Learn the Benefits of Eating Fish

Everyone loves to have some deep-fried spicy fish with the sauce alongside your loved ones. Fish remains one of the most eaten and enjoyed different types of seafood across the globe. It doesn’t only cater to your cravings on a cold winter evening but is also a beneficial source of protein. It’s filled with omega-3 fatty acids and helps keep your muscles strong and body lean. 

Top 10 Health Benefits of Eating Fish

Health experts rightfully crowned the fish as the healthiest food item on this planet. It’s loaded with important nutrients, such as Vitamin D and protein. Make sure to incorporate healthy and easy fish recipes into your diet, to reap these top 10 health benefits of eating fish. 

1. Lower Risk of Heart Attacks and Strokes

The two most common causes of premature death across the world are heart attacks and strokes. Fish is one of those foods that benefit the health of your heart the most. Medicinal research proved that people who eat fish regularly have a lower risk of falling victim to heart diseases (mostly heart attacks) and strokes. Fatty types of fish are the most beneficial in this regard. Because of their high omega-3 fatty acid content, fatty fish reduces the rate of heart diseases by 15% in people who eat one or more servings per week.

2. Rich in Important Nutrients

Fish is loaded with many important nutrients that are lacking in most people. They include iodine, high-quality protein, various minerals, and vitamins. Fatty species, including trout, salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel are rich in fat-based nutrients, such as vitamin D, that are scarce in many people. Additionally, fatty fish boast omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for optimal brain and body function and greatly reduce the risk of many diseases. Eating fatty fish once or twice a week can fulfill your omega-3 requirements.  

3. Great Source of Vitamin D

Fish are high in vitamin D and are considered the best dietary source of this important nutrient. According to the National Institute of Health, vitamin D helps absorb calcium for improved bone health and growth. People living in the colder regions often do not get the Estimated Average Intake (EAR) of vitamin D. Henceforth, adding this nutrient-dense food (fish) in diet will certainly up their vitamin D levels.  Researchers at The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine suspect that because of its high vitamin D concentration, fish may also improve the quality of sleep for most people, which in turn boosts immunity

4. Prevent and Treat Depression

Depression is a serious mental condition. Mostly it’s characterized by sadness, low mood, loss of interest in life, and overall decreased physical and emotional energy levels. Studies found that people who consume fish regularly are less likely to get depressed. Many controlled trials revealed that omega-3 fatty acids may, 

  • Help people fight depression
  • Increase the effectiveness of antidepressant medications
  • Aid many other mental conditions, such as bipolar disorder

5. Protect Vision in Old Age

Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is one of the leading causes of vision impairment and blindness among the elderly. Some evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids and fish may protect people against this disease. In one study, regular consumption of fish was linked to a 42% reduced risk of AMD among women. It was also found that one serving of fatty fish per week can significantly lower the risk of neovascular (wet) AMD by 53%. 

6. Reduced Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease 

Fish is one of the most important dietary essentials for your brain. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, moderate consumption of seafood was linked with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The study proved that people who consume fish on regular basis had more grey brain matter, which reduces brain deterioration and shrinkage (leads to brain function complications). The increased concentration of omega-3s in commonly eaten fish, such as Atlantic Farmed Salmon and Anchovies help reduce the age-related cognitive decline in the elderly. To know more about the quantity of calories, protein, fats and omega-3s in different tyeps of fish, have a look at this table. 

Quantity of Omega-3s and Essential Nutrients in Different Types of Fish

Type of Fish

Omega-3 fatty acids in 3 ounces(grams)

Number of Calories in 3 ounces

Fats in 3 ounces(grams)

Protein in 3 ounces (grams)











Pacific and jack mackerel





Pacific black cod










7. Alleviates Rheumatoid Arthritis 

source:James Heilman, MD, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammation of your joints. More consumption of fish can help you alleviate the pain and swelling. The America College of Rheumatology found that a higher intake of fish significantly lowers the disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis. According to Neal Malik (the chair of the department of nutrition and basic sciences at Bastyr University California), “The eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in omega-3s help reduce inflammation in the body, which helps ease rheumatoid arthritis symptoms”. 

8. Lowers Risk of Cancer

According to a study by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, fish can effectively lower the risk of certain cancers. The study showed that people who regularly consume fish had a lower risk of falling victim to many digestive cancers and pancreas cancers. Studies suggest that eating fish and omega-3 fatty acids protect individuals against liver and bowel cancers. Oily fish including Spanish mackerel, Atlantic salmon, gemfish, and canned fish such as sardines, tuna, and salmon are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. 

9. Helps Athletes Recover Faster

One of the greatest benefits of eating fish includes recovering faster from fatigue. The essential nutrients present in fish help athletes in muscle regeneration. According to a study published in Sports Medicine, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin D which are heavily prominent in fatty fish play a significant role in post-exercise fatigue recovery, reducing muscle soreness and inflammation. Fish oil is also high in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that bear a lot of health benefits for bodybuilders 

10. Improves Skin

Eating fish may also benefit your skin in the long run. Fish skin is a good source of vitamin E and collagen, both of which are important for healthy skin. Studies have found that collagen can significantly improve skin hydration, elasticity, and other aging signs like wrinkles. Collagen (protein) is almost present in every type of fish, while vitamin E (a fat-soluble antioxidant) is more commonly found in oily fish like trout and salmon. Vitamin E protects your skin against the harmful effects of the sun and improves symptoms of some skin conditions, such as eczema. 

Eating Fish – Ensures Good Taste and Health

Eating fish does not only cater to your spicy seafood cravings but also helps maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is rich in essential nutrients and protein. Being a staple of the healthful Mediterranean diet, fish has less saturated fat than meat and cholesterol. Additionally, it also helps us improve many body functions by providing a huge amount of minerals and vitamins, including zinc, vitamin B, and iron. People who regularly consume fish live a healthy life and are less likely to fall victim to many threatening health conditions. 

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