Top Tips to Give Your House More Privacy

Privacy is an undervalued quality in the modern world. The truth is we all need some privacy even though it might be just a smidge.

Having more privacy in your life means that you have more time and space to truly be yourself. Not to be worried about what other people think.

Privacy means that you are away from prying eyes which may be malevolent. Therefore, your privacy could also contribute to your safety.

Privacy is more important in your home than anywhere else. It should be your refuge where you can be completely comfortable.

The following are some tips to give your home more privacy:

Property Fence

One of the easiest and simplest ways to increase the privacy of your home is to install a fence around the property. It is a time-tested method of keeping intruders away from your house. If you need a new fence, make sure the company you select has thoroughly trained and practical experts who will complete the job up to your highest standards. No one should settle for substandard fencing. There are various forms of fence types you can choose from. The most common ones are concrete walls, chain-link, wooden, and vinyl or PVC fences. Each type of fence offers a different level of privacy. It is up to you to determine which type best suits your property.

Privacy Screen

The outdoor spaces of your house such as the patio or deck offer the biggest impediments to privacy in your home. You can make your home a lot more private by installing a privacy screen in these spaces. You can order the best deck privacy screens online. 

A privacy screen is a piece of fabric that you hang from the ceiling to cover an open space. Canvas is usually the fabric chosen for its strength and opacity. It can also be a screen that you place against a face to add more obstruction.

Privacy screens are very affordable and are a great solution for places where your fence might not do the job. A meshy privacy screen can be compromised but you can easily notice and fix it.

Plantation Shutters

The windows of your home are another large liability as far as your privacy is concerned. The larger the windows, the larger the liability unless people cannot see through them. This is a prevalent concern in several places in Australia where the weather is mostly warm and windows are usually left open for ventilation.

One way in which you can make your windows more private is using plantation shutters. You should consider plantation shutter installation in Perth if you live in the city. Just one look at a plantation shutter and you will understand why many people in Perth are getting them.

An advantage of plantation shutters is you can adjust them and hence modify the level of privacy you can get. Moreover, they can make your windows look sleeker and more modern. Aside from these practical benefits, plantation shutters make windows look more sophisticated and stylish.


Plants are a great option for increasing the privacy of your home. It is especially so of landscaping along the property line of your home also called a hedge. You can create a visibility barrier on your property without building a fence.

You can combine trees that have many leaves with shorter plants like shrubs to make a good barrier along the property line. However, you should ensure that the plants are not deciduous or you will lose your barrier during some seasons.

Landscaping for privacy will have a higher footprint than other plants around your house. However, you should always keep the planted fence well-trimmed or it might offer hiding places for intruders.

Security Cameras

You can decide to use technology to improve the privacy of your home. The best tool in this regard are security cameras which are currently very advanced.

People will still be able to peek inside your property but security cameras are a measure that significantly deters malevolent sources. People will not snoop around if they know they are being watched and recorded.

Security cameras usually come as part of alarm systems hence they will improve the overall security on the property. The key to using security cameras to increase privacy in your home is strategic placement.

Install a Fountain

The privacy of your home is not only about seeing you but is also about hearing you. One of the best solutions to people eavesdropping on conversations on your property is to install a fountain.

The sound of babbling water can travel quite far especially if it is quiet. A fountain offers pleasant white noise that masks other sounds produced on your property.

You should ensure that the fountain is loud and can be heard from a distance. A fountain is more expensive than most sound deterrents but it also beautifies your property.

We all need some modicum of privacy and it is getting increasingly harder to get it. If you want more privacy in your home, you should try some of the tips above. There are many more tips you can use as long as they suit your home. The tips above should suffice.

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