How Not To Go Crazy In The Modern World?

The world pandemic not only took many of our usual joys and pleasures away but denied the moral strength that each of us needs to maintain physical and mental health. How to recuperate to remain in good health, right mind, and clear memory?

If you are very upset or angry about something, first of all, try to get away from the annoying situation and then analyze it in a calm state.

Why Do We Catastrophize?

Catastrophizing a situation is a maladaptive way people try to regain control. In the modern world, you may feel like your life is out of control, causing your emotions to be all over the place. In such situations, you may find yourself jumping to the worst-case scenarios, causing you to make poor decisions. Such decisions may make your life feel even more out of control and become a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

According to several professionals, catastrophizing is rarely productive or practical, so you should try to recognize when you are doing so and stop yourself. This will help you greatly regulate yourself and feel more in control of your life.

How To Not Go Crazy In The Modern World

If you understand that you are stressed, you can seek help from specialists who will prescribe you certain drugs, for instance, Adderall, they might just increase your stress and anxiety and can also be difficult to stop.  (by the way, it’s better to read the Profound Treatment Adderall Detox Timeline article before). Or you can use the anti-stress tips from our article. Choose the latter? You should, Let’s go then!

Calm Down and Relax

Such familiar things as sound sleep, any contact with water (shower, pool, bath), and massage are excellent ways to fight stress.

Physical activity (fitness, dancing, cleaning, walking) and breathing exercises (deep inhalation and slow exhalation) are beneficial as well.

And positive emotions for sure — a trip to a nightclub with cheerful friends or a heart-to-heart conversation at home by candlelight, a great play, a rock concert, or a deep book.

Look After Yourself

You are the only person you can be responsible for. You are the only human you can completely control. So take care of yourself.

Control your weight, nutrition, and blood pressure. Do things the outcome of which depends on you only. Give yourself pleasure in any non-forbidden ways — no one knows better than you how to make you feel good. But don’t overestimate your capabilities. And don’t be too overwhelmed if something doesn’t go the way you wanted.

Don’t Forget About Others

It doesn’t mean to control all people around but help and support. Help only when they really can’t do without your help.

For instance, one of your friends is too lazy to go to the store or to walk with a dog, don’t rush to his rescue. But taking care of this pet if the friend is sick is another matter.

By providing the necessary help, you are helping not only other people but yourself as well. Supporting others will make you feel better and more stable.

Maintain Your Inner Balance

Stop any attempts to piss you off. Limit any negative influence from the outside — annoying and complaining friends, bad news, and so on.

Be persistent but not aggressive. And if you can’t avoid communication with a psychologically unstable person, pretend you are a “tree” — nod and say “yeah”. The interlocutors, not feeling your involvement in the conversation, will lose interest quickly and leave you alone.

Learn To Get Angry

Anger and irritation are ‘useful’ emotions that can give you strength. Sometimes it’s helpful to let your feelings go. As the result, the despondency will pass. Please, refrain from harm, abuses, and insults.

Moreover, you can transfer your anger into work or creativity. It’s rather better than spending time, nerves, and going crazy in vain.

Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Self-pity is a kind of immaturity. Blaming other people, situations, the world situation for your failures can bring you relief but only for a short time. You need to grow up and take responsibility for your life and everything that is happening to you.

It’s your independent and personal choice — to suffer endlessly or to build a life at your discretion and be happy. For suffering, it’s enough to run away from real life. For self-development and self-confidence, you will have to work hard, but the result will be impressive.

Don’t Waste Your Energy and Emotions

Don’t give practical advice to whiners who only whine and do nothing. Don’t waste your moral resources on eternal sufferers who don’t want your real help at all but need your energy only. Additionally, refrain from worries about what wouldn’t be changed.

Get angry, sympathize with other people or yourself for a while, and move on — full of emotional strength. Physical strength will join you later.

Accept Uncertainty

Due to the overall increase in security recently, people have gotten used to existing in a bubble where they know what will happen. One downside is that people have become unequipped to deal with the unknown because it feels like they are relinquishing their control, which can cause them to feel distressed. Therefore, you should accept the unknown and uncertainty that comes with life. Additionally, you should understand that you cannot always be in control. Sometimes, leaving things up to chance is the best way to maintain peace. 

Avoid All-or-Nothing Thinking

When things constantly change, you may find it easier to jump to conclusions and fill in the blanks. However, processing current events in black-and-white thinking can lead to absolutist thinking. This way of thinking is unhealthy and common among those prone to depression. Therefore, it is best to avoid this pattern and focus on the nuances of the circumstance before forming an opinion or making a decision. 

Stick To The Facts

When things around you feel out of your control, and you feel powerless, the best way to combat it is to stick to the facts. Doing so reduces your natural tendency to exaggerate the severity of the issue or threat. This helps you feel calmer and more in control. The best way to practice this is to ask yourself questions you know the answers to and then work your way up to the questions that trouble you. 


Prolonged stress drives us to exhaustion. We get so tired of emotional storms that we exhaust ourselves and irritate others. To prevent this from happening, you need to do “emotional hygiene” — to maintain calmness and balance of positive and negative emotions, no matter how difficult it may be. Then you will definitely not go crazy in the modern world. We wish you all the best in getting your inner balance!

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