How To Know When You Need Myofunctional Therapy

Not many people know what myofunctional therapy is or if they need it. Myofunctional therapy is a treatment option that is non-invasive and helps correct bad or harmful oral habits. Habits like inadequate chewing, improper breathing, or even tongue positioning offsets can have a bad impact on your oral and overall health.

We may consciously or unconsciously develop bad oral habits but we often don’t seem to notice until there are consequences. If you’re looking to get Myofunctional therapy Toronto, you should know that it is extremely preventive in nature and helps many people offset bad oral habits very quickly to avoid diseases.

This form of therapy can also help correct bite issues, crooked teeth, and more. But what exactly is this form of therapy and do you need it?

What Exactly is Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional therapy is growing more popular by the day. The therapy treats issues with the mouth, face, and neck when an individual is dealing with orofacial myofunctional disorders. It is a physical therapy that uses exercise to help reduce jaw pains, correct misaligned teeth, improve posture and digestion, and much more.

This form of therapy aims to strengthen an individual’s facial muscles, thereby helping eliminate oral, speech, digestion, and posture issues. It combines physical therapy with breathing exercises, thereby helping avoid issues like sleep apnea. This form of therapy also helps alter your facial muscles and can help with speech issues like stammering.

Myofunctional Therapy helps reset bad habits and trains your muscles to rest the natural way. When your mouth can rest properly, your tongue can bend slightly upwards at the tip and your lips would be sealed. If your teeth touch each other while your mouth is resting, it’s a very common sign you need to get the treatment.

When Do You Need It?

The best way to find out if you need this therapy is by checking in with your dentist regularly. If your dentist finds issues with your oral habits, they may suggest myofunctional therapy. For children with speech problems, breathing problems, and more, this form of therapy and good dental care can be crucial to define long-term oral health.

Apart from kids, adults can also be diagnosed after a routine visit. If you’re noticing inconsistencies in how you chew, swallow, breathe at night or feel pain in your jaws and head, you might need to make a visit to your dentist.

One way to know is by noticing how your tongue and mouth rest. If the tip of your tongue is positioned on the bottom part of your mouth, it’s a bad habit that needs correcting. If your tongue swings down instead of resting upwards, it adds pressure on your teeth which pushes it away and causes alignment issues.

Notice your tongue when you swallow as well. Ideally, when you swallow your food, your tongue must hit the roof of your mouth. If it’s at the sides of the teeth as you swallow, know that it is a red flag and can cause tissue trauma at times as well.

Myofunctional therapy in Toronto is becoming so popular owing to the great results people notice as they practice these exercises. It can make a huge difference in the quality of your lifestyle and oral health, and aids braces or aligners work better and more effectively.





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