Use Your Steam Iron Like A Pro With These Tips

Ironing can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With the proper knowledge, tools, and techniques, you can master the art of steam ironing in no time. In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know to get the best results every time.

Creating the Perfect Ironing Setup

When you’re ironing, having the correct setup is key. First, ensure your ironing board is the right size for you. An ironing board that’s too short or too tall can cause you to slouch, leading to back pain. Next, set the ironing board up in a comfortable spot. Place it near an electrical outlet and a water source, such as a sink. This will make it easier for you to fill the steam iron with water and plug it in when needed. You can get a smaller, foldable ironing board if you’re short on space.

Choose an ironing board cover that you like the look of, and make sure it has plenty of padding. This will help you get a smooth finish on your garments. You can also use a cloth or towel over the cover to protect delicate fabrics. Finally, ensure you have plenty of supplies, such as spray starch, hangers, and a lint brush. Everything you need within your reach will make your ironing process go much more smoothly.

Choosing the Right Iron

Knowing what you’re looking for is essential when choosing a suitable iron. The perfect iron should have adjustable temperature settings that can be adjusted to suit different fabrics. It should also have a steam burst feature to help tackle tough wrinkles and a self-cleaning system to keep your iron clean and in top condition. Look for a model with a non-stick soleplate to prevent clothing from sticking to the iron’s surface. Consider investing in a multi-function model if you use the iron for various fabrics and jobs. This type of iron will provide all the features necessary for various ironing needs.

Preparing Your Garment

Before you get to the ironing, you need to prepare your garment. Generally, it’s best to start with the smallest detail and work up to the larger items, so begin with buttons, zippers, and collars. If you iron a shirt or blouse, unbutton all the buttons and lay it flat on the board. If you’re ironing pants or a skirt, start with the waistband and move on to the hems.

If you iron a delicate fabric like silk or chiffon, use a pressing cloth and a low-temperature setting. Place the cloth over the garment so it doesn’t scorch and iron as usual. If you’re dealing with a tougher fabric like denim, you can use a medium-high temperature and a bit of steam.

If you have a stubborn crease or wrinkle, use a spray bottle to spritz the fabric before ironing. This will help to relax the fabric and make it easier to press. On the other hand, if you’re dealing with synthetic fabric, use a bit of starch to stiffen the fabric and make it easier to iron.

Ironing can be time-consuming, but you can get perfect results with the right setup and preparation. So take your time, get your setup right, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of the perfect press.

Ironing Techniques

When your ironing setup is ready and you have chosen the suitable iron, it’s time to start ironing. It’s important to remember a few techniques when ironing with a steam iron. First, always start with the lowest heat setting and gradually increase until you reach the setting that works for the fabric you are ironing. When ironing natural fabrics like wool, silk, and cotton, use a light touch and quickly move the iron over the fabric. But when ironing synthetic fabrics, like polyester and nylon, use a heavier touch and move the iron more slowly.

Whenever possible, it’s a good idea to iron the garment inside out. This will help to prevent the fabric from being damaged. If you iron a fragile fabric, use a press cloth between the iron and the fabric. This will help to protect the fabric from the heat of the iron. It’s also essential to use the steam setting when ironing. The steam will help to relax the fabric’s fibers and make it easier to iron.

Finally, be sure to keep your iron clean. Empty the water tank after each use, and use a damp cloth to wipe the soleplate. This will help to keep the iron free of mineral deposits and other residue.

Cleaning and Maintenance

For proper maintenance, it’s important to clean your steam iron regularly. You can use your iron’s self-cleaning and descaling systems if available. If the iron has no self-cleaning system, you can descale it yourself. Make sure to clean the soleplate of your iron regularly. Using a damp cloth to wipe off any dirt if the soleplate is coated. For uncoated plates, use a piece of sandpaper to remove any dirt or debris. It’s also important to check and empty the water tank regularly. This will remove any dirt or limescale that could have built up in the tank. Finally, wipe the iron down with a damp cloth and store it away properly.

If you take good care of your iron, it will last longer and give you better results. Don’t forget to read the instruction manual with your iron for additional cleaning and maintenance tips.


In conclusion, ironing is a great way to keep your clothes looking great, and a steam iron is perfect for the job. With the correct setup and the proper techniques, you’ll be able to iron your clothes like a pro in no time. If you take care of your iron by regularly cleaning and maintaining it, you’ll enjoy the perfect ironed look for years.


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