The basic skills of boxing

The basic aim of boxing is to knock down your opponent making him not able to stand again until and unless the referee counts up till ten. The other way through which you can win in boxing is through achieving scores. Other than that there are several rules of boxing also which include that you cannot hit below the belt, trip, kick, head butt, or punch your opponent. The other rule is that you cannot hit with your shoulders, head, elbow, and forearms. The third rule is that you cannot hit your opponent through open gloves, inside from your gloves, backhand, through your wrist, or by using the side of your hands. Check out the best boxing gloves you can purchase online. Being a woman I would recommend every other girl to take part in boxing or wrestling because it’s very much important for your self-defense. Boxing teaches you a lot about self-discipline and other important aspects of life like you can have control over your anger and your emotions. So, if you want to join boxing classes first of all you need to get a suitable outfit for your workout which should be comfortable enough and should also be durable. Elite sports offers you workout Gi which are best for your boxing sessions. Elite sportswomen BJJ-gis are available at cheap and affordable prices with the best quality.

Which is the most explosive punch in boxing?

The most explosive punch used in boxing is the long right hook with the palm down. When a boxer makes a strong downward angle it may increase the power of their punch. Similarly, hooks with the palm down at horizontal position are more powerful than vertically fist hooks by the thumb facing at the top.

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Different skills used in boxing

The beginners are first of all taught to fight at a distance because if they fight at a closer distance their opponent can hit them more. So there are various techniques which you can adopt to win in combat.

Attacking and defensive techniques

First of all in boxing you need to learn about how to attack your opponent and how to defend yourself, as these skills are very much important to learn. Boxers should learn how to throw a punch on their opponent without losing balance. To learn this technique you should better be able to learn about basic and important skills of boxing that how you have to deliver an explosive punch, so for that, you have to stand at the side of your opponent and now deliver the punch with your strong punching hand ( either it can be your left hand or right ). Your feet should be apart from each other with shoulders widened apart. Now turn both of your feet and they should be making up the angel of 45 degrees, be sure that your weight should be distributed uniformly. Now bend your legs a bit but your back should be straight, lift your toes off the ground but not more than 3 inches, tuck your elbow closer, and raise your forearms. Your left-hand should be

Out at shoulders height, keep it far away in order to attack quickly but close enough to get back for self-defense. Likewise, right-hand gloves should be kept underneath your chin.

The important rule of boxing

Good footwork will enable a boxer to maintain equilibrium and prevent him from falling during combat. So you also need to learn boxing skills too. For that, you have to learn that you have to keep the weight on both of your feet, to maintain a good balance our feet should be apart from each other. Always move your feet in that direction where you want to move at first, never try to cross your feet. If you want to improve your footwork then you have to work on your speed first which can be achieved if you have good fitness. You can make yourself fit by skipping a rope even, by doing a brisk walk or by cycling.

Punching techniques

You should also learn how and where you have to punch. In boxing your punching speed matters also. There are 4 main punches which include jab, cross, hook, and uppercut.

So these are basic and important boxing techniques which you should learn if you are a beginner. These skills help you a lot in self-defense and attack learning. So first focus on learning and then start enjoying boxing sessions.

The Basic Skills of Boxing

Good Boxing Stance

It is impossible to place enough emphasis on the significance of adopting a strong stance. A strong stance gives you balance and is essential to the execution of both offensive and defensive techniques.

Boxers ought to be able to land punches without letting their balance get the better of them. When a fighter is off balance, it’s easier for their opponent to land their blows. The following are some things you need to do to get into a good boxing stance:

  • Stand sideways to the target, leading with the shoulder opposite your strong punching hand. A right-handed boxer should aim his or her left shoulder at the target.
  • The feet should be shoulder-width apart, then take one step forward with the left foot, lining up the heel of your left foot with the toes of your other foot.
  • Make a 45-degree angle with both feet to your target. To provide a firm, steady platform, your weight should be evenly distributed.
  • Bend your knees and hips slightly while keeping your back straight, and lift your back heel no more than 7.5cm (3in) off the floor.
  • Tuck your elbows into your sides and raise your forearms to shield your chest.
  • Hold the left glove out at shoulder height, far enough out to attack but close enough to quickly draw back in defense.
  • Hold the right glove beneath the chin, with the wrist turned inwards.

