How To Clean Your House Furniture Even Some Difficult Ones

Furniture is what makes a home. Without it, you would simply be standing in an empty house or sat on the floor! It is without a doubt the most used set of items in every household. The problem is, using furniture so regularly leads to dirt and grime building up on all kinds of different surfaces. These can be hard to clean properly, especially if all your furniture items are made from different types of materials or fabrics. So, what’s the best way to get all your furniture cleaned, even difficult, hard to clean items?

Stove And Oven Glass

Many of us choose to have lovely wood stove burners in our living rooms. As the experts from say, fireplaces create an amazing centerpiece for a living room and can be the focal point of lovely warm evenings by the fire. Most of these are glass-fronted and this can lead to a serious build-up of dirt and dust caused by the burning wood on the inside. These marks can prove a real challenge to clean. The first port of call here should always be a simple damp cloth with a little soap. However, sometimes this just doesn’t cut through the grime. 

Surprisingly, a great tip here is to use a newspaper dipped in the ashes from your fire. Ashes tend to be viewed as a problem or annoying byproduct of fireplaces, but actually can be turned into a great cleaning aid as they are rough and cut through the grime. This can be a surprising yet amazing way to clean glass. It works on oven glass too, give it a try! If you still can’t cut through the burned marks, try the classic combination of bicarbonate of soda and water. Form a thick white paste with this mixture and layer it on your marked glass. This will surely cut through any remaining marks and stains.

How Often Should a Glass Oven Door Be Cleaned?

How frequently you need to clean the glass door of your oven will depend on the number of times you cook as well as what you prepare. You should make it a goal to clean the internal surface of the door anywhere from once every three and six months, or when you do a general cleaning of your oven. At a minimum of once per week and more frequently if any spills occur, wipe off the outside surface of the oven. 

You should clean in between the two layers of the glass that make up the oven door once a year. When you clean the oven door regularly, you won’t have to scrub it as much because the grime won’t have as much time to sink into the surface. In addition, you’ll be able to use milder cleaning products.

How to Take Out an Oven Door

  • It may be necessary to remove the entire door from certain versions of ovens to access the space in between the two panes of glass that comprise the glass oven door and to clean that space. Before you begin, it is important to check the owner’s manual for your oven.
  • If you need assistance holding the door while you remove it off its hinges, ask a friend or family member to provide a hand. Together with a buddy, you can lift the door while holding it at an angle of approximately 75 degrees and then move it away from the oven. Be careful, because the door is going to be quite heavy.
  • Place the door on a flat, firm surface, such as a countertop, and cover it with an old towel for more protection.

How to Clean a Stovetop

The baked-on splatters and the oily surface will need to be removed, and for that, you will need something sturdy. When combined, a soft powder cleaner and a scratch-free scrubbing sponge will make short work of even the most difficult stains. Scrub stainless steel with the grain rather than in a circular motion to prevent scratching, and use a light touch, allowing the material, rather than force, to perform the majority of the work in cleaning the material.

Wooden Furniture

Wooden furniture tends to be the staple of any dining room. Your table and chairs are likely varnished wood and become the centerpiece of your dining experience every single day. Many kitchen tables, counters, and chairs are also wooden. These items are used a great deal and can very easily become dirty due to food spillage and general wear. The best practice for cleaning wooden furniture is straight-up soapy water. The classic mix, used with a sponge, is perfect for cutting through food stains and dirt or mud from clothing. Make sure you dry down your wooden furniture after cleaning though, as wood doesn’t like being kept wet. Dry with a gentle cloth and make sure there are no cracks or cuts in your varnish that have absorbed water.

Getting Stains Out of Wooden Tables

Water Stains

The most common kind of stain is caused by water, but there is a simple solution to this problem. Create a paste by combining equal parts salt and water but add only a few drops of water at a time. This should be just enough to bind the salt. The stain can then be removed with a dry cloth after rubbing the mixture onto the affected area. One more alternative is to make use of petroleum jelly. After rubbing the jelly into the surface that has been marked, leave it for the night and remove it the next morning with a dry cloth.

