Tips For a Safe Experience When Snorkeling with Kids

Snorkeling is one of the most popular family activities. It allows children to explore the underwater world, marvel at its beauty, and learn more about marine life in its natural habitat. The experience is both fun and educational, and can create incredible memories that last a lifetime.

Just as any water activity comes with potential risks, personal safety should take priority when snorkeling with kids. It’s important to prepare ahead of time by researching safe spots for snorkeling, selecting appropriate gear and teaching the basics of snorkeling safety. Familiarizing yourself with the proper techniques and emergency procedures can also help ensure your family’s safety during your snorkeling trip.

This post covers some important tips when snorkeling with kids. From finding the right gear to choosing the right spot and teaching safety tips, these tips will help you have a safe snorkeling trip with your kids. It also includes general guidelines about how to spot potential hazards and handle them in an emergency situation. With this knowledge, you can ensure that your kids have an unforgettable, yet safe snorkeling experience.

Preparing for the Trip

Kids on a snorkeling trip with parents 

Taking your kids snorkeling can be an incredible experience for everyone. Nothing is quite like swimming alongside exotic fish and watching them explore an underwater world. However, it is important to take safety seriously when your children are snorkeling, as the environment can be unpredictable. Here is how you can prepare them for the trip:

Research Snorkeling Locations Suitable For Kids 

When taking kids for snorkeling, it is important to research spots that are appropriate for their age and skill level. Look for locations that are especially appropriate for beginners, such as shallow water areas or beachside spots with low waves. Be sure to pay attention to water depth levels as shallow waters are generally safer, provide better visibility and a safer escape route in case something goes wrong.

Start by doing an online search for “snorkeling spots near me” or “family-friendly spots for snorkeling” to find places that have calm waters, low tides, and clear visibility. All these aspects are important for a safe experience when snorkeling with kids. When in doubt, start off at a location where you feel comfortable before venturing out to more challenging areas.

Select Appropriate Snorkeling Gear 

Essential snorkeling gear that every family needs

Once an appropriate location has been selected, it’s important to make sure everyone is outfitted with the right snorkeling gear. Choose snorkel sets that fit your child’s height and weight, as well as a full-face mask that fits snugly on their face without being too tight or leaving gaps where water can come in through. Look for fins with adjustable straps that allow for comfortable movement in water without straining too much energy or creating drag in the water.

Lastly, be sure to also get your child their own set of swimming goggles to help protect their eyes from saltwater and bright sunlight reflection, which comes off the water surface.

It is important to select gear that fits properly and is comfortable for your child to wear before getting in the water. If you plan on renting gear from a shop, make sure to ask about the proper sizes and fit of equipment.  

Educate Kids About Snorkeling Safety 

Before going out on your trip, it is important to educate your child on the basic safety guidelines and procedures of snorkeling. This way they will know what to expect and how to stay safe while in the water. 

Explain why they should never go out alone and always stay close to shore or nearby reefs where they can seek help if necessary. Tell them how to stay within the designated boundaries and point out any visible signs of danger, such as dangerous currents or large sea creatures swimming nearby. Teach them how to safely use the gear while also emphasizing the importance of following instructions and listening closely to adult supervision at all times.

Safety Guidelines

Adult snorkeler signaling something 

As with any activity, safety should be the highest priority while snorkeling with kids. Understanding potential risks and taking preventive measures beforehand helps keep everyone safe during their snorkeling adventure. Here are some safety guidelines that you can use to keep everyone safe:

Adult Supervision 

Adults should always be supervising children while they are in or around water. Regardless of their age or skill level, let children know that they must stay close and follow instructions from adults throughout the whole experience . 

Make sure you have enough adults available so all children are supervised 100% of the time during the trip. Even experienced swimmers can panic or lose control when feeling threatened or overwhelmed by their surroundings, especially when deep sea creatures appear nearby. 

As an adult, you should always keep an eye on your kids at all times while they’re in the water, making sure they stay within designated boundaries and following safety rules at all times. 

Buddy System 

Family practicing buddy system as they snorkel

Practice the buddy system when snorkeling with kids by pairing up everyone in groups of two or more people so they can look out for each other in case of emergency or distress. Encourage kids to go snorkeling with at least one other person as part of a buddy system, so if something goes wrong with one person, the other can call for help. Additionally, remind them to stay close enough together so they can see each other clearly when they’re swimming and point out interesting things around them without having to venture too far away from each other.  

