What Is ENFP Compatibility

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator breaks down each personality into four groups, describing how people process information. One of these, Introverted vs Extroverted, is dominant in one particular type.

ENFPs often end up in relationships with different types of people. Some can complement the ENFP, while others do not match up well. But when they find their soulmate, it is a fantastic experience.

Here is some information to help you understand what type of person is compatible with this personality type.

What is ENFP Personality?

They are known for their dominant function of Extroverted Intuition (Ne). They rely on it to gather information around them and use it to the best of their abilities. They like to explore new ideas and possibilities, taking in as much information as possible.

The second function is Introverted Feeling (Fi). They use Fi to make decisions that align with their values. If something makes them feel bad, it will be avoided. But if they like it, they will dive right in and explore it to its fullest.

Their third preference is Extroverted Thinking (Te). ENFPs use Te to organize their thoughts and connect them with the outside world. They like finding ways to mesh what they think with what others around them think to find a way that works best for everyone involved.

Their last function is Introverted Sensing (Si). Si is something that ENFPs use to recall memories and experiences. It compares their current expertise to similar ones in the past, finding ways to improve it.

ENFP Compatibility with Other Types

Because of how open-minded they are, many people have trouble determining what type they genuinely are. To determine which other personality types are compatible with ENFP, it is essential to understand the four dichotomies they fall under. By looking at how this personality type falls in each category, you can find its proper type.

Introverted (I) vs Extroverted (E)

They prefer Introversion to Extroversion. It means that they like spending time alone or with a small group of friends. They get tired of being around large groups and often need “alone time” to recharge their batteries.

On the other hand, Extroverts prefer spending time with lots of people. They get lonely when they do not have any friends around them and often feel bored if they are alone for too long.

Intuition (N) vs Sensing (S)

They like using Intuition more than Sensing. They are more concerned with possibilities and what could happen in the future than facts and details of the past. For them, it does not matter if the information they have is correct or not.

Sensing types prefer using their five senses to gather information because it is concrete and reliable, making it easy to process information.

Feeling (F) vs Thinking (T)

They are more concerned with their Feeling side than their Thinking side. They prefer making decisions based on what they feel is suitable rather than basing it on facts and research.

Thinking types base their decisions on their logical interpretation of the world around them without any emotional influence. They are often neutral in their decision-making because they prefer to be unbiased and rational.

Judging (J) vs Perceiving (P)

They like using their Perceiving function more than Judging. It means that they are more laid back when following rules and schedules, preferring to do things as they come.

Judging types prefer to close off from the world and keep their schedules organized, having a set of rules that they stick to at all times. It does not mean that they are always uptight or stressed out. It simply means that they prioritize organization and need a clear plan of action.

When an ENFP matches up with someone who shares these same preferences, they will find themselves compatible. They can enjoy spending lots of time together and having deep, meaningful conversations. Their relationship will be full of enthusiasm and excitement as they explore new possibilities together.



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