How To Prepare for a Facial Plastic Surgery

The decision to undergo facial plastic surgery in Houston is a big one. You are about to go through an invasive medical procedure, and you want to make sure that you are fully prepared for the process. With this in mind, it’s essential that you take these vital pre-surgery tips into account before going under the knife.

Stop Smoking and Clear Your Schedule 1 Month Before the Surgery

Before undergoing facial plastic surgery, it’s important that you stop smoking and plan time off of work. Your body will need all the energy it can get during this process, so make sure your schedule is clear.

Don’t forget to ask for help from family or friends if needed. You’ll want them there to keep you company and help with unavoidable chores like cooking and cleaning.

Don’t Drink Alcohol 72-Hours Before Surgery

Alcohol is a common culprit for many allergic reactions. Because you will undergo anesthesia during the procedure, it is vital that you avoid alcohol three days before the surgery. 

The reason for this precaution is that you want to reduce the number of toxins in your body before surgery. You’ll also need to be alert and hydrated when it comes time for your operation.

Boost Your Immune System

You’ll also want to give your immune system a boost in the days leading up to surgery. This means eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as getting enough rest. It’s also important that you avoid stress as much as possible.

Ideally, start preparing for surgery at least two months in advance. This will give you plenty of time to make any necessary lifestyle changes and ensure that you’re fully prepared for the procedure.

If you can, take some time for yourself in the weeks leading up to surgery. Relax with a good book or take walks in the park. You’ll be glad you did when it’s time to recover.

Don’t Take Blood-Thinning Medications

Another important note is that you should not be taking blood-thinning medications before surgery. Aspirin or any other medication that thins your blood can lead to excessive bleeding during the operation, which will have severe consequences for your overall health and well-being.

Your body may suggest otherwise, but it’s a good idea to stop taking all blood-thinning medications at least two weeks before surgery. This will give your body enough time to adjust and ensure a safe recovery process.

Avoid Recreational Drugs

You should also avoid recreational drugs before surgery. This includes weed, cocaine, heroin, and anything else that makes you drowsy. These sorts of things can affect your blood pressure and breathing levels while under anesthesia – both of which are extremely dangerous for any patient.

Ideally, stop taking all forms of these non-prescribed drugs at least two weeks before surgery. This will give your body time to flush out any toxins and ensure a safe operation.

Eat Healthy and Exercise

You’ll want to eat healthy in the weeks leading up to your surgery. This includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. This will give you the nutrients that your body needs to recover properly.

Also, get plenty of exercise in the weeks before surgery as well! This will help keep your immune system strong and ensure that you’re in peak physical condition for when it comes time to recover after the big day.

Prepare for Anesthesia 1 Day Before Surgery

On the day of your surgery, you’ll need to arrive at the hospital a few hours early so that you can prepare for anesthesia. This means no food or drink – not even water! You will also need to avoid wearing makeup or contact lenses.

Depending on how severe your surgery is, you may also need to avoid taking any medications. This includes prescription and over-the-counter drugs alike. However, it’s important that you speak with your doctor in advance about what you can and cannot take on the day of surgery.

Drink Lots of Water in the Days Leading Up to Surgery

Finally, you’ll want to drink lots of water in the days leading up to surgery. This will help flush out any toxins and ensure that you’re fully hydrated on the day of your operation.

Your doctor may also ask you to take a laxative ahead of time so that your bowels are clear for surgery. This can take a few days, but it’s important that you do so before the big day to avoid nasty surprises.

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