The Lasting Effects of Brain Injuries

Few injuries have a disastrous impact on a person’s life like a brain injury does. Considering the importance of the brain to the human body, it’s pretty clear why an injury to it will affect the whole body.

Injuries to the brain aren’t just reserved for severe accidents. Simply slipping off a mess on the ground and falling head first can cause brain injuries. The fact that such a devastating injury can happen for some for the silliest reasons is what makes it deadly.

There are many types of brain injuries. A range of reasons are considered when determining the type of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Some of the notable ones include:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Loss of memory about the injury or the accident
  • Brain MRI
  • Head CT

Once the factors are analyzed, they will fall into one of the types mentioned below:

  • Mild concussion (mTBI)
  • Moderate TBI
  • Severe TBI
  • Uncomplicated TBI
  • Complicated TBI
  • Closed
  • Open
  • Non-traumatic

The horrible thing about TBI is that their effects linger on even after the physical injuries have healed.

The Long-term Effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries

The Long-term Effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries

A TBI victim is exposed to a range of conditions. A CDC report states that the life expectancy of a TBI victim is reduced by 9 years due to the condition. Additionally, they also become vulnerable to several other conditions. The same report states that TBI victims are:

  • 50 times more likely to die from seizures
  • 11 times more likely to die from drug poisoning
  • 9 times more likely to die from various infections
  • 6 times more likely to succumb to pneumonia

These scary numbers aside, a TBI victim will also have to cope with the following conditions for the rest of their life.

Memory Loss

Victims not remembering the details of the accident is a common occurrence in TBIs. Not only do they have any knowledge about how they got injured, but they also have no memory of being involved in an accident. This condition is known as post-traumatic amnesia. The duration of memory loss depends on the severity of the injury. They can be anywhere from a few minutes to a few months.


Seizures can occur within the first week of the TBI or at a much later period. The seizures that happen immediately are the symptoms of a TBI, while the ones that occur a few weeks after a TBI tend to be redundant and lead to epilepsy. Late seizures are serious as they indicate a more severe injury to the brain cells.


Spasticity is the uncontrolled tightening of muscles. It happens due to disruptions in brain signals. Victims who suffer from spasticity may experience muscle weakness, a loss of fine motor skills, and overactive reflexes.

Balance Problems

Some victims of TBI may experience dizziness or get the feeling that their head is spinning. These symptoms indicate damage to the vestibular system. Additionally, TBIs can also interfere with the victim’s ability to walk, making it very difficult to move around without assistance.

Mood Swings

A TBI interferes with the victim’s ability to analyze emotions and respond accordingly. They have trouble sticking to one mood and may switch into another in a very short period of time. The mood swings victims experience aren’t related to how they’re actually feeling.

Language and Communication Problems

A TBI significantly affects the victim’s ability to communicate and understand conversations. They will find it difficult to

  • Find the right words
  • Start or follow conversations
  • Express their thoughts and emotions using non-verbal cues
  • Read others’ emotions

This interference in communication can severely affect the victim’s life.


A TBI victim is at risk of ending up in a coma. The condition is usually the result of a diffuse axonal injury (DAI), a condition where the brain’s connective nerve fibers are torn. The brain, as a result, shifts and rotates inside the skull.

Final Thoughts

You just read some of the long-term effects of a TBI. Victims who have suffered a TBI due to someone else’s negligence must reach out to a lawyer. With legal assistance, victims can get monetary compensation to tackle the medical expenses and after-effects a TBI brings.