The Top Eight Items Moms on the Go Need for Their Babies

While you could just pick up the baby and diaper bag and head out the door, the reality is that a few extra items could make your life so much easier. Or it might make your child’s trip that much more comfortable. Here are the top 7 items moms on the go need for their babies.

01. Secure-a-Toy Connectors

Parents know that you need to take toys to keep your child occupied. The challenge is keeping up with them. Children may accidentally drop them or deliberately throw them. The solution is secure-a-toy connectors. You put one end of the strap around the stroller handle, though you can use it with an open hole in the car seat or child’s crib, too. The other end goes around your child’s teether, rattle or other toy.

02. Pacifier Clips

Pacifier clips are another one of those things you don’t realize how much you need it until you finish your first day with one connecting your child and their pacifier. It eliminates the need to find pacifiers that have fallen to the bottom of the stroller, car seat or the ground. It prevents your child from throwing it away to see what you do. This has the side benefit of reducing how often you need to sterilize the pacifier.

03. Interactive Books

A hard book is more durable than one with thin paper pages, but it may not entertain your child by itself. The solution is to find interactive books. Think of the books that show pictures of animals and have textured sections on each animal. Now your child sees the duck and can touch the fuzz. Look at the lizard and feel the rough texture. For toddlers, you can add flap books to the collection. This lets them essentially play hide and seek with characters in the book or manipulate the scene.

04. Wrist Rattles

Wrist rattles are a simple way to keep very young children entertained. It can’t be dropped or lost like conventional rattles. You can have several in your bag and rotate between them. You can make things more interesting by putting the wrist rattle on your child’s ankles.

05. A Portable Changing Pad with Pockets

A portable changing pad allows you to change your child on a sterile surface instead of using blankets they may then want to cuddle with. Changing pads with pockets allow you to keep essentials like wipes and diapers with the changing pad. Now you don’t have to lean down to fetch something from the diaper bag while your child is on the changing pad.

06. A Stroller Fan

Stroller fans are incredibly useful. They do more than keep your child cool without bothersome ice packs or ensure adequate air flow when your child is inside of a stroller cover. It can be used at home to help your child’s diaper rash clear up. It could keep you and your child cool as you’re sitting in the bleachers, or it could improve air flow around your child’s car seat. You can find lists of the best stroller fans at

07. Ready to Feed Baby Formula

The worst thing you can face when on the go is a hungry baby. You may not be able to find a convenient source of water to put in a bottle before adding a packet of baby formula. You don’t want to wait for restaurant or airline staff to bring you water. You may not have extra bottles with you, either. The solution is to carry a few cans of ready to feed formula. When your child is hungry, remove the lid, add a bottle nipple, and feed your child. A side benefit of this approach is that you don’t have to worry about the shelf-life of formula you made at home or keeping it cool until you want to heat it up. It is always safe for your baby to drink.

08. Baby Mattresses

Every mother must be prepared to keep their babies comfortable in the best way possible when you get home. When choosing a baby mattress, you would mostly want to look at the price range, the type of materials used in the mattress and its firmness. Check out more information about baby toddler mattresses.


We’ve shared seven items that make traveling with your child far easier and much less stressful. That’s true whether you’re going to the store, visiting grandma or taking a cross-country flight.

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