere.

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