The Difference Between A Standard Home Cleaning And A Deep Cleaning Explained

Have you thought about enlisting a professional cleaning service to order a deep clean for your home? If this is the case, then don’t feel alone. Professional house cleaning services come with some useful advantages. However, if you’ve decided to make use of these services, there are some information you need to know about first. Firstly, not many people always have a clear understanding about the difference between a standard home clean or a deep clean. If you need expert professionals to handle both standard and deep cleaning, contact Bright Touch Cleaning. Keep reading this article if you are curious about the difference between the two.

Standard Cleaning

When a professional cleaning company is hired for performing standard cleaning, this can include cleaning tasks that you would normally do every week. A standard clean is done for the purpose of maintaining a specific level of cleanliness around your home. When you opt for hiring a regular clean then the Metla House Cleaning San Diego home cleaners will carry out some of the following tasks:

  • Mopping and vacuuming of your floors.
  • Tidying up the home.
  • Cleaning all bathrooms, including the toilet, mirror, bath, sink, etc.
  • Cleaning the kitchen, including wiping all surfaces and outside of appliances, taking out the trash, etc.

The tasks performed with a typical regular cleaning don’t take too long to finish. However, they are a vital part in keeping your house free from dirt, dust and other debris.

Deep Cleaning

Now that you are familiar with what the standard clean entails, it is time for discussing a deep clean. When it is your first time with hiring a professional company like D-max Carpet Cleaning, it is recommended to choose a deep clean. While this option is the more pricier of the two, it is necessary to perform a deep clean at least every six months or so. This type of cleaning service removes dirt and grime build-up in your house. It generally covers areas that are not usually cleaned with a standard clean.

Some of the cleaning tasks which may be done with a deep clean include:

  • Removal of soap scum and scale from taps, kitchen tiles, showerheads, bathroom tiles, etc.
  • Cleaning behind appliances like the washing machine, oven, and cutting through the grime that often builds up over time.
  • Dusting, including areas like baseboards and the doors in every room.
  • Cleaning the carpets.
  • Washing the interior windows.
  • Cleaning window frames and patio doors.
  •  Cleaning inside the oven and the glass door and more.

A deep cleaning provides you with a more thorough clean than just a standard weekly clean. This is the chief reason why it is pricier to hire professionals. It takes longer to finish and can be a daunting task for one person (you) to do by yourself.

How to Deep Clean a House

If you are looking for specifics, such as the various areas to clean in your kitchen, bedroom, and other rooms, as well as how to clean those areas, the number of times you should clean, and other essential information, the following is what you need to know.

Kitchen Deep Cleaning

When performing a more thorough cleaning of your kitchen, you should pay particular attention to the oven, microwave, and refrigerator because these are the appliances that aren’t properly cleaned even when standard cleaning procedures are followed. As was just mentioned, you should give your microwave a thorough cleaning once a week to remove food splatters, which can serve as a breeding ground for germs.

A thorough cleaning of your refrigerator should be performed once a month to remove food spills and other potential sources of germs, such as rotting vegetables, which can also lead to severe bacterial contamination. When you want to give your refrigerator a thorough cleaning, you should take everything out of it and wipe down each compartment with an antibacterial wash. However, this is not the only step in the process.

When you start to smell food that has been cooked in the oven in the past, it is especially important to give the oven a thorough cleaning. When you clean your oven regularly, use a cloth dampened with soapy water and a damp cloth to remove food spills and splashes. Dishwashers, stovetops, and sinks are a few of the additional areas and appliances in the kitchen that require a more thorough cleaning.

Living Room Deep Cleaning

Depending on what is being cleaned, you should perform a thorough cleaning of your living room anywhere from once every week to twice a year.

Weekly vacuuming and a more thorough cleaning once or twice yearly are the recommended carpet maintenance schedules. If, on the other hand, you have pets or young children who play a lot but require a carpet that is clean throughout, you should consider performing deep cleaning on a more regular basis. A thorough cleaning may also be required due to factors such as the amount of dirt and dust present in your location. When done the old-fashioned way, deep cleaning carpets can be a challenging and time-consuming task. 

A thorough cleaning of the windows and drapes can be done once every three to six months. You can use a damp cloth to clean the woodwork, but you will need the assistance of a professional to thoroughly clean the other elements and parts, such as to remove the grime from your drapes and windows. The skirting boards should receive a thorough cleaning once every three months. By vacuuming and wiping down the skirting boards, you can remove the layer of dust and pathogens (dust mites/allergens) that build up on skirting boards over time.

Bathroom Deep Cleaning

It is recommended that showers and bathtubs be given a thorough cleaning once per week. Because mold and bacteria that are known to cause skin infections thrive in warm, damp environments like showers and bathtubs, thorough cleaning is necessary. The use of antibacterial agents is recommended for the cleaning process to ensure that it is as thorough as possible.

Regular cleaning of the toilet should be done every day, and a more thorough cleaning should be done once per week. When cleaning, antibacterial agents should be used, just as they should be when cleaning showers and bathtubs. Bleach is an important tool for keeping your toilet free of unsightly stains, which you should use regularly. When removing mineral deposits from the toilet, a toilet cleaner will come in very handy.

In addition, bathmats need to be cleaned once a week because they are a prime location for the growth of mold and bacteria. To get rid of harmful bugs that thrive in bathmats, you should wash them with a sanitizing detergent or another similar detergent. After being washed, put the mat where it will get plenty of sunlight to dry it. A thorough cleaning of the shower heads in the bathroom should be performed once a year to remove minerals that have accumulated over time and to restore the shower heads’ normal function. Dust and dirt that have accumulated over time are removed as a byproduct of a thorough cleaning.

Bedroom Deep Cleaning

The deep cleaning of bedroom pillows should be done four times per year, while the deep cleaning of mattresses, duvets, and blankets should be done twice per year. Toxins such as dead skin, sweat, oil, dust mites, and other irritants can be found in pillows. In addition to everything that can be found in pillows, including bed bugs, they are also found in mattresses. It’s also not uncommon for mattresses to take on a musty odor.

Dust and allergens can also be found accumulated in blankets and duvets. The items in the bedroom should all be given a thorough cleaning by a professional cleaning service. You should leave the deep cleaning to the professionals for reasons that should be obvious. Regular cleaning can be done by anyone. Even though it appears to be expensive, it is essential to take into consideration the health implications of ignoring the requirements for deep cleaning. It is also essential to hire professional deep cleaners who have a solid reputation. With the assistance of cutting-edge home appliances, you may be able to perform a thorough cleaning on certain components of your home as well as specific locations.

What Kind Of Cleaning Do You Require?

In many cases, the first clean from a professional is scheduling a deep clean which can be the best move. If you are hesitant about which way to go, you can contact a professional cleaning agency and discuss the best option for you going forward.

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