Unmasking The Dark Side: Explaining Why Cyberbullying Is Harmful

Unmasking The Dark Side Explaining Why Cyberbullying Is Harmful

With the rise of the Digital Age comes many benefits, and also many downfalls. And with the advent of the Internet has come a new danger – cyberbullying. Cyberbullying – the use of electronic means to harass and intimidate an individual – has become a dangerous trend that can have long-term mental … Read more

5 Ways to Prevent Cyberbullying in Schools

5 Ways to Prevent Cyberbullying in Schools

Today, the wonders of the internet are no surprise to anyone. Entrepreneurs have gotten an opportunity to run online businesses whereas, individuals can stay connected with friends and family members. But at the same time, the internet has opened doors to cyberbullying. People sitting behind their computer screens pass offensive and hateful … Read more