How to Pick the Right Shower Panels

Choosing the right shower panels can seem simple enough. But when you begin exploring the market, the plethora of options can complicate that decision.

Luckily, we’ve got a few tips to help you make an informed decision.

From creating a budget to considering the care requirements, there are certain factors that go into choosing new shower wall panels. Let us break it down for you!

Know Your Budget

First and foremost, you’ll need to create a budget for your shower panel replacement project. If you’re willing to splurge, you may have more freedom to create the shower of your dreams. But if your budget is tight, your options may be limited.

Luckily, there are tons of affordable shower panels on the market. Plus, most of them are easy to install! That means you can save even more money on labour costs by DIYing.

If you’re on a budget, you can opt for concrete wall panels, which cost around £54 per panel. Meanwhile, PVC shower wall panels can cost £62 per panel. Other affordable options include fibreglass and laminated wall panels.

Consider Your Space

Of course, you must also consider the space you’ll be covering. Depending on the complexity of installation, it can cost around £20 per sqft to install shower wall panels. In total, the average shower costs £360 to £800 to tile, including the cost of the tiles.

The size and shape of your shower space also influence the type of panels you choose. For example, if you have a smaller shower, using larger tiles can make it seem more spacious. Glass panels can also add a sense of openness but tend to cost more.

Pick the Material

Next, you need to pick the material for your shower panels. Many options exist with varying durabilities, costs, and designs. It all depends on how you envision your dream shower space!

Acrylic shower panels are a popular pick due to their lightweight build and durability. That means you can install them yourself without the fear of cracking them. Acrylic panels are easy to clean, and their resistance to stains and discolouration makes them last long.

Consider fibreglass shower panels if you want something more affordable for a DIY project. You won’t need any specialised tools or expertise to install them. Plus, they’re mould-resistant, so you can enjoy peace of mind while showering.

Due to their versatility, PVC panels are easily the most sought-after shower wall panels. They can mimic nearly every type of material at half the price and double the durability. From stone and marble to quartz and slate, the list goes on.

The best part? Each option is waterproof, so you’ll never have to worry about mould buildup. These low-maintenance shower panels can last up to 15 years, making them a worthwhile investment.

Ease of Installation

Another critical factor is the installation method for each type of shower panel. While some can be easily installed in a DIY project, others require you to hire professional contractors. If your budget is tight, go for panels you can install yourself.

For example, you can install some shower wall panels over existing drywall. That means you won’t need to demolish anything, saving money on labour and disposal costs. But it also means you’ll need to sand the entire drywall to attach the panels securely.

Acrylic shower panels often come with mounting hardware to install them yourself. Other easy-to-install shower panels include fibreglass, PVC, and laminate. On the other hand, natural stone and glass panels are fragile and need professional installation.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Lastly, you can’t forget to consider the care requirements of each shower panel type. If regular scrubbing and washing simply don’t fit your schedule, opt for something low-maintenance. PVC, laminate, and acrylic panels are just a few examples.

On the other hand, glass shower panels demand regular cleaning to prevent hard water stains. You’ll need to wipe them down at least daily to keep them shining.


Creating the ideal bathroom environment is impossible if you don’t like your shower wall panels. To make your decision easier, we’ve compiled a few tips to remember when picking new panels. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but there are personalised picks for everyone!