The Underlying Issues of Aging: How to Address It?

Geriatric syndromes impact a person’s overall health and quality of life. While these syndromes are commonly seen in older and frail individuals, many people in their 60s and 70s today are dealing with them. Each issue affects the person’s ability to interact with others, remain active, and care for themselves properly. 

As any woman who has gone through menopause can confirm, it’s hard to ignore a hormone imbalance due to aging. The hot flashes and night sweats alone are bothersome to the point of interfering with a good night’s sleep. However, other conditions may be easy to overlook. The following are a few of the conditions associated with aging that people ignore. 


Older adults often fall. They may have minor injuries after a fall or be completely incapacitated. Many older individuals stop engaging in favorite activities because they worry about falling. Minimizing physical activity puts them at greater risk of a fall in the future. A lack of strength or balance is one reason they may fall more often, but a fall could also result from a side effect from medication or a new illness. Every person should speak with their doctor to learn how to reduce this risk. 

Memory Problems

Older adults often worry they are losing their memories. There may or may not be a cause for concern. Regular evaluations by trained professionals can put these fears to rest. Early treatment can help slow or halt memory loss if any issues are found. While these evaluations can be scary, as nobody wants to learn they have dementia, new treatments are available. They are only helpful if a person knows what they are dealing with and how to address it adequately. A doctor can help with this. 


Healthy seniors tend to be less depressed than their younger counterparts. However, it still strikes many individuals as they age. Anyone who has been diagnosed with an illness, those who are caring for a loved one who is ill, and socially isolated seniors remain at highest risk. Knowing the signs of depression is essential to getting help and improving the quality of life. Andehonia is when a person no longer enjoys activities they used to love. Loved ones need to watch seniors. If they see this sign, seek help right away, as there are several treatments for depression now. 

Urinary Incontinence

One problem many seniors don’t like to talk about is urinary incogramntinence, but it affects countless older adults. The older a person gets, the more common this problem becomes. Men and women are affected, but the underlying causes often differ by sex. For example, prostate enlargement can lead to urinary incontinence in men. Incontinence issues in women, on the other hand, may be linked to decreased estrogen levels, leading to a hormone imbalance. 

Men and women suffering from these issues might avoid social and physical activities, leading to isolation and depression. They must speak to their doctor to learn the underlying cause and how best to treat it. Before talking with the doctor, log symptoms for the prior week, which will help them rule out potential causes.

Other issues may affect seniors today, such as taking multiple medications and struggling to keep them straight or social isolation. Fortunately, help is readily available today. America’s population is aging, so there is more focus on treating problems that impact seniors. Share any concerns with a doctor so a treatment plan can be developed, and the senior’s quality of life can improve.