Life Hacks for College Students

College life is fantastic, but it can also be challenging. Finding the ideal dorm and making new friends are both difficult tasks. Because of this, it is crucial that we always share knowledge and support with one another. Whether they are life hacks, college hacks, or personal advice we’ve picked up along the way.

Studying, learning, staying up late, and having fun are typically associated with attending college. Here, we have listed a few life hacks to make college life easier, more effective, and more fun.

1. While studying, use rewards. Without a little encouragement, it can be difficult to sit down and make yourself read an entire chapter. Try out the candy trick: 1) Place the open textbook on the ground. 2) Insert a candy bar every few paragraphs. 3. Begin reading, and when you come to a piece of candy, reward yourself for your attentive reading with a small treat.

2. While in class, take colored notes. Consider using several different colors when taking notes in lectures and in class. Create a distinct color scheme and follow it. Color-coded notes encourage visual memory and facilitate fact recall. When studying for an exam, color coding will also keep your notes organized and make it simpler to find information. It will take less time to study from a textbook if you take the time to take better notes in class, and it will also be much more enjoyable than simply taking notes with a black pen.

3. Study in groups and build a responsible study circle. Organizing study groups is a useful study technique. This way, everyone can participate and contribute the knowledge they have so far, in addition to having your fellow students around to make learning fun. It is a very efficient way to exchange knowledge and learn about things you might have otherwise missed.

4. Concentrate on your GPA. Within the first year or two of college, many students enroll in easier general education courses. Concentrate on raising your GPA as much as you can while enrolled in these simpler courses. Building a GPA early on will make it easier to maintain it once harder classes arrive, and a lower grade won’t significantly lower it.

5. Changing study places if possible helps with learning. There are no laws requiring you to do all of your schoolwork at home. It might be useful to switch things up a little bit. You could learn more and feel more relaxed by visiting parks, coffee shops, or even libraries. Additionally, breathing in some fresh air while doing so is beneficial. Add this to your list of college life hacks!

6. If you’re studying, keep your laptop cool. A lot of laptop time is necessary for college work. Take an open egg carton or a fast-food drink carrier to help your laptop cool off if it starts to get too hot. Then, place the laptop on top of it while it is upside down. The computer can instantly begin cooling down thanks to the air flow.

7. Watch lectures that have been recorded. It can be helpful later on in the semester to have the lectures you are attending recorded. Recorded lectures can be listened to to help the brain retain knowledge that has already been learned. By listening to a recording, you can make sure that no crucial details in a lecture are missed. Listen to lectures twice as fast to cut down on studying time. Most recording programs have the option to speed up the recording to cut down on listening time.

8. When studying, speak out loud. Try and practice explaining to yourself as you learn. To accomplish this, try asking yourself questions like “What was the text about?” Which concepts did I take away from it? You can review everything you’ve learned so far in this way. You’ll also remember everything better if you speak aloud and can hear yourself. This is a fantastic college hack because you will need to give presentations and work on projects that require you to interact with others.

9. Know your professors. College is much easier and more beneficial when you develop relationships with your professors. Almost all professors have multiple courses they teach within a major. It’s simpler to start classes when you know the professor. If any issues arise, knowing a professor can be beneficial. When they know the student personally, professors are much more willing to assist. The opportunities that can be had also increase with a positive professorial relationship. Finding a job in a difficult-to-break-in field or obtaining a research position within a department are both aided by it. Regarding letters of recommendation, professors who are aware of a student’s work ethic and skills are also beneficial. An excellent letter of recommendation from a professor is more likely if they are familiar with the student.

10. Get close to people in your major. Getting to know other students in a similar major is helpful as well. On which professors to take classes from and which to avoid, other students in the same major can offer advice. Additionally, they can suggest specific classes or beneficial course sequences. Additionally, rather than having to purchase all new textbooks, students can request used reference materials or books from friends in their major. They can be useful for making study guides and studying challenging concepts. Above all, people who have the same major as you can be great resources for emotional support.

11. Never forget to hydrate yourself. Having a water bottle nearby makes taking an exam so much simpler. It appears that drinking water is beneficial for our brain. This is so that we can better understand how our brain functions when we give it more water, which makes up about 75% of it. Therefore, remember to stay hydrated and carry a bottle of cold water with you at all times; it will save your life in college!

12. Consume dark chocolate more frequently. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which are powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances that are excellent for learning. According to scientific studies, eating chocolate improves memory and concentration for about two hours. Dark chocolate contains more cocoa than white or milk chocolate, which has been shown in studies to have positive effects like lowering blood pressure, defending the heart, and reducing the risk of diabetes. This can be added to your list of college survival tips.

13. Watch documentaries. When all you do while studying is stare down at some notes for hours on end, it can get boring. Why not switch to visual aids instead of this? Some college students are unaware of the fact that watching documentaries, movies, and even plays can be an excellent learning tool. Since you have the image fixed in your mind, for a lot of people, actually seeing the things you have just learned about is very helpful. Another name for this is “visual memory.”

14. Take much-needed breaks from studying and from your dorm life. When living in a dorm for the first time, sharing space with roommates can be overwhelming. The best dorm hack is to make sure you leave the room as soon as this occurs. It’s crucial to have a set place where you can go when you want to escape from a cramped space, a crowded hallway, or the lack of a television. This will make it easier for you to relax once you return to your room.

15. Don’t forget to reward yourself. College students should be aware that rewards are a great way to motivate yourself and give the impression that you’ve just completed a significant academic task. Consider that you’ve just finished creating a schema for a project that took some time to complete. Enjoy some ice cream or a chocolate bar. Have a different reward if you manage to go 30 minutes without checking your phone. When working or studying, we’ve all struggled with the need to occasionally check our phones. Switching off your phone’s notifications is a significant step you can take. This will prevent you from being sidetracked by the notification sound, which always makes you wonder whether there is a new message, “like,” or “tweet.”

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