How to Travel with Your Pet & Limit Issues

The most common pets, cats and dogs are truly a part of the family. As such, they deserve to travel with us and explore the world too when we go on holidays.

However, many pet owners feel insecure about taking their cat or dog on long trips due to the difficulties that may arise. If you aren’t one of them and believe that traveling with your pet is a must, then read on.

To help you and your pet enjoy your next getaway, we have prepared a few tips on how to simplify your travel and avoid difficulties. Professional pet mover can be of great help for you.

Pay attention and get ready to take your four-legged buddy on an adventure of a lifetime.


Before going on a trip with your pet, consider the airline you will choose. Some airlines have differing rules about how a pet can travel. You have to confirm ahead of time if your pet can take the trip in the cabin or in the cargo hold. Some airlines may not permit them to stay in the cabin and will carry them in a heated and ventilated hold which can be comfortable to your pet given its quiet and dark ambiance. 

During the months of May and September, some US airlines do not allow pets to be shipped or to travel in the Northern Hemisphere due to hot weather during these months. However, if the trip is necessary to travel in cargo, your pet must be contained in a strong container with enough space to stand, sit, turn around, and lie down.

Take Your Pet To The Vet

Before traveling, it’s important to know if your pet is healthy enough especially if the trip will take longer. It is better to inform your veterinarian of your plans to travel with your pet so you would know prior if your pet is suited for such activity.

Prepare Pet Accessories 

If you are thinking of bringing pets to Singapore, it is important to take note of all the pet accessories that you will need. Pack a separate backpack to carry your pet’s belongings such as toys, leash, food, water bowl, and other essential accessories. Extra collars and pet tags containing your contact number are also recommended in case of emergency. 

Pack First-aid Kit, Set Safety Precautions

A lot of things can happen during a trip with your pet so it is better to be prepared. To keep them safe, a car carrier, pet harness, and seatbelt are important for your fur baby. Moreover, it is necessary to bear in mind to pack a medical kit that consists of cotton balls, gauze pads, ice packs, tweezers, swabs, adhesive tapes, and other first-aid essentials.

Get Your Pet Tired Before A Long Trip

Short car trips for a dog or cat are usually pretty painless. However, on long trips, dogs can get anxious and agitated. Cats on the other hand tend not to mind being lazy, so this tip is more useful for dogs.

Take your dog for a long walk or run in the park so they burn off a lot of energy. Then, they will be ready to lay down and hopefully can spend most of the travel time sleeping.

Prepare A Ventilated, Secure Carrier

We know how you imagine the trip with your pet: your fluffy friend sitting in your lap and you conquer the world together. However, it doesn’t work like that.

Traveling long distances demands a carrier for your pet’s safe transportation. If you don’t have one, buy it before you travel and make sure it’s large enough to fit them comfortably.

You wouldn’t like being cramped in a small space for long periods of time, so make sure you purchase a suitably sized carrier according to your pet’s size.

Take Your Pet For a Short Test Travel

In order to help your pet get used to traveling before you take on a long distance vacation, you should perform one or a few test travel trips.

This should include their pet carrier so they can get used to getting in, spending some time travelling and then getting out. The first time they enter the carrier it will be scary, but after they get used to the process it will get easier each time.

A test travel trip may involve driving your pet in your car on a long tour around the city or carrying it inside the carrier while using public transportation. That way your pet will get familiar with the whole traveling process.

Avoid Feeding Your Pet Just Before and During Travel

Obviously this tip needs to be taken into account on a case by case basis. It would be cruel to not feed them if the travel time was 12-24+ hours long. But otherwise this tip can help avoid any smelly surprises. You probably assume what might happen if you do feed them.

Also, never feed your pet in a moving vehicle, as food can also get thrown all over the vehicle.

Bring Hygiene Essentials

Taking your pet to travel could be a hassle especially if they create a mess. This is one of the reasons why it is advisable to bring paper or plastic bags and towels to clean up whatever mess your pet made. Bringing non-toxic cleaners, disposable gloves, and garbage bags is also recommended.

Never Leave Your Pet Locked in A Vehicle

Just like people, animals will not survive the boiling temperatures if locked in a vehicle on a hot day. On the other end of the scale they could also freeze to death in cold weather.

The other risk is that they are forgotten and left to starve. Either way, you should never leave your vehicle in your vehicle unattended.

Always Keep Your Pet’s Essentials Nearby

To avoid difficulties of your travel, always keep your travel papers, vaccine records, bowl, food, medication, and plastic bags within reach.

You might also consider to pack your pet’s favorite toy and keep them amused while traveling. All pets feel better and safer with familiar objects in unfamiliar environments.

Prepare for The Worst – Losing Your Pet on Your Trip

It is every pet owner’s worst nightmare – they go missing!

Make sure your pet wears a collar with your cell phone number on it and a temporary address of where you’re staying. Also, make sure that your pet has an identification microchip to help the process of them being reconnected with you, if they are lost and found.

Book Pet-Friendly Accommodation

This one should be a no-brainer, but it must be listed. If you don’t confirm if your pet is welcome to stay with you, you will ruin the whole trip!

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