What Everyone Should Know About Domestic Violence

Feeling safe and loved in your home shouldn’t be a privilege – it’s a human right everyone should have. Domestic violence is often left out in many conversations, the less we speak about it it’s less likely that the problem of abuse is going to be solved any time soon.

That’s why it’s important to talk about it, spread awareness, and by doing so encourage victims to step up and speak out their truth. It’s easier to ignore the touchy subjects, but that won’t lead us anywhere – so here’s what everyone should know about domestic violence!

Types of Domestic Violence

Sometimes it takes the victim a lot of time to distinguish if they are experiencing domestic abuse or not – it’s mostly due to initial shock and denial that something like that is going on, so it can take some time. The most common types of domestic abuse are hitting and causing any type of injury or pain to the other person. Experts at https://www.kazlaw.ca state that every case is different and specific, so every case is treated differently – some are extremely obvious and some are a bit harder to prove, but at the end of the day, abuse is abuse. A lot of reasons might be behind this horrible behavior, often done by one spouse to another spouse or a parent to a child – in both cases, it’s unacceptable and should be punished!

Abuse is Common

Abuse has always been around, but the times have changed at least in one aspect – victims have more courage to speak up. Back in the day, abuse was even more common, men were expected to hit their wives, and the worst part was they never took it as a bad thing. The same goes for men, as masculinity was pretty fragile then, lots of men felt shame in speaking up about being victims of domestic abuse. Today it’s a whole nother story, it’s still happening, as 1 in 5 women are experiencing severe beatings, but it’s at least a bit easier to speak up, there is a whole community with victims who know exactly how you feel and there are people who are willing to help!

All Genders Are Affected

One of the most common misconceptions about domestic violence is that most women end up being the victims by a man’s hand – but there are actually a lot of cases where the man is the victim instead. Sure, it’s more likely for it to be a female victim, but abuse knows no gender and everyone can fall victim to spousal or parental violence. Things are getting a bit better, as people can more openly speak out, especially men who are often shamed when speaking out about marital abuse – but there is no shame in that, those who do the abusive violent stuff should be shamed.

It’s Not That Easy To Leave

If they experience abuse, why don’t they leave? Another common misconception about domestic violence is that the victim can just walk out and continue with their life – but it’s actually pretty hard to let go of a relationship with someone even if they act horribly and abusive. It’s hard accepting that you were the victim all along, but it’s always best to contact a domestic violence lawyer and save yourself from the abuse. You can click here to learn how a lawyer helps protect victims. And even when the victim finally decides to get away – they mentally still feel like they never left the situation and it can take years of therapy to get out of this mindset.

Long-term Trauma

Domestic abuse is not just physical, it can also be mental too. In a lot of cases, victims are left with not just physical injuries but also with mental scars and trauma, that’s going to affect them for a long time – and in some cases, it can follow them for the rest of their lives. The first step is accepting that the abuse is happening, leaving the abusive surrounding is second but the third one might be the hardest and that is healing and moving on. Depending on the severity of the case, victims can take years to gain back their trust for others, their confidence, and their general ability to function in day to day activity.

There Are Many Warning Signs of Abuse

Domestic violence can look different in every situation, but there are some warning signs that you should be aware of and keep an eye out for. Often, victims of domestic abuse feel very scared of their partners and like they have to walk on eggshells around them to avoid making them angry. If your partner puts you down a lot and yells at you, it is a clear sign of abuse. Some abusers threaten their partner, try to control them, prevent them from seeing their friends and family, and may even limit their access to money, phone, or the internet. 

Many of these signs are often brushed off as a bad mood or personality traits. Still, if they become more frequent, you should do your utmost to take yourself out of the situation. 

The Statistics Regarding Domestic Violence

Many believe that domestic violence is not very common, but in actuality, statistics show that a woman is physically abused by her romantic partner every 15 seconds. Additionally, more than three women are killed by their boyfriends or husband each day, which means that domestic violence is more prevalent than anyone may assume; it is only that the victim and the abuser try to cover it up and hide it. 

Statistics also show that most victims are female, but the number of male victims is also rising. However, the numbers obtained may not be accurate because domestic violence is highly underreported due to stigma and potential danger the victim may face. 

Is Domestic Violence Considered a Misdemeanor or a Felony?

Depending on your state law, domestic violence can be considered a misdemeanor or a felony. The circumstances also play a huge role in determining the severity. Some states allow the prosecutor to charge the abuser with either crime according to their discretion. 

Calling the Police Is the First Step

In many domestic violence cases you may have heard about, the victim hesitates to call the police for various reasons. Some victims don’t believe the police can solve the issue, some don’t want their partner arrested, and some fear that it may anger their abuser and that the violence will get worse if they do. These are legitimate concerns, but psychologists recommend thinking of calling the police as the first step and not the solution. 


Domestic abuse remains a prevalent issue in society, and till now, no solution has been found, but if you know the signs of domestic violence, it is possible that you can prevent it before it even starts. Therefore, educating the public is a necessity. 

If you or anyone you know is experiencing any type of domestic violence –  please speak out, speak to a loved one, or go straight to a professional. Abuse in any shape and form should be completely banished, and it should become a norm for people to speak about abuse in the first place, with no shame and no fear. Awareness is crucial in fighting domestic violence, it can even make a victim realize in what situation he or she is, so spread the word!

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