Boxing Footwork

The boxer needs to have good footwork to be able to defend or attack from a balanced position. The following is a list of the most important golden rules of boxing footwork:

  • Maintain an even distribution of weight on both feet.
  • To keep your balance while you move, make sure your feet are slightly apart from one another.
  • To navigate the ring, take quick steps while balancing on the balls of your feet and moving in a sliding motion.
  • Never allow your feet to touch each other.
  • Your first step should always be with the foot that is closest to the direction in which you want to move.

The key to effective footwork is speed, which can be improved by working on one’s fitness and paying special attention to one’s lower body, in particular the legs. Skipping is a great activity for improving fitness and is something that many boxers participate in.


There are four main punches in boxing:

1. Jab — a sudden punch.

This is the easiest but also the most frequently used punch in boxing, and it is also the punch that a beginner is most likely to learn first. The jab can be used offensively or defensively, and it helps keep the opponent at bay so that you can set them up for more powerful blows.

Left Jab:

  • Keep your left hand raised high and your elbow tucked in close to your body. 
  • Aim for the back knuckles of the opponent’s chin.
  • To make the punch land with the thumb making a small turn inwards clockwise, rotate the arm so that it faces the target.
  • Just before the impact, slide your left foot forward, and snap your hand back to get ready to deliver another jab.
  • As a protective measure, the chin should be tucked down toward the shoulder, and the right hand should be held high and ready to block any counterpunches.

2. Cross — a straight punch.

The “Straight Right” is the punch that deals the most damage and is the most powerful, but if it misses its target, it leaves the boxer open to a counterattack. It is most effective when used as part of a sequence of punches, typically after the opponent’s defense has been opened up by a solid left jab and before the next punch in the sequence.

  • To get the most power out of your punch, you should drive off your back foot and pivot your hips and shoulders into it.
  • Bring the right arm completely to its full length so that it can absorb the force of the impact.
  • To prevent yourself from being countered, make sure to keep your left hand in a guarding position.

The “Straight Left” is an effective technique for maintaining an opponent on the defensive.

  • From the beginning stance, simply extend your left arm straight and rotate your hips and shoulders into a punching stance.
  • Just before impact, the first hand will automatically rotate so that the palm is facing downward and the knuckles are facing upward.
  • If there is enough space, step forward with your left foot to deliver the blow, but immediately bring your right foot back to maintain your balance.

3. Hook — a short side punch.

The hook is delivered from the side, which means it can catch the opponent off guard because it initially comes from a location that is hidden from their field of vision. To execute a hook, the boxer must arch their back and turn their entire body into a punch. It doesn’t matter which arm you use—either the left or the right will do.

A Right Hook:

  • Protect the left shoulder by bringing the chin down to the inside of the left shoulder.
  • Rotate your feet, hips, and hands so that they face the direction of the punch you are going to throw.
  • Flip your hand so that the palm is facing down at the point of impact. This will help absorb some of the impacts.

4. Uppercut — a short swinging upward punch.

The uppercut is a punch that is executed at close range and has the potential to be a knockout blow. It comes up from underneath, there is an element of surprise involved, and it is typically aimed at the jaw with either hand. There is a significant risk that the adversary will be able to launch a comeback attack if they are not eliminated by the attack. This is one of the drawbacks.

  • To execute a right uppercut, shift your weight onto your right foot, rotate your shoulders and hips to the left, and bring the right fist directly up into the target. 
  • Doing so will cause your right uppercut to be more effective. When the boxer leans back an excessive amount, they risk losing their balance.


In this portion, add the “So these are basic and important boxing techniques which you should learn if you are a beginner. These skills help you a lot in self-defense and attack learning. So first focus on learning and then start enjoying boxing sessions

So these are basic and important boxing techniques which you should learn if you are a beginner. These skills help you a lot in self-defense and attack learning. So first focus on learning and then start enjoying boxing sessions.

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