More On Diagnosis And Treatment For Hair Loss

Before a doctor makes a diagnosis, he will most likely first give you a physical examination and obtain more information about your family history and medical history. He might perform tests that may include:

  • Blood test– to help uncover medical conditions that may be related to hair loss.
  • Pull test– the physician will gently tuck several dozen hairs to assess whether they come out. This can indicate the stage of the shedding process.
  • Scalp biopsy– samples of the skin are scraped, or a few hairs are taken from the scalp to evaluate the hair roots. This can assist in seeing if an infection is a cause for hair loss.
  • Light microscopy– A special instrument is used for examining hairs trimmed at the bases. Microscopy can help with uncovering probable disorders of the hair shaft.


Hair loss can appear in a number of ways, depending on what is causing it. It might begin suddenly or gradually, and it can simply affect your scalp or your entire body.

Hair loss symptoms and signs might include:

Increasingly thinner on the top of the head

It is increasingly common for people to experience this type of hair loss as they age. Men’s hair frequently begins to recede at the forehead hairline. Typically, women’s hair parts are wider than men’s. A receding hairline is a hair loss pattern those older women are experiencing more frequently (frontal fibrosing alopecia).

Patches or circles of baldness

Some people get round or spotty bald spots on their head, beard, or brows. Before the hair starts to come out, your skin may feel uncomfortable or scratchy.

Hair suddenly becomes looser

Hair can become loose as a result of trauma, whether it be physical or mental. Whether you brush your hair, shampoo it, or even simply gently pull at it, you might lose a few handfuls of hair. This type of hair loss, however transient, typically results in a general thinning of the hair.

Complete body hair loss

Certain illnesses and medical treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer, can cause hair loss across your body. Usually, the hair grows back.

The scalp is covered in huge regions of scaling

This is a ringworm symptom. Further possible symptoms include broken hair, redness, edema, and occasionally leakage.

It is important to remember that everyone loses some hair every day and that some hair shedding is natural. To find out the underlying cause and the best course of action, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist or healthcare practitioner if you notice a marked increase in hair loss or any of the aforementioned symptoms.

When to see a doctor

Make an appointment with your doctor if you or your child is having persistent hair loss and you want to get treatment. Discuss early treatment options with your doctor if you are a woman suffering from a receding hairline (facial fibrosing alopecia) in order to prevent major permanent baldness.

Moreover, if you notice more hair falling out than usual when brushing or bathing your child’s or your own hair, or if it falls out suddenly or in patches, consult your doctor. Sudden hair loss may be a sign of a medical disease that has to be treated.


An average person loses 50–100 hairs per day. Due to the concurrent growth of new hair, this typically passes unnoticed. When the hair that has fallen out is not replaced by new hair, hair loss results.

Most commonly, one or more of the following causes of hair loss:

1. Family background (heredity)

The most frequent reason for hair loss is an inherited condition that worsens with age. Androgenic alopecia, male-pattern baldness, or female-pattern baldness are all terms used to describe this disorder. Women often experience thinning hair at the top of the head, but men frequently have a receding hairline and bald spots. Usually, it develops gradually and according to regular patterns.

2. Medical issues and hormonal changes

Many conditions, including hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy, delivery, menopause, and thyroid problems, can lead to permanent or temporary hair loss. Among the illnesses are the immune system-related sickness known as alopecia areata, which causes patchy hair loss, scalp ringworm infections, and the hair-pulling disorder trichotillomania.

3. Medicines and dietary supplements

Several medications, including those for cancer, arthritis, depression, heart issues, gout, and high blood pressure, can cause hair loss as a side effect.

4. Head-focused radiation treatment

It is possible that the hair will not regrow in the exact same way.

5. A highly stressful occasion

Many months after a physically or emotionally distressing event, there is frequently widespread hair thinning. This type results in temporary hair loss.

6. Hair treatments and styles

Over-styling and tight-pulling hairstyles like cornrows and pigtails can result in traction alopecia, a type of hair loss. Both hot oil treatments and permanent hair colouring can make hair fragile and prone to falling out. Scarring may result in permanent hair loss.

7. Nutritional deficiencies

Hair loss can be caused by a deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals, including iron and vitamin D.


Hair Transplant

In the most commonplace kind of enduring hair loss, only the top of the head is influenced. Restoration surgery or hair transplant can be a viable solution in making the most of the remaining hair. During hair transplant procedures, a cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist takes away small patches of skin, each one possessing one or a few hairs, from the side or back of the scalp.  There are options like foltina plus and others to consider.

In some cases, larger strips of skin with multiple hairs are taken. This is then implanted hair follicle by follicle into the bald areas. Some doctors suggest using minoxidil after a transplant to help with minimizing hair loss. You may necessitate more than one surgery at to obtain the result you want. Hereditary hair loss will eventually continue irrespective of surgery. Surgical procedures for treating baldness can be painful and are expensive. Probable risks may include scarring and bleeding.


If your hair loss is because of an underlying disease, treatment of the illness will be required. This may include medication for reducing inflammation and suppressing the immune system, for instance, prednisone. If a particular medication is causing loss of hair, your physician may advise you to stop taking it for about three months. There are drugs available for treating hereditary (pattern) baldness. These options include:

Minoxidil (Rogaine)

A non-prescription medication approved for women and men. It comes in foam or liquid form that is rubbed into the scalp daily. It may cause hair shedding at first, and new hair may be thinner and shorter than previous hair. Treatment is necessary for at least six months to avoid further hair loss and to begin hair regrowth. The medication must be applied continuously to attain benefits. Probable side-effects may include rapid heart rate, unwanted hair growth on the flanking side of the hands and face, and scalp irritation.

Finasteride (Propecia)

Prescription medication for men, which is taken daily in pill form. The drug may cause a slowing of hair loss and some new hair growth. It may not be helpful for men over sixty. Rare side-effects include enhanced risk of prostate cancer and diminished libido and sexual function. Pregnant women must avoid touching broken or crushed tablets.

Low-level laser therapy

During this procedure, specialized laser equipment is used to promote hair growth and lessen hair loss.

Lifestyle changes

A good diet, adequate sleep, and stress reduction are some lifestyle adjustments that can assist with hair loss.

Wigs and hairpieces

A good diet, adequate sleep, and stress reduction are some lifestyle adjustments that can assist with hair loss.

Other Medications

Men can take oral medication dutasteride, and for women, spironolactone and oral contraceptives are options.

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