Your Ultimate Guide to a Better Smile

Few people are born with the perfect smile, it often has to be achieved. These days, in the age of social media and virtual meetings, a smile can be even more important before. Fortunately for you, if you don’t like the one that you have, there are various ways that you can improve it at this Dentist in Clackamas.  Here are your top options:

Whiten Your Teeth

This is one of the most basic, yet important ways to improve your smile. Regular coffee, tea, and wine drinking as well as consuming staining food can cause your teeth to look worse for wear. Brightening them up can make a world of difference to your grin. For a simple makeover, you can try an at-home treatment. If you are looking for a significant difference, though, look at professional treatments.

Remember that whitening your teeth is only half the battle, though. It is important to keep them that way for as long as possible. Consider changing your diet, quitting smoking, and engaging in better oral health habits. These will work to keep your teeth in better condition for a longer period of time.

Straighten Your Teeth

Very few people are born with straight teeth. If you are like most individuals, then you probably have one or more teeth that are in need of straightening. You may have even made it all the way to adulthood without correcting them and may be now regretting it.

Getting braces as an adult can be pretty embarrassing, but this isn’t your only solution to this problem. There are now invisible retainers and braces that can get your teeth into the right position, while being barely noticeable. This is certainly something that you should try out.

Consider Veneers

In some instances, your teeth may have experienced extensive damage. If so, minimal procedures aren’t going to help. You will need the assistance of Barrie cosmetic dentistry to sort out such an issue. Here, veneers are typically the best option.

They are essentially tooth coverings that are placed in front of your own teeth. You can choose the design and color that is most suitable for your smile. It should be noted that this procedure involves making permanent changes to your teeth. As such, it is something that you will need to continue with for the rest of your life.

Think About Gum Surgery

Gums can alter your smile quite a bit – you don’t want too much or too little gum. There are various oral health issues, though, that can cause such issues. These can be fixed with gum surgery.  If your smile is too gummy, then a cosmetic dentist may use gum contouring techniques to fix the issue.

If you have previously suffered from gum disease, then you may have to undergo a procedure where tissue from the roof of your mouth is attached to your receding gums. This will allow new tissue to grow in its place.

As you can see, there is quite a bit that can be done to fix your smile. It is up to you to decide which avenue is best for you and to proceed with it. You are likely to be quite happy with the results!

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