Teaching Astronomy to Homeschoolers

Astronomy is one of the fun subjects to teach, given it tackles celestial objects, like the stars, moon, planets, comets, and everything out there in space and the physical universe! Yet, it’s easy to get lost in its vastness sometimes, not knowing where to begin the learning. Fortunately, there are lots of ways you can make Astronomy lessons fun and engaging. So, keep on reading as we’ve listed some inventive ways you could teach your homeschoolers about this amazing subject!

Make models with your kids

Models bring celestial bodies and space equipment to life, giving your kids a personal experience that they won’t get by reading textbooks or watching online videos. You can build a Solar System model with your children by buying a kit or making it from scratch if you have extra time. Be sure to tell valuable information about each planet as you work through the project. Otherwise, you can also make them rockets and hurl them into the sky, build a satellite, or even have them create their own space station!

Take your kids to an observatory or planetarium

Another way to allow your kids to see things up close and personal is by bringing them into an observatory or planetarium. Many communities now have their observatories, which houses larger telescopes available for public use. There are daytime trips offered to families, which your family can take advantage of.

Meanwhile, planetariums are also available for you and your kids to visit. These dome-shaped theaters project images on the ceiling, resembling the sky. Your little ones will undoubtedly be filled with awe as they watch planets, stars, and other celestial objects from “high above.”

Get your kids a telescope

Telescopes are amazing tools. They can make planets and stars appear closer and enable your kids to explore the universe at the comfort of your windowsill or backyard. With proper guidance, you can have your kids get fascinated by the telescope’s power. Let them observe the skies, and write down whatever they may see, and use it to further advance their knowledge about astronomy.

Watch the skies

While telescopes are fantastic to use, there are things in space better viewed by the naked eye – stars! On one evening, take your kids to the backyard or travel to renowned gazing spots, lay the blanket, and view the stars. Teach your kids about constellations, and they will surely have fun connecting the dots, trying to find the Big Dipper, Ursa Major, or Orion. If you’re lucky, some planets are also visible in the skies at given times. Of course, don’t forget about the moon, which is also as mystical.

Let your kids read Astronomy books

Books remain as one of the best sources of information for kids. Many astronomy books are available covering nearly all topics, from the evolution of the universe, the Milky Way, the Solar System to dark matter. What’s great about Astronomy books is that they come with illustrations that will pique your kids’ interest and imagination. Some books are even interactive, demanding your children to think, all for the benefit of learning.


Those are some fresh ways to teach homeschoolers about your Astronomy. Yet, it doesn’t end at that. You can be creative and look for new alternatives to help your kids learn about all other subjects in their curriculum while instilling positive values and skills in the process. As a homeschooling parent, you can always find ways to give your kids the best education they deserve.

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