Why Is A Japanese Bed So Much More Comfortable Than A Big European Style Bed?

You are probably wondering where you will find the most comfortable place to sleep, and you might have looked at a number of options that all seem like they might work.  However, nothing is better than the Japanese bed because that is something that you can use to great effect in a number of different settings.  There are a few things listed below that will be great for you to try with the Japanese bed.  Plus, you will discover that it is a much more versatile piece of furniture than everything else you could have used.

1. The Folding

The Japanese bed folds in a way that makes it very special.  Some people in America call it a futon, but the difference with a Japanese bed is that the frame is very solid.  This means that you are not folding down to something that is uncomfortable to sleep on.  Most Americans think that the folding bed is just something you sleep on when you have no other choice.  The Japanese bed is something that you choose to use for seating until you have turned it down for sleep that night.  This is truly a versatile piece of furniture. Here’s a list of the best fold up beds that you can buy online.

2. The Mattress

The mattress on a Japanese bed is typically a little bit thicker than a futon because it was made to be good for both sitting and sleeping.  If you are new to one of these pieces of furniture, you need to be sure that you have looked at all the styles so that you can get something with a good mattress.  Also, you need to remember that you can get the mattress that will be easier to fold with the Japanese bed because they are made for that purpose.  You would not fold a regular mattress down the middle, but you can do that with these beds because of how they are made.

3. The Sitting Position

The Japanese bed is actually raised to the right height because it is meant to be used for seating just as you would for sleeping.  You can lie down on this bed with no trouble, and you will find that you can easily use the bed to sit because you are not so low to the ground that your legs start to stick up.  Plus, you will discover that it feel better to sit on this bed because it was made for you to lean back just a little bit.  You are not slumping back like you would in other beds.

4. The Ease Of Use

The Japanese bed is very easy to use because it has very simple parts that are very simple to adjust.  You do not need to do anything to the bed except pull a small lever or something of the sort to get the results that you want.  Plus, you need to remember that most people who are using these beds love that because they even work for the disabled.  A Japanese bed can revolutionize the way you sit and sleep.

5. Hygiene

The danger of dust mites can be decreased by sleeping on a futon on the floor since they are less likely to collect in the bedding or mattress.

6. Eco-Friendly

Natural materials, which can be more enduring and environmentally friendly than the synthetic materials frequently used in regular mattresses, are frequently utilized to make futons.

7. Cultural Significance

For people who are interested in Japanese history or aesthetics, having a link to Japanese culture and customs might be significant when using a Japanese-style bed or futon.

Additional Comparison

Some people may find a Japanese bed to be more pleasant because of the various distinctions between Japanese and European-style beds.

In contrast to European-style beds, futons, which are Japanese-style beds, are often thinner and lower to the ground. Some folks might prefer a firmer sleeping surface, which this can offer. Moreover, natural textiles like cotton or wool, which can be more breathable and assist in regulating body temperature, are frequently used to make futons.

The cultural heritage that underlies Japanese-style bedding is another thing to take into account. People frequently sleep on futons on the floor in Japan, which is said to encourage a stronger bond with the soil and the natural world. For some people, the cultural connotation of futons may add to their sense of comfort.

On the other side, European-style beds often have thicker mattresses, bigger, plusher frames, and more layers of covering, including comforters and duvets. For some people, this might result in a more opulent and comfortable sleeping experience.

The most comfortable kind of bed will ultimately rely on personal tastes and requirements. It is crucial to experiment with various bed kinds and bedding materials to determine which ones are ideal for you.

History of Japanese Bed 

Futons, which are simply mattresses that are laid directly on the floor, without a bed frame, are the name of the traditional Japanese bed. They are often filled with layers of cotton batting or wool and manufactured from natural materials like cotton, wool, or silk. A futon’s outer cover is often composed of cotton or hemp.

The Heian era is when futons were first used in Japan (794-1185). At the time, futons were viewed as luxury items reserved for the affluent. They served as sitting during the day and a bed at night and were frequently embellished with intricate needlework.

Over time, especially during the Edo period, futon use by the general populace increased (1603-1868). Tatami mats, a type of woven straw mat, rose to popularity as a flooring option in Japanese houses during this period. Tatami mats were covered immediately with futons to create a cozy sleeping area.

Western-style mattresses and bedding started to be brought to Japan during the Meiji era (1868–1922). Yet, traditional sleeping arrangements like futons were still in use, particularly in rural regions and in more traditional households.

In Japan today, futons are still a common choice for sleeping, especially in confined spaces like smaller houses or flats. Some individuals also like them because they are cozy and have a classic look. Being a simple and green bedding choice, futons have grown in favor recently in various regions of the world.


Citizens utilized kami busuma, stitched crinkled paper filled with fibers from beaten dry straw, cattails, or silk waste, on mushiro straw floor mats before the recycled cotton cloth was commonly accessible in Japan. Eventually, futons were constructed using recycled cotton patchwork, quilted, and stuffed with bast fiber. Subsequently, cotton was used to fill them. Today, synthetics and wool are also used.

Yogi, which translates to “nightclothes,” are sheets in the form of kimonos. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, they were in use. The most common kakebuton shape today is rectangular. The materials used to make kakebutons vary; some are warmer than others. In comparison to those filled with feathers or synthetic materials, those with traditional cotton stuffing feel heavier.


Traditional tatami rush mats, which are tough and have the capacity to absorb and then release up to half a liter of moisture each, are used to place futons on. Tatamis are the same size as a twin bed in the West, measuring 1 by 0.5 ken, or a little under 1 by 2 meters. The size of a typical shikibuton is comparable to a twin bed in the West. Double-bed-sized shikibutons were available as of 2010, but they might be cumbersome and bulky to store.

About 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) thick, shikibuton are rarely as thick as 6 inches (15 cm); they must dry well to avoid becoming heavy and moldy. Hence, a shikibuton is comparable to a Western mattress topper in thickness. Shikibutons are used if more thickness is required.

Kakebutons come in a variety of thicknesses and can be wider than shikibutons. These might be worn underneath a warm mfu or in place of a lighter taoruketto, depending on the weather.

Typically, a traditional makura is smaller than a pillow from the West.

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