How do I train my dog to be Obedient?

How do I train my dog to be Obedient?

Every dog owner has a passionate dream that their pet can obey his instructions and follow every command given. In competitions and reality shows, we have the confidence to gawk at how some pooches perform; not all is lost with our dogs. All you need is a positive mindset, the right attitude, an understanding of typical dog psychology, and a bit of patience. There are many techniques you can use to help your dog training. Visit Off Leash K9 Phoenix/dog obedience to learn more about professional dog training.

Here are some of the best techniques to help train your dog and make it more obedient successfully:

1. Establish Rules at Home That Everyone Will Adhere

Before you fetch your dog from the animal shelter or a breeder, consider setting a few basic rules which everyone in the house must follow when the dog is around. The main idea behind this method is to be certain that the dog will not get conflict rules or commands.

Always gather everyone first and discuss some ground rules that everyone must be consistent about when the dog comes around. Such regulations might include the dog being allowed to the bedroom, where the dog will sleep, relieve itself, and eat. These rules are the foundation of helping your dog to become obedient.

2. Pick Your Dog’s Name and Stick to It

After setting basic rules in your house, you need to pick a suitable name for your dog and be consistent with it. For instance, you may choose the name “Rocky” and every member of your family should use that name when calling it. Avoid using any sound or whistling to call it, since the dog must know that its name is “Rocky,” and it cannot be called using any other name. Imagine if a stranger passes by and whistles at your dog. If you have trained it well, it will ignore the stranger’s whistle. Always give positive reinforcements every time you call your dog.

3. Train Your Dog

If you have a puppy or a big dog in your home, you need to train it. This skill requires a lot of consistency and patience. You need to consider the essential things that can include eating, drinking, sleeping, defecating, and urinating. Be consistent and involve everyone in your family to help you train it until it understands.

You may also need to train your dog in certain basic skills. They include commands like ‘sit,’ ‘down,’ and ‘come.’ They might seem easy, but you need to put in much effort and time for the dog to understand. Keep using these basic commands as many times as possible. Repeat as many times as possible until they get used to the command.

4. Learn how to Lure and Treat Your Dog for Positive Reinforcement

When dog specialists are talking about training dogs they always mention positive reinforcement. The main reason is to help them learn new and good behaviors to something sweet. They will get used to being enticed and following it with the behavior every time. Dogs are easy to entice. Playing and running with them shows that you love them. You should give them their treat and associate it with the skill they will do.

5. Keep Your Dog’s Training Sessions Short

The important thing to note about training is knowing when to stop. What works for one individual might not work for another person. The key thing is the dog’s span of giving you the attention. Puppies lose interest very fast; you don’t need to keep on boring them for long hours since they will lose interest. Be mindful of the training time; keep it 10 to 15 minutes as recommended by a specialist. Also, remember to give your dog positive reinforcement.

6. Allow Your Dog to Hang Around

Among social animals, dogs are categorized there. They seem to be active in groups. Make sure you take your dog outside in places like parks or to your neighborhood and allow it to play and mingle with other dogs. The dog’s need to be interactive socially will be balanced. The dog will even be ready to learn a new skill when it socializes and show other dogs the skills it has been taught.

Note that you shouldn’t force your dog to do anything it doesn’t like. Understand its nature; if it resists something you are teaching, let it be and try teaching it at another time.

Finally, use technology to train your dog; for example, dogs may have problems responding to positive reinforcements but may respond positively to vibrations, sounds, and light effects. Technology can help correct bad behaviors, although you shouldn’t use devices that will hurt the dog.

Try using the methods discussed above to train your dog but remember consistency, patience, and perseverance are important. The techniques discussed above will positively aid you in teaching your dog always to obey your commands.


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