The Professionals Guide to Kitchen Cleaning

Coming home from work with a dirty kitchen is always unpleasant. Proper kitchen cleaning is a sometimes ignored household chore. A professional guide to commercial kitchen cleaning services is all you need to read to help you maintain a well-kept kitchen. Use this guide to clean your kitchen like the professionals!

E-coli and salmonella are the top culprits of food poisoning. These viruses are transmitted through food and will have you ending up ill in the hospital. Now, this is only the tip of the iceberg. There are more reasons why you should always keep your kitchen clean.

However, there are tips and guides to finding high-quality and eco friendly kitchenware as well as how to clean them the right way to help avoid these foodborne illnesses. can help you keep your kitchen clean and better organised.

Let me show you how to maintain a clean kitchen. Check out this pro guide to kitchen cleaning!

Step #1 Clean the sink.

Cleaning the sink is the first step to kitchen cleaning. Start by rinsing anything left in the sink using hot water. Be sure to wash the sink basin with dishwashing soap and warm water to avoid mould and stains.

Clean the nooks and crannies of the faucet using an old toothbrush dipped in dishwashing soap and hot water. If you encounter some draining issues, you can pour vinegar or hot water into the drain. It will clear the blockage allowing better water flow.

Step #2 Clean the stove.

Use a sponge soaked in soapy hot water to remove the dirt on your stove. A quarter cup of salt, a quarter cup of water, and three-quarter cups of baking soda can also remove the dirt in the stove and oven. The hotter the sponge or kitchen cloth is, the easier it is to remove dirt from the stove or oven.

You can also use an old toothbrush to get rid of food spills on your stovetop. Make sure that you thoroughly clean the areas around your igniter – food buildup can prevent your appliance from producing fire. 

It is essential to clean the gas stove surface after cooking. It would be best if you cleaned the oven at least once a month. Do not leave your stove dirty to have easy stain removal!

Step #3 Clean the refrigerator.

Remove everything from the inside when you clean out the fridge. Sort through it all and get rid of any expired food. Wipe the insides of the fridge. Use a clean cloth to wipe all of the surfaces.

Make sure that you remove all residue because it can cause a bad smell. Clean and defrost the freezer while you’re at it! Make it a habit to clean the refrigerator before you go grocery shopping.

If you always notice that your fridge smells bad every time you open it, consider using DIY solutions so you can finally get rid of bad odor. There are actually a lot of ways on how you can do this. You can put a generous amount of baking soda in a container and then leave it open inside your fridge or deodorize using freshly ground coffee. You can also soak a few cotton balls in vanilla extract and then leave them overnight inside your fridge. 

Step #4 Clean the cabinets and counters.

First things first, throw away any of that stuff that you do not need! Keeping items that you do not use or need will only take up space in your kitchen and will make the area look and feel cramped. Regardless of how sentimental or expensive these items are, if you are not using any of these, opt to throw them away. This is especially important if your kitchen has small cabinets and counters. 

Wipe the inside and outside of the cabinet using a damp cloth soaked in soapy water. It can remove dust, dirt, and crumbs easily. Make sure to cover all of the areas. 

Cleaning the outside or front of the cabinets and kitchen counter is vital. It prevents the build-up of grime and grease while you are cooking. It can lead to slimy cabinet doors and kitchen tops if left uncleaned. It is also essential to wipe the kitchen counter to avoid any discolouration and ensure that your storage spaces will look for the longest time possible.

Step #5 Dispose of the rubbish.

Put all of the junk in the rubbish bin. Ideally, you should use a garbage can with a lid on top. This will hide all of your rubbish while making sure that your kitchen smells good all the time. 

How can you find joy in cooking if you can only smell a nasty odor coming from your garbage can? Do you think you can have the confidence to socialize with your peers if your kitchen looks bad? You can also put a deodorizer near your garbage can to minimize bad odor. 

Be aware of the garbage disposal rules in your area, and make sure to take all of your garbage out regularly. Letting rubbish stay in your kitchen for a long period can attract flies and other insects. It is always better to separate your garbage into plastic, glass, etc. for proper disposal.

Be sure to have correctly sealed rubbish bins, especially if you have pets. A tipped-over rubbish bin can make your floor dirty. It is also not safe for your pets!

Finishing Up

Proper kitchen cleaning is essential to prevent the growth of bacteria on your worktops, cabinets, sink, and other kitchen areas. The kitchen is an area for preparing food. Therefore It is wise to keep it clean all of the time.

Getting a professional to clean your kitchen correctly is recommended. They use the proper tools and equipment to ensure that your entire kitchen is clean. They are also highly skilled in kitchen cleaning.

Moreover, they can do the job in just half an hour!

Keeping a clean kitchen is necessary for better health because it prevents foodborne illnesses, lessens the use of harsh chemicals, extends the lifespan of your appliances, and makes cooking a lot easier. Besides, cooking in a clean kitchen is a lot quicker and more fun! Be sure to keep it clean!

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