Pet Urine Stains: Removal Made Easy

Without a doubt, having pets at home comes with great responsibility. These furry friends are wonderful companions to have, but a hefty price has to be paid for having them; you need to take care of them for as long as you have them around.

Household chores are always piling up, and the addition of stains and odours left by these animals leave you exhausted as you try to come up with ways to keep your house clean and odour-free.

Fortunately, several carpet cleaning services in Australia can help you get rid of those nasty stains! Professional cleaners in cities such as Canberra, Sydney, and Perth are always at your service if you’re unhappy with the outcomes of your traditional house-cleaning methods and want to deep-clean your home. Carpet Cleaning Perth can also help you in this regard. Continue reading to learn about some other ways to get rid of these tough stains:

Homemade Solution for Pet Stain Removal From Carpets

DIY cleaning solutions should always come to your mind first. Given that these ingredients are readily available, it will save you hard-earned money. They are safe for your family members and pets because there are minimal chemical compounds in them. However, it is recommended to research these ingredients and test them on a small area before use to avoid discoloring and damaging the fibers of your carpet.

Vinegar and Baking Soda

Use vinegar to cover the stained area first, then sprinkle baking soda on it. A dish or towel should be used to cover it for one to two days, then the dried baking soda is to be scooped out of the area. Rinse the area with cold water. The stain should be dried by blotting with a clean towel.

Dishwashing Detergent

A quarter teaspoon of dishwashing detergent with one cup of lukewarm water should be combined in a spray bottle. It is safer to never use dish soap or laundry detergent in this case because it will worsen the stain as well as the carpet’s quality. Next, the stained area is to be sprayed. This step should be repeated if required. Afterwards, the area should be towel-dried.


The stained area is to be rinsed by combining two tablespoons of ammonia and a cup of water. The area should be towel-dried afterwards.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Around four tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, two tablespoons of lukewarm water, and a few drops of dish soap should be mixed in a spray bottle. The stained area is to be sprayed, rinsed, and towel-dried.

Removing Pet Urine Stains and Odours Using Store-Bought Cleaners

If you are looking for a faster method you are comfortable with, you can try using Pet Stain Eraser which you can find in stores. There are plenty of stores in Sydney and Perth where you can find this product such as The Prism Dyeing, Myer, The Good Guys, etc. Even though you will have plenty of brands to choose from, you should pick one made of a formula safe for children and pets.

First, you can blot the stain away before using the solution. The area should be rinsed thoroughly to remove all kinds of residues. Then dry it using a towel.

One more option could be to purchase an enzymatic-based pet odour remover found readily in pet stores. These cleaners have natural enzymes that eat away materials responsible for urine smells. This type of cleaner can work effectively by pouring it onto the stained area, then thoroughly soaking it to saturate the carpet pad as evenly as possible. Then, a covering material should be used on it.

It is recommended not to forcefully dry out the area too quickly because the longer the enzymes stay in the stained area, the better the results will be.

How Professional Cleaning Removes Pet Stains and Odours

In case all your efforts go in vain, it is time for you to ask for professional help. It is advised to use this cleaning service twice a year. This step is particularly important because getting rid of stains is easy, but getting it cleaned thoroughly from your carpets isn’t.

Make sure you research well on companies you wish to reach out to. Hiring reputable cleaners with years of experience who know the right tools and techniques to use to effectively address the problem and get rid of it as effectively as possible is recommended.

Simple practices to maintain the cleanliness of your home

Prevention is indeed better than cure, and that is also true when it comes to keeping your home clean against pet urine stains and odours. Follow these practices for consistent cleanliness:

  • You should vacuum your house twice a week, especially your sofa using an upholstery nozzle to remove fur left behind by your pets.
  • Your home should be properly ventilated by leaving your windows open to keep pet odours at bay. It will also prevent the unpleasant smell.
  • Regularly bathe your pets.
  • Potty-train your pets beforehand.
  • Clean pet urine quickly.


Keeping your home clean with pets will require considerable effort on your part, but it will pay off because your pet will soon be aware of the ‘no-entry’ or the restricted zones of your home. Even if your pet does falter, you can always bring them back on track by retraining them for a week or more. However, if it is a regular occurrence, you should consult veterinarians to rule out medical causes.


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