How To Choose A Realtor

Call us crazy, but choosing a realtor is like choosing a marriage partner – you have to find someone you’ll vibe with.

Many people today are getting their real estate licenses. The market is flooded with so many realtors pumped with qualifications, but with little to no experience on how the real estate business really works.

Real estate is currently among the leading businesses in the world. If you’re a buyer, you’re probably excited about owning a new home from pinetop lakeside real estate for sale. On the other hand, if you’re the seller, you’re probably looking forward to turning your house into cash as soon as possible. Both sides want the best deal. You can also learn more about the first time home buyer incentive here.

Buyer or seller, you’re probably aware that you need a realtor with the knowledge and experience to help you seal the house deal.

In this article, you’ll learn the best tips on how to pick a realtor that will have you smiling to the bank or new house. But before that, let’s discuss a bit about Realtors and how they are different from agents and brokers. 

Understanding Realtors

A realtor is basically a real estate agent who is a part of the NAR – National Association of Realtors, the largest trade group present in the country. Remember that, every real estate agent you may know is not a Realtor. The best way to figure it out is to inquire if your agent is a licensed Realtor or not. 

Difference Between a Real Estate Agent, Broker, and Realtor 

Whether you are buying or selling a property, there are high chances that you will work with a broker, real estate agent, or realtor. Although all of them are licensed and help you sell, buy or rent a property. However, they are different from one another, especially in terms of their qualifications. 

If we put it briefly:

  • Real estate agent – A licensed pro that helps people in buying and selling real estate and gets a commission when the deal is finalized. A real estate agent may either represent the seller or buyer.
  • Real state broker – The job of brokers is the same as agents but they can employ agents and are licensed to work on their own as well. These professionals are paid their commission but they also get a profit from the agent’s commission who works under them.
  • Realtors – they can be brokers or agents as well. These pros are a member of NAR and are held to high ethical values than the rest. A realtor is bound to follow the Realtor Code of Ethics.

Tips for Choosing a Realtor 

Preferring a realtor over brokers and agents is beneficial because they are more informed, well-connected and follow a specific Code of Ethics. Here are some of the tips to consider while choosing a realtor for buying or selling. 

Use the internet

You can look for real estate agents from the comfort of your home. Thanks to technology, you no longer have to walk on the streets looking for signposts.

The internet should be your number one consultant- Research shows that 90% of realtors are online. Pay attention to realtors who have their websites up, running, and updated. If possible, make sure he/she has listed some reviews and testimonies you can go through- This will help build trust with the agent.

Pick a realtor with good communication skills

Communication is key in this line of business. You need to work with someone who can communicate fluently via phone, in person, or any other means. Someone who knows what to say to win over a seller or buyer. A soothsayer of some sort.

Your real estate agent should always be online, thanks to the availability of smart-phones. In your first meeting, take the opportunity to create good chemistry between you two. Make sure you communicate your interests and arrive at a deal that mutually benefits the two of you.

Make sure your agent is fit for your schedule

You should find a flexible real estate agent. An agent that is available when you need his/her services or need to consult anything concerning the buying or selling of property. Don’t go for those busy ones that will always refer you to their subordinates or secretaries.

Make sure you know each other’s schedules. Personalized realtors will show a lot of interest in your deal by squeezing themselves into your schedule when you need them.

You should have a good relationship with your agent

It’s best not to choose on the first person on the list- Always have a variety of agents to choose from. Make sure the person you pick is someone you feel safe working with. It’s even better if you can find a realtor who has worked with a friend or relative in the past.

Look for an honest, realistic, and transparent realtor. Not someone who’ll leave you hanging when things don’t go as planned. Don’t go for pushy real estate agents. Get someone who understands that the decision to buy or sell a house is one that needs patience.

Enquire from other homeowners

It is always good to know what you’re getting yourself into, especially in this line of business that involves huge investments.

Sure, modern technology is useful when looking for realtors. However, that one-to-one connection is what binds people together. Once you’ve made a shortlist of realtors, do a background check and contact some of their past clients. Ask about their experiences and how the deals went down.

Your realtor should be familiar with the local area

You can’t do business with some who isn’t familiar with the local area. Find a real estate agent who knows the whole area. Someone who knows the property you want to buy even before you buy it. Someone with seller and buyer connections. For instance, suppose you are looking for a condo in San Mateo. In that case, your realtor will help you find the best one in the area without making you waste time or feel burdened.

You can find all information you need about how your realtor can streamline your house hunting process by clicking on the given link.

Keep in mind that if you’re a seller and your property stays in the market for a long time, it will depreciate. Find someone who will get the ball rolling as fast as possible.

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Choose a realtor who knows what he/she is doing

Look for agents with a distinction in the real estate world. The top-dogs, if possible, or one that is in the making.

Apart from papers and certifications, you need to be an excellent judge of character. Look at the realtor’s confidence levels and belief in him/her-self. The real estate business solely depends on negotiations. Get someone who will do it right.

Trust your gut

It’s not safe out here. Finding a realtor is a difficult task. You have to carefully screen the person you want to work with. An agent can have all the necessary qualifications, but if he/she upsets your guts, reject his/her offer.

It’s good to follow your heart even in the corporate world– This way, you will dodge some serious landmines.

Pick a realtor with problem-solving skills

If you’re looking to sell or buy a property at the best price, you’re supposed to look for a real estate agent who has is composed even in tight situations. The real estate business can be a bit slippery at times. It’s very comforting to have a self-assured realtor who will have your back.

Those are the best tips on how to choose a realtor. It’s not easy. However, if you find the right one, your relationship will last a lifetime. If in case you already bought a house but it is a small one, it’s not a problem. Just read these tips on how to effectively maximize and optimize space in small homes.


Selecting the right realtor while buying or selling a property matters a lot. Your decision will shape how quickly you sell and with how much money.

Following the mentioned tips will surely help you make a great deal with the agent. Just make sure to do some homework and inquire about the realtor a bit before finalizing anything. Good luck with your search.

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