Keeping Old Loved Ones Active at Home

Whether or not we like it, time is no respecter of man; sooner or later, we all are going to age. As such, it is imperative to treat our elderly ones duly. As our elderly ones get older, they easily take to a sedentary lifestyle which sometimes could be detrimental to their overall well-being.

This inactivity in Old loved ones can be attributed to several factors, including general fatigue or painful symptoms.

The best way to help old elderly ones keep fit and maintain their overall well-being is to get home care services to take care of them and also make sure that they are actively doing one thing or the other instead of sitting or lying all through the day. Enough physical activity is sure to help everyone, including old people.

Keeping your old loved ones active at home is very important and helpful because it comes with a wide range of health benefits including:

  • Socialization and mood improvement
  • Good interpersonal relationship
  • Improved health/ longer life
  • Memory boost
  • Stronger muscles and bones
  • Improved joint and muscle health
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness
  • Excellent self-care
  • lower blood pressure
  • Decreased stress

How to Keep Old Loved One’s Active

1. Exercises / Work Outs

One of the best ways to keep your old loved ones active at home is exercise. Whenever you are exercising, do not exclude them. Try as much as possible to bring them closer and get them involved in one or two activities and workouts. The type of activity or exercise that you may want to involve them in depends on the age of the individual. Before they join you in any exercising activity, consider their age, strength, interest, and most importantly, their capability. For this to be effective, they must enjoy the exercise from within. It shouldn’t look like they are forced to do it. If you put all these factors into consideration and they begin to exercise with you, you’ll be surprised that even when you’re not around, they would find it pleasurable to do some exercise.

2. Road/Dog Walks

Another important way to keep your old loved ones active is by going on road walks with or without your dog(s). You and your old ones could take a stroll out over some distance early in the mornings or in the cool of the evenings. And if you happen to have pet dogs, your old ones can also work out with them. Even if you’ll walk for as little as thirty minutes, it’ll sure do a lot of good. However, do not forget to not over-stress them. Whatever you do should be limited to their age and capabilities.

3. Using Stairs Would Help

The truth is many people miss this part. People generally assume that avoiding stairs will help older adults. However, on the contrary, walking up or down a flight of stairs will actually do more good to older adults, as each step takes them closer to stamina, strength, and improved fitness. It can even aid cardiovascular improvement. So, anywhere possible, allow older adults to make use of stairs instead of escalators and elevators.

4. Dancing With Family & Friends

Dancing is another initiative that would help older ones keep fit while they associate and socialize with people. You, your old loved ones, other family members, and friends could engage in ballroom dance, square dance, and anything related because it helps make new friends while maintaining an active lifestyle. Home care services are readily available to take care of your family’s transportation needs.

Hitting the Gym

Sometimes working out at home can become boring, leading to unwillingness. As such, you can register yourself and your old loved ones at a nearby gym so that you can exercise and mingle with others. You may not necessarily work out; you can visit any center where your older loved ones can get involved in swimming classes or aqua aerobics.


The fact remains that older ones need love, care, and support. It is a responsibility you have to take care of. However, if you barely have time or are too busy to attend this course, home care services would do just fine.

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