Red Wine Stains and Other Black Fluid Stains

A major cause of unsightly stains on tables is the spilling of dark drinks like red wine and other dark beverages. To get rid of stains like these on your table, begin by mixing a dishwashing detergent with hot water. This will help loosen the stain. Rub the stain with a wet cloth that has been moistened with the mixture. After that, you will use a fresh cloth that has been soaked with water to rinse the stain. After this step, you should polish the table so that it is completely shiny.

Ink or Pen and Marker Stains

The use of a pen or marker can also result in unsightly stains, which are unfortunately rather common. To begin, apply a small amount of dishwashing liquid to a damp cloth and then rub the stain in circular motions. If the mark does not go, you will need to try something more robust, such as isopropyl alcohol, to get rid of the stain. Because this is a more potent solution, it is imperative that you first try it in an area of the wood that is less visible to determine how it interacts with the material. Apply the alcohol to the stain by rubbing it in with a cloth, and make sure to wear gloves so that you don’t get any alcohol on your skin. After that, wipe the area clean with a wet towel that has been dipped in soapy water, and then dry it.


Most sofas, pillows, bed covers, and seat covers are fabric-based. There is obviously a wide variety of fabrics used for furniture, with the most common being a cotton-polyester blend. These types of furniture can very quickly become dirty with daily use. Stains are common, as are rub marks from dark-colored clothing. Most of us want to quickly run to the shops and buy some industrial fabric cleaning products, but before you do, we have some other tips for you. Firstly, try brushing your fabric with a dry brush to release any dirt or dust sunk into the fabric. After this, you can vacuum up anything you’ve shaken loose. Once the dirt is loosened or mostly gone, it’s time to get cleaning. We recommend a mixture of warm water, vinegar, and soap. This combination is amazing at removing grime and stains from all kinds of fabrics.

Leather Sofas

Another common item in many of our homes is leather sofas or armchairs. Here, the best starting point is once again mild, warm soapy water. Be gentle with your leather, as it doesn’t like being roughed up or soaking wet too much. Use a cloth damp with your soapy water mix and use small circles to spot-clean stained or dirty areas. After you have done this, dry the leather thoroughly. Once all stains are removed, it’s worth investing in and applying some leather cream. This will re-treat the leather and make it nice and shiny once again, whilst also protecting it from any potential further damage.

So, whatever type of furniture you have in your home there’s a simple trick for cleaning it. Whenever you make a cleaning mixture be sure to start light and make it stronger when needed to avoid doing any unnecessary damage to your fabrics or leather. We hope these small tips can help speed up and improve your home cleaning.

Another Tip to Remove Couch Stains

A simple cleaning solution for upholstered fabric can be made at home by combining one-fourth of a cup of vinegar, three-quarters of a cup of warm water, and one tablespoon of dish soap. Put the concoction in a spray bottle, and then apply it to the affected region on the couch. After that, scrub the area using a gentle cloth, and then remove the soap residue using a second moist cloth that has been cleaned with water. To finish, pat everything down with a dry cloth.

How to Get Stains Out of Throw Pillows

When undesired spots form on decorative pillows, it is crucial to handle the stains as fast as possible to have the best chance of properly removing the stain. This will allow your home to retain the atmosphere that the pillows were intended to contribute. Make a quick and easy remedy by combining rubbing alcohol and white vinegar in a spray bottle in the same proportions. This will remove stains from beautiful throw pillows. 

You can achieve a clean aroma by adding a few drops of essential oil. Apply the solution to the stain with a spray bottle, and then rub it in with a fresh cloth right away. You also have the option of combining one teaspoon of dish soap with one cup of warm water, blotting the stain, and then scrubbing it with a dry towel.

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