What are the various venous diseases and their treatment options?

For some reason, people do not deal with vein disorders like they do with other diseases. Statistics bore this out, according to which more than 30 million people suffer from this problem, but only 10% seek treatment.

As any vascular specialist will tell you, ignoring venous diseases only worsens the situation. Contrary to what some people think, these do not go away on their own. Therefore, seeking treatment as soon as the symptoms first appear is crucial.

There are various Vein Treatment Options available that promise to provide immediate relief and effective long-term results. Your doctor will first identify the affected areas, examine the degree of the problem, and then recommend an appropriate solution.

But what are the various diseases affecting the veins? What are the different treatments available? Also, you need to know the best Vein Doctor whom you can seek for professional medical advice and treatment.

Types of vein disorders

A person suffering from chronic venous insufficiency image
By James Heilman, MD – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=40522198

Chronic venous insufficiency

Chronic venous insufficiency occurs due to improperly functioning valves. The valves inside the veins ensure that the blood flows upwards towards the heart. However, when they get weakened or damaged, the flow is obstructed, causing it to flow backward and accumulate inside the veins, thus causing enlargement.

Some of its symptoms are swelling, skin ulceration, skin changes, swelling, itchiness, fatigue in the legs, and the appearance of dark blue, swollen purple veins. It results from factors like deep vein thrombosis, age, genetics, standing for long periods, and leg injury.

May Thurner Syndrome

It is caused by the left iliac vein compressing the right iliac artery. The left vein transports blood from the pelvis and legs to the heart. However, when compressed, it leads to blood clots forming below your skin.

It is characterized by leg swelling, ulceration, varicose veins, and pelvic congestion syndrome.

Spider veins

Also called telangiectasia, these are smaller in size compared to varicose veins and get their name by their resemblance to spiders’ webs. Even though they are visible to the naked eye, they don’t cause a bulge in the skin.

Although most people prefer having them removed for aesthetic reasons, they often indicate chronic venous disease.

Spider-shaped veins appear for various reasons, including venous insufficiency, hormonal changes, excessive weight gain, or genetics.

Types of treatment options

A doctor taking patient notes image

Radiofrequency ablation

Doctors perform this minimally invasive procedure using a catheter and radiofrequency generator. The doctor inserts a catheter into the affected vein, which heats and seals it from the inside.

Even though the vein remains the same, it loses its capacity to carry blood any longer. It involves no surgery, minimal anesthesia, and very little recovery time.


The specialist performs the procedure using an 18-gauge needle or an 11 scalpel through which they make tiny cuts in the skin to remove the problematic vein. Doctors also perform it in combination with other treatments, including radiofrequency.

The process is between 30 minutes to an hour and causes minimal pain as doctors provide anesthesia before the operation.

Ultrasound sclerotherapy

Specialists use duplex ultrasound (high-frequency sound waves) to inject a chemical into the affected vein, causing it to collapse. Even though it remains where it was, it loses its capacity to carry blood.

Since there are various vein treatment options available, you should receive them at the signs of the first symptoms. It is better to receive treatment from an advanced peripheral vascular specialist equipped with the latest technology and uses minimally invasive procedures.

Lifestyle Changes To Avoid Venous Diseases

A woman doing a headstand image

You can suffer from many kinds of venous diseases, which can significantly damage your health if you are not careful. There are ways that you can avoid venous diseases, but it will require you to make significant changes to your lifestyle. Here are some changes you can make to prevent venous diseases. 

Start Using Compression Garments

Compression garments keep blood flowing and prevent it from pooling in your foot, leg or ankle. It directs the blood upwards and towards the heart. Doctors often recommend wearing elastic compression stockings or socks made using grated and flexible material. Such garments apply pressure to different parts of your legs and feet to prevent blood from stopping in any part of your leg and moving properly through your veins. 

Increase Activity Levels

To avoid venous diseases, it is essential that you maintain an exercise routine. You can jog for 30 minutes several times a week or ride a bike. Cardio is excellent for keeping your heart healthy and your blood flowing in the right direction. Exercise is known to help improve circulation and tone your muscles. If you want to do something low-impact, you can also stretch your calves and thigh muscles regularly. 

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Obesity is a known contributor to weakened or blocked valves in leg veins. By eating healthy foods and exercising regularly, you can maintain a healthy weight, which can help prevent venous diseases. 

Elevate the Legs

Sitting and standing in one place for extended periods contributes to blood pooling in your leg veins. You should ideally take breaks and do some light exercise to keep your blood moving. If you plan to sit at your desk for long periods, you can raise your legs and place them on a footstool. Doctors also advise against crossing your legs. 

Try To Avoid Tight Clothing and High Heels

Tight clothing and shoes can severely restrict your blood flow, so doctors recommend wearing loose clothing. High-heeled shoes can also block blood flow, so it is best to wear comfortable shoes that are well-fitted but not tight. 


Vein diseases are not usually life-threatening, but they are often ignored, which can lead to them worsening and causing pain and discomfort. Therefore, you should go to see your doctor before the condition starts reducing your quality of life. You can also take steps to prevent the disease, such as exercising regularly, maintaining your weight, elevating your legs, and more.