What Does an Online Wills UK Process Look Like?

The emergence of high-speed internet paved the way for numerous possibilities in the digital world. In this modern-day and age, you can already have any product that you need to be delivered right at your doorsteps just by a few clicks. You can even generate your last will online. This article delves into the process of an online will creation in the United Kingdom.

Make a Plan

The initial step that you need to take for you to be able to make a will online is to make a plan. If you have a spouse or a partner, it is a good idea to have them on board in planning. This is where you will think about who you want your beneficiaries to be, as well as the specific type of electronic provider you will go for. The generator of online wills UK lawyers recommend is those that allow for modifications to be made in case your will needs to be updated. In this way, you will be able to make any additions or changes to your will later on as necessary.

Enter Basic Information

As soon as you have made a viable plan for your will, you can proceed with the next step, which is entering the basic information necessary to be included in your will. In this case, you need to name your beneficiaries or the people to whom your home, money, and other assets will go through after you have passed on. Alongside this, you will also be required to name your executor or the person who will ensure that all your wishes are carried out according to your will.


Some people name their bank or lawyer as their executor even if they need to pay an extra fee to ensure that their wishes are carried out entirely. Others who name a trusted person as their executor ensures that they compensate the individual accordingly since making sure that the contents of the will are carried out can also prove to be tedious. In case you have kids, you also need to name a guardian for them in case of your untimely passing.

Provide a Description of Your Asset Distribution

Make sure that you are clear in designating your assets because any vague information included in your will may hurt the ones that you have left behind. Hence, as much as possible, clearly state which of your assets will go to a specific individual. In case you intend to disinherit one of your family members, make sure that apart from his or her name, you also list down the reasons behind your wish. There are instances wherein you may even need to consult with a lawyer, particularly if the one you intend to disinherit is your spouse because they can contest your will later on.

Save Your Document

Once you are through with your draft, the electronic will software then generates a summary of the information that you have provided. Make sure to review each of the details clearly before proceeding with making a payment. From there, the only thing left for you to do is to save your document, which will then be sent to a solicitor.

Review and Signing

After receiving the draft of the will that you have created, a solicitor will review the information that you have provided carefully. If there are no issues with the draft, you will be able to receive an electronic copy of your document, as well as a final document that you need to sign. Rest assured that you will also receive guidelines from the solicitor on how you should sign the will, as well as the witnesses that should affix their signature in the document as well. Just keep in mind that the witnesses should be at least 18 years of age and not beneficiaries of your will.


As soon as you get a final and working copy of your will, make sure that you store it in a safe place and let your executor know where you have stored it. In this case, you can store your will in your safe or entrust it to the care of a solicitor, your bank, or a wills storage company.

There are already several means on how you will be able to come up with a will that will ensure that your family is protected even after you are long gone. Apart from a consultation with a lawyer or doing it yourself, you can already take a look into the electronic means of generating your last will. Rest assured that if you go for a reputable and reliable software in doing so, you will be able to generate a credible will that will serve its purpose.

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