How to Know if It’s Time to Change Your Water Heater

Most people can attest to the fact that hot running water is an essential part of any household. In fact, the mere thought of having to take cold showers or use cold water to wash the dishes can put us off the task altogether. We use water for bathing, washing clothes, doing dishes, and cleaning the house, which means that having insufficient warm water can affect our ability to carry out our daily routine. If you suspect that your water heater has malfunctioned or cannot handle the daily demands, there are some key signs that you should pay attention to. Strange noises and leaks are just a couple of ways to detect problems in your heating system.

On that note, the following points will help you know when it’s time to change your water heater.

The System Is Old

As is the case with any appliance, water heaters have an expiration date. Water heating systems have a life expectancy of up to 12 years; however, malfunctions can appear as early as 8 years. If you are unsure of the system’s age, there are a few telltale signs that it is too old to function. Firstly, if you notice any signs of corrosion, then it might be time to retire the system. Second, if there is a reddish discoloration in the water, it concludes that the heater tank is starting to rust.

Hot Water Volume Is Low

The lack of hot water indicates that it might be time to change your water heating system. Pay attention to the hot water volume while showering. If your hot showers are now lukewarm, it’s time to consider a replacement because this means that your heating system is slowly deteriorating.

You’ll also need to determine whether your appliance needs to be replaced or simply repaired. While the lack of hot water is a clear indicator that a replacement is necessary, other issues only warrant repairs. To understand what your appliance needs, the folks over at explain that you need access to trusted information to determine signs of malfunction. With quality and reliable advice regarding repairs and other home improvement information, you’ll save a lot of money on repairs and replacements in the long run. It’s important to note that before making any purchases, you should be diligent in your search by finding trusted sources that provide up-to-date information as well as supplies.

Heating Bills Have Risen

Another clue is the price rise in your heating bill. Be aware that hot water accounts for nearly all of the heating energy used in your home. When your heating system is old and or no longer working efficiently, your heating bills will increase as the appliance overworks itself to produce hot water. If this is the case, you’ll need a professional to check its condition or, if you rate your DIY skills, find trusted information as explained above.  You can also consider an option like Water Heater rental services for a quick fix.

Parts Are Rusty

When parts of the heating system begin to rust out, the problem will persist until treated. If your pipes, valve, inlet, or even water are showing signs of rust, there’s a possibility that the tank has also succumbed to rust. If your water appears rusty from the faucets, your heater has most likely surpassed its expiration date. Rusty pipes could indicate a problem in the tank, oftentimes if the problem remains unattended, it affects all plumbing resulting in irreversible damage. Your only solution would be to replace the appliances. While rust is inevitable with age, it can sometimes appear in a system of only 8 or 9 years of age. This can occur in the pressure relief valve or water inlet and will need to be repaired immediately before the problem spreads.  Be sure to consider options like as well.

Never Ending Repairs

There are some issues you might have faced throughout the lifespan of a water heater such as ongoing noise coming from the water heater, leaks, a broken water element, or insufficient tank size. These issues can be constant, resulting in very costly repairs over and over again. If you find yourself repeatedly calling maintenance to handle similar concerns, this cycle isn’t going to end. Never-ending repairs are a clear sign that you should put your water heater to bed and opt for a replacement.

It is important that you don’t overlook these common signs of water heater damage. Ignoring these issues will only result in expensive water bills and costly repairs down the line. Any signs of malfunction must be dealt with promptly and monitored closely, especially when you start noticing deterioration of the appliance’s parts. Stay alert and look out for the above signs to save yourself a lot of stress, time, bills, and cold showers.


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