Winter- The Best Time For Air Conditioning Service

Want to know if winter is a good time for air conditioning service or not? Read below.

It is very easy to look out for your home’s air conditioning system during the months when you are not using it. To do that, the winter might be the best time to think about getting your air conditioner serviced. Even the experts suggest having your air conditioner serviced at least one time per year. Even if the air conditioner is working fine, it does not mean that it does not need any servicing.

You have to take care of your air conditioners for efficient heating. The service giving companies have fewer bookings during the winter, which allows you to get quicker servicing of your air conditioner. Regular services can save your risk of experiencing any expensive repairs for the air conditioner. More benefits of doing air conditioning services during winter include-

Convenience Servicing For Your Air Conditioner

You might want to delay your AC service because you just do not want to wait for a technician. But if you call a technician in the winter, you will find them at your doors in a much shorter time. Fewer bookings mean quicker responses to the customers. You can avail of professional Air Conditioning Repair in Phoenix faster and quicker than usual. That will save you from living uncomfortably and control the indoor humidity. You will be able to spend your summer days without waiting for a technician to arrive to repair your air conditioner.

Lower Service Cost

Usually, the servicing costs are much lower for your air conditioner in the winter months. Of course, you can take advantage of it by simply taking the services in the winter season. Also, the air conditioning companies offer various offers during the winter for servicing. So this time is perfect for searching for discounts. Additionally, you get the repairs needed, and you can even find them at less cost.

Decreased Total Utility Cost

A well-functioning unit will last more than the usual ones. When you do not service your air conditioner, you are going to waste more money in the future.  If you service your air conditioner during the winter, your wallet will not suffer any huge utility bills during summer.

Comfort During The Summer

It is not a good feeling if your air conditioner becomes inefficient or cannot operate during summer. You just cannot compromise on your family members’ comfortable moments during those seasons. So if you service the air conditioner in the winter, you do not have to worry about the air conditioner’s inefficiency when it is summer. Also, if your air conditioner is leaking refrigerant, it can make the environment totally uncomfortable.

Service The Air Conditioner For A Good Spring

The technician will need to perform different types of inspections to service your air conditioner properly, including adjustments and tests on the air handler, coil, compressor, air ducts, and electronics. These tasks help the technician increase the air conditioner’s efficiency and give the air conditioner a longer lifespan.

Doing the servicing in the winter, you will have a very peaceful mind through your spring months. There is no way any maintenance of your air conditioner will catch you off guard because the technician will also take care of your air conditioner’s maintenance.

Why Is Winter A Great Time For The Installation Of A/C?

It will be great to get an air conditioner in the winter season. During the summertime, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) companies face a heavy load of work. There are even times when they are full of bookings through multiple weeks straight. But if you decide to have an air conditioner or you have planned for AC replacement in the winter, you will not have to worry about competing with others because of installation time. You have a lot of flexibility to get those tasks done by matching your terms and conditions; you do not have to compromise about your availability.

You might have to entirely replace your air conditioner during the summer if your current air conditioner is not working properly, or else you will have to live in very uncomfortable heat. Deciding to install a new and updated air conditioner in the winter can be the best option for you. You can have enough time to do research and claim the perfect system for you without sweating because of confusion. Just plan ahead about your air conditioning services when getting the new air conditioner.

Measure Your Heating Efficiency

Just how you measure your car’s regulations in miles per gallon, you should also measure the heating efficiency of your air conditioner with the HSPF (Heating Season Performance Factor). A high HSPF means the air conditioner is more efficient as a heating system, which will result in reduced electricity bills.

HSPF calculations are sometimes compared with the total amount of heat provided by the air conditioner. It can even vary with the heating season and also the total electricity used to do the calculation. The values of heating output and total electricity usage are used to ensure if the outdoor temperature is going to be different or not.

As stated by the United States Department of Energy, the lowest HSPF for residential air-source systems are fixed at 8.2 HSPF. Systems with high efficiency can go up to 13 HSPF, but 10 HSPF is considered to be enough.


Using an air conditioner in the winter is a very practical choice with modern technology’s air conditioner. If the AC is reversible, the benefit is very clear; you can even get hot air in your rooms. But of course, you have to keep them properly maintained and do scheduled servicing.


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