Set Boundaries 

Before entering the water, clearly explain which areas are considered “safe zones” for swim breaks or if someone needs help. Designate a shallow area near shore where adults can help if needed. Point out which areas are off limits due to potential dangers such as rip currents or hazardous marine life that may be lurking nearby. 

Remind children not to wander outside of designated areas without permission from an adult. Additionally, explain what types of marine life and objects are not safe to touch or interact with. This can help prevent any dangerous situations from occurring or young explorers getting lost or injured in unfamiliar waters.

Check Weather and Water Conditions 

It is essential for adults in charge to check weather conditions before heading out for the day, especially if you plan on spending extended periods of time underwater. You should monitor changes in ocean tides throughout the day as strong currents or large waves can put inexperienced swimmers at risk. Moreover, look out for signs indicating dangerous marine life such as large schools of jellyfish, This can help you redirect swimmers towards safer parts of the ocean.

Watch Out For Marine Life 

Turritopsis dohrnii, the immortal jellyfish

On top of avoiding potentially hazardous marine life like jellyfish or eels, remind children that they have to be gentle. Animals like dolphins and whales may be curious, yet still expect people to approach them with respect and caution. No chasing after them should be allowed.

Tell them to refrain from touching any coral formations as they are delicate and easy to damage. Plus, some corals may also contain poisonous creatures such as sea anemone, so it’s best to use caution when trying to explore further, even if it seems safe at first glance. 

Some marine animals have very long life expectancy, including the immortal jellyfish that can live forever. But that doesn’t mean you can put them in unnecessary stress. 

Snorkeling Techniques for Kids

Kids learning snorkeling techniques 

Taking a snorkeling trip with kids provides both parents and children with the opportunity to explore beautiful underwater sea life up close. It can be an enriching bonding experience for families and give kids the chance to learn more about the diverse aquatic world around them. Here are some tips and techniques to help your kids feel comfortable underwater:

If this is your child’s first time trying out snorkeling, make sure you teach them how to properly use all equipment. Teach them by doing an easy practice session in shallow waters first. 

Show them how breathing through a snorkel works and let them observe others diving or swimming around comfortably before they attempt anything themselves. This helps build confidence levels. 

Once your child is comfortable with basic breathing and swimming techniques, tell them how they can use the snorkeling equipment. Show them how to put on fins, mask, and snorkel correctly so they can start exploring more confidently . Provide instructions on proper use of equipment, efficient swimming strokes, navigation through open water, avoiding obstacles, etc.

Emergency Procedures

Whether your children are experienced snorkelers or it’s their first time, taking the right precautions and knowing the emergency procedures is essential for ensuring everyone has an enjoyable and safe experience.

Though unlikely, it is important to be prepared for common emergencies like drowning, entanglement by equipment, equipment malfunction, strong currents, panic attacks, etc . Teach children basic life saving techniques like floating if they get tired or swim parallel shore if caught in a current, so they are prepared if anything unexpected happens during the excursion. 

In case something serious happens, such as injury due to collision or contact with a dangerous marine being, immediately call a professional rescue team.

Post-Snorkeling Procedures

Snorkeling with kids can be a great family activity, but it’s important to prioritize aftercare when taking children on this type of adventure. 

After returning from snorkeling trips, always make sure to rinse off salt water residue from all pieces gear before storing. Storing wet gear invites problems like rust and mildew. Also inspect gear carefully to repair or replace damaged parts so you don’t have to buy new ones for future trips.

Take a shower with cool, fresh-water to remove any leftover salt water sediment off your body. 

Spending a long day underwater or exposed to sunlight can cause severe damage to your skin. Apply a generous amount of lotion to avoid sunburns and other forms of discomfort.

Finally, set some time aside to reflect on your adventures afterwards. Thinking about what was seen during the excursion can help emphasize valuable memories made during the family excursion.


Always remember why safety must remain the top priority when taking kids on family adventures. While the tips we mentioned above may seem overwhelming, following every step will help prevent any unwanted situation from arising. Following these will ensure safety and enjoyment during your family excursion.