Why It Is Important to Look After Your Mental Health

Life is not easy, and change is here to stay. Everyone goes through bad stuff during their lives, and some encounter more challenges than others. The global pandemic has impacted everyone, and this has been particularly hard for people who have pre-existing psychological issues.

When life is busy, we frequently get caught up in it. We don’t stop and assess our lives. We may not notice the subtle changes that have come upon us. Friends or family may recommend we seek counselling or therapy, but often these words are ignored. When this happens, we can become ticking time bombs. Our bodies are not designed to contain strong emotions long term, and our lives can be adversely affected. Our mental heath tends to deteriorate as we age and this is the reason that we must pay special attention to it. Even when you are at the stage of writing your will, you need to go through testamentary capacity assessment to prove that your are mentally capable of writing a will. We will now discuss why self-care is so important.

Because It’s A Common Issue

We need to understand that we are not weird or unique when we struggle with our mental health that is why if you feel something is not right, make sure to seek professional assistance from the trusted mental health support services australia.

Australia has a population of well over 25 million people. According to the experts at myhealth1st.com.au/health-hub/articles/mental-health-care-plan/, one fifth of them will experience mental health issues during one year. Nearly one half will encounter them at some stage during their lives. When the most common issues are anxiety, depression and substance abuse, it is concerning to learn that 54% of Australians do not access treatment when they need it. Just imagine what it can be like in other, medically less developed countries of the world.

Because It Can Affect Our Physical Health

When we have negative thoughts going round and round our minds, we can experience stomach issues such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), nausea or diarrhea.

Anyone who is anxious will automatically move into the ‘flight or fight’ mode, which releases adrenaline into our systems. When this state is prolonged it can compromise our immune systems and make us vulnerable to illness.

You May Exercise Less

If someone loses their spark or will to live, they will have little motivation to keep fit. Sadly this can create a vicious circle: someone doesn’t have the motivation to exercise, so they become sluggish. Because they are sluggish they feel even more depressed.

Taking exercise is an important tool in tackling anxiety and depression. It can help PTSD sufferers when they employ physical mindfulness meditation during the process.

Your Diet May Suffer

When people experience mental health issues they often don’t look after themselves. Such things as preparing food and drink may become a chore. Loss of appetite is a common symptom of depression. If someone’s stomach is always upset through worry they may feel less like eating too.

Even a lack of daily drinks can affect our moods. Mental health issues can manifest in such conditions as anorexia or bulimia. People may binge-eat or consume snacks out of boredom.

If someone maintains a healthy diet, they will feel better. Their body will be receiving an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals. Along with diet, it is important to take supplements also these days to maintain health. Ortho Biotic is a probiotic supplement that helps with digestion and proper absorption of nutrients.

Our Relationships And Jobs Become Affected

People struggling with addiction or depression frequently withdraw. They communicate and socialize less. If someone in the household is battling over mental issues, it can create a strain on all the relationships.

When someone is anxious or depressed at work, they may appear distant and quiet, or overreact to things. Interaction may be reduced or they may struggle to concentrate. When every day is a battle, it will be hard for the person to arrive punctually at work, or to cope with such change as training and new practices.

We May Struggle To Sleep

If we have issues going round and round our brains, we may have problems getting off to sleep. PTSD sufferers may experience nightmares. We may keep waking up, or simply feel exhausted despite having slept for 7-8 hours. Depressed people may also find it hard to be disciplined over their nightly routines.

People may run from their issues during the day by keeping busy, but at night everything stops. Unresolved grief or worries float to the surface of our minds. When our sleep is disturbed long term, we are less able to cope with the challenges we face each day.

We May Turn To The Wrong Things

Sleeping tablets may help us in the short term, but it’s important to deal with the underlying issues that cause insomnia. Some people self-medicate by drinking alcohol. Whilst this may ‘knock someone out’ and send them to sleep initially, the sleep quality will be adversely affected by the alcohol.

Other people turn to illegal drugs. It may not be that they are a ‘bad’ person, but they are simply seeking to dull the emotional pain they are feeling.

As we can see, it’s essential to look after our minds as well as our bodies. Professional help should be sought if chatting to friends is insufficient. If left ignored, our bodies, our relationships and our lives will suffer the consequences.

How To Improve Your Mental Well-being

Mental health is just as important as physical health because it allows you to live a normal, fulfilling, and healthy life. However, most people experience mental health issues, significantly affecting their thinking, acting, and feeling. Mental health is essential at every stage of your life, and if problems arise in any of these stages, you may find it challenging to lead a healthy life. 

These issues can be caused by several factors, including a family history of mental health issues, biological factors, and traumatic factors. Therefore, it is essential that you take all the necessary steps to ensure that your mental well-being is the best it can be. 

Relax and Reduce Stress

A stressful situation can often worsen your mental well-being, so you should find ways to relax and reduce stress. Try to find a hobby or action that relaxes you, and you can fit it into your day. This can be anything as small as taking a walk or a skincare routine. Taking a break is also good if you feel overwhelmed by a situation. A change of scene can do wonders for you and relieve feelings of anxiety. 

Mindfulness has also been proven to help ground you. You can use techniques such as breathing and yoga to help calm you down when stressed. 

Taking Care of Your Physical Health

Your physical and mental health are connected to each other, so taking care of your physical health will automatically positively affect your mental health. You can start exercising, eating healthy goods, and getting enough sleep to take care of your physical health. Exercise has been proven to improve your mood and lower feelings of depression. Additionally, sleep also plays a massive part in your mood. The better you sleep, the more energy you will have throughout the day, allowing you to enjoy it fully. 

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques are also known to help lower your body’s stress levels and produce a natural relaxation response. You can try progressive relaxation, guided imagery, biofeedback, and self-hypnosis to try and slow your breathing and lower your blood pressure. 


Emotional, mental, and physical health are vital parts of your life because they play a massive role in your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. If you are not doing well mentally, you will notice a decline in your quality of life, causing more issues physically and emotionally. Therefore, it is crucial that you take care of your mental health. 

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