The Different Types of Permanent Birth Control Options, Explained

Are you tired of your endless loop of trying to prevent pregnancy and suffering the consequences when things go awry?

You might think you have to continue your cycle of birth control pills, condoms, or any of the other temporary birth control solutions out there. Instead, you might want to try one of the many different types of permanent birth control options available.

But what are your actual options? Let’s take a look at the top choices for birth control procedures you can rely on forever.

Vasectomy for Males

A vasectomy for males is a safe, reliable, and permanent method of birth control for men. It is a simple surgery where the surgeon cuts and seals the small section of the vas deferens. It is the tubes that carry sperm from the testes to the ejaculate.

As a result, sperm can no longer mix with the semen, and there is no possibility of fertilizing a female egg. This procedure does not affect hormones, and it does not affect the male patient’s ability to get an erection or ejaculate.

It also does not reduce one’s sex drive, as the hormones that influence sexual desire remain unchanged. Recovery times differ based on individual health, but most males recover from their vasectomy in a few days.

Tube Ligation for Females

Tube ligation for females is a form of birth control surgery that’s used to permanently prevent pregnancy. This procedure involves blocking or tying off the fallopian tubes, which are the tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus.

By doing so, any eggs that are released during ovulation will not be able to travel to the uterus. It prevents fertilization and effectively eliminates the risk of pregnancy. It’s considered a permanent form of birth control and recommended for women who are certain they no longer wish to have children.

Hysteroscopic Sterilization for Females

This form of sterilization requires a small incision to be made in the abdomen. A telescope-like device is inserted and guided to the fallopian tubes. During the procedure, a wire is passed through the fallopian tube. This is where a balloon is then inserted, which is then filled with heated electrolyte fluid.

This creates an artificial blockage that prevents sperm from reaching the egg. The procedure is conducted under local or general anesthesia. This means that there’s little to no pain felt by the patient during the procedure.

Essure Reproductive Organ

Essure Reproductive Organ is an FDA-approved implant device used for permanent contraception. The device consists of two metal coils implanted into the fallopian tubes, which create a barrier between the uterus and the ovaries. The coils create scar tissue that blocks the sperm from reaching the egg and prevents fertilization from taking place.

But if you choose to become pregnant, a reversal procedure can help. It removes the Essure implant and restores the fallopian tubes in order to achieve pregnancy.

These Essure reversal pregnancy statistics show, more specifically, thirty-two percent of Essure reversal patients achieve a successful pregnancy. In fact, most women ultimately deliver a healthy child.

Learn More About Permanent Birth Control Options Today

Permanent birth control options can seem overwhelming, but they offer freedom from worry and peace of mind. They are reliable, long-term solutions that can help couples plan their families.

Talk to your doctor today to find out which type of permanent birth control option best fits your lifestyle.

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