You Should Include These Essential Minerals in Your Diet

Everyone is talking about which vitamin is the most important for health, but what about minerals? Minerals can help your body develop and maintain health.

In addition to the two apparent types, iron and calcium, some other essential minerals can help your body function and grow efficiently.

For example, adequate mineral intake in the diet is related to energy levels, bone health, and normal thyroid function.

The good news is, if you eat a variety of fresh vegetables every day, your diet may already be healthy. So, without further delay, Let’s get started!

The Essential Minerals

Some minerals are so essential that we cannot function without them. “Each substance plays an important role in hundreds of human functions. It may only require a minimum amount of a specific mineral. Too much or too little will upset the delicate balance of the body.” According to Clinical Nutritionists-Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

What these Essential Minerals Do

It requires many essential metals to activate enzyme molecules that play a vital role in the human body. Metal also has many other critical functions.


Let’s start with the most obvious. We talk a lot about iron because it is essential: Your body needs iron to transport oxygen around your body. If you do not have enough iron, you will feel tired and weak.

Expert tip

Vitamin C can help your body absorb iron quicker. So if your diet contains two items such as broccoli and canola, you will get more benefits.


As we all know, calcium is essential for healthy bones and is especially important for children. Research has shown that providing adequate nutrition early in life helps people achieve their maximum bone mass by 18. They reduce the possibility of developing osteoporosis later in life. Yes, dairy products are high in essential minerals, as are many plant foods such as spinach and beans.


Magnesium is essential for bone health and energy. Insufficient consumption can cause severe fatigue. On the contrary, there is some evidence that it helps you fall asleep. A full night’s sleep will give you more energy during the day. Magnesium is very essential for women.

It is also a huge benefit

Studies have shown that magnesium is related to reducing PMS symptoms. Get it from pumpkin seeds, and you will get an extra dose of Zinc. Studies have shown that Zinc helps prevent cramps.


Zinc has several vital tasks. Your brain needs it for cognition and memory, and it can also help your body produce the essential thyroid hormone T3. Talking about Zinc, oysters can be a good source. They also contain a lot of selenium, which allows the synthesis of thyroid hormones.


Potassium helps regulate blood pressure, so it is crucial for heart health and plays an essential role in the function of our nervous system. Although bananas are a good source, they are not the only source: green potatoes and salmon also contain potassium.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is rich in minerals, which can help strengthen bones. It also contains many other healthy nutrients, including vitamins, collagen, amino acids, and essential fatty acids.

You can get Bone Broth from plenty of pages online. Bone broth is organic and does not contain any additives. It can save you time and provide essential nutrients for your body.

A Few More Minerals You Can Add

Sodium balances the water in the body. It helps transmit nerve impulses and helps to contract muscles.

Chromium helps maintain normal blood sugar levels and allows cells to absorb energy from blood sugar.

Copper helps metabolize fuel, produce red blood cells, and regulate neurotransmitters.

Manganese helps bone formation and the metabolism of amino acids, cholesterol, and carbohydrates.

Molybdenum activates various enzymes that can break down toxins and prevent harmful sulfites build up in the body.

Where do They Come From?

We do not produce essential minerals. We get them mostly from our diet. Generally, minerals come from rocks, soil, and water. They are absorbed by plants when they are growing or by animals when they are eating greens.

However, fresh food is not the only source of minerals in our diet. Some processed foods, such as breakfast cereals, may be rich in minerals. Also, check any pharmacy or search on the Internet. You will see endless mineral supplements, including pills, and powders

How to Get More Essential Minerals from Your Diet

While mineral content found in some foods is high. Make sure your overall diet is getting enough of all the minerals.

The first rule is to eat as many dark leafy vegetables as possible. Various ancient grains are also rich in these minerals, besides eggs, sea vegetables, and bone broth are rich in minerals.

If your diet is deficient in certain minerals, you can try supplements such as powder minerals and antioxidants.

Dr. Bistrian suggests eating a healthy diet. That includes various vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, dairy products, and unsaturated fats such as olive oil.

If you are eating all healthy foods— you may not need to pay attention to your daily intake of minerals.

Is diet enough?

Essential minerals are most effective when extracted from food. However, if you are deficient, you may need to supplement your diet. If so, beware: excessive consumption of mineral supplements can be harmful.

For example: “If you add too much iron, you may lose the ability to regulate iron. as explained by Dr. Bistrian this produces oxidants called free radicals, which can exacerbate heart and liver disease.

Intake of too much calcium every day is bad for you. It is related to kidney stones and possibly cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Bistrian recommends that it is better to get as much calcium as possible from food and take supplements in low doses to meet your remaining requirements. To help your body absorb calcium, add 600 to 800 IU vitamin D supplements.


Your health will determine your basic mineral needs. Work with your doctor to establish dietary mineral goals that will enrich your health.

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