How to Relieve Tooth Pain Quick

A decaying tooth, damaged filling, tooth fracture, inflamed gums, or an abscessed tooth are just a few of the major complications that can cause dental discomfort. If you are experiencing any form of tooth pain, seeing a dentist as early as possible is the apparent remedy. However, if you can’t see your dentist immediately, you may have to endure some pain and discomfort until then.

If your tooth is in pain, it’s crucial to determine the cause of that discomfort. After that, you can then figure out how to treat any pain, inflammation, or other symptoms.

While waiting for your dentist appointment, the following suggestions can help you manage a toothache.


Gargling salt water is an excellent home treatment for many individuals. Soaking your mouth with warm salt water can help clear infections and provide your teeth temporary pain relief. Saltwater is a natural disinfectant that may help loosen small dirt and food particles lodged between the teeth.

Tooth pains can be relieved by gargling with salt water to minimize inflammation and cure any oral lesions. To try this method, you must first dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle with it. However, you must ensure to avoid swallowing the saltwater while gargling. 

Cold Compress

Generally, there are two methods for reducing or eliminating toothache discomfort. The first focuses on minimizing inflammation, while the second focuses on disrupting the wound’s signals sent to the brain. For the first method, apply a cold compress or a bag of frozen veggies to the side of your face. The vessels in the affected area of your teeth constrict when you use a cold pack. This reduces the severity of the pain. Just make sure you use a bit of fabric as a buffer to avoid damaging your skin.

By numbing pain and minimizing swelling, the cold can help you feel better. Hold towel-wrapped ice or a pack of a cold compress to the area where you feel the most pain for 20 minutes. You may do this for a few hours.

Anti-inflammatory Medications

Anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen, can also help to reduce inflammation and swelling and lower pain signals. If you decide to take ibuprofen, make sure to take it every few hours as directed on the package. If you take the drug once and stop when you feel better, the pain will almost certainly return. 

If you have no ibuprofen on hand, you can substitute it with acetaminophen. However, while it can aid in relieving pain, it is not anti-inflammatory.

Local Anesthetics

Local anesthetics treatment for tooth pain works directly on the nerves of the tooth, providing immediate comfort. They can help in numbing the pain, which may last until you fall asleep. Some of these local anesthetics are benzocaine gel and lidocaine topical. 

The suggested amount for pain relief is 0.5 grams, with a maximum daily dose of two grams for benzocaine gel. While, the recommended dosage of lidocaine cream for pain relief is one to five grams, with a maximum daily dose of 20 grams. To use them, apply the prescribed dosage of benzocaine and lidocaine to a clean cotton swab and then spread it on the painful area. 

You may purchase these local anesthetics in pharmacies and drugstores, but it is always advisable to see your dentist beforehand for prescriptions. Pregnant women, persons with anesthetic allergies, or people who are taking drugs for heart arrhythmias or hypertension should not use anesthetics.


People have used garlic for medical purposes for countless generations. You may also use garlic as a pain reliever in addition to eradicating potentially hazardous bacteria. 

Crush one garlic clove to make a gooey paste and apply it directly to the affected area to relieve the tooth pain. If you are not fond of a garlic paste, as an alternative, chew a raw garlic clove and then spit it out.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Gargling hydrogen peroxide may also aid in tooth pain and help relieve inflammation. You may also use hydrogen peroxide to decrease plaque and treat bleeding gums, aside from eliminating bacteria in the mouth.

To properly use it, ensure the hydrogen peroxide is thoroughly diluted. To dilute, make a mouthwash by mixing three percent of hydrogen peroxide with equal ml of water. Remember not to swallow the mixture. 

Peppermint Tea Bags

A Peppermint tea bag is another option to relieve pain and soothe sore gums. Peppermint tea bags, generally regarded as safe, contain minimal numbing qualities that temporarily relieve dental pain. 

Some people like to freeze their tea bags for a few minutes before using them. You may also use the peppermint bag while it’s still hot and allow for it to cool inside. This remedy can give you a pleasant feeling that will help you forget about your tooth pain.

Elevating Your Head

Maintain an elevated position for your head. You can avoid blood from rushing to your head if you hold your head high above your body. Blood accumulating in your head can aggravate tooth pain and leave you awake at night.

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