How Can Implants Help Denture Wearers?

Compared to traditional dentures, which are designed to rest on the gums, dental implant-supported dentures have improved functions. Implant-supported dentures have shown to be an effective dental treatment, especially when suffering from full or partial tooth loss.

Unlike traditional dentures that rest on the gums and may slip or move around over time, implant-supported dentures offer improved function and stability. By placing dental implants into your jawbone, these dentures can give you the confidence to eat, speak, and smile without worrying about your teeth slipping or shifting.

If your jawbone is enough to support implants, then you can consider having dental implant-supported dentures. Implant-supported dentures optimize the wearers’ oral health in different ways. It restores the tooth’s chewing and biting ability, improves teeth appearance, and boosts overall mouth function. Primarily, both dental dentures and implants help improve the teeth practical usefulness and aesthetic value.

Dental implant-supported dentures can be used to replace missing natural teeth. This is why most experienced and top-rated dental clinics like Alta Canyon Dental now advise their patients to go for it. If you are in the area you should check out this Dentist In Arlington.

The benefits it offers are numerous compared to the traditional dentures, and here are some of the benefits below.

Reduces Bone Loss

When one loses natural teeth, the surrounding bone loses its function. Since these bones no longer have a functional role to play, the body gradually gets rid of them. The absence of the stimulation provided by the roots of the missing teeth can result in massive bone loss in the jaws and affect facial appearance. Due to this, dentures might not fit propely after a while and may need to be replaced. This is where implants come in. It continues to stimulate the bone cells by acting as the teeth’ roots. It also helps the jawbone surrounding them to prevent deterioration.

People who wear face a challenge when it comes to maintaining their oral health. One of the most common problems is bone loss. Implants, however, can offer a solution. They are often recommended for patients who want to achieve stability and comfort while eating and speaking. 

Moreover, they stimulate the jawbone, preventing further shrinkage of the jaw and securing the implants in their positions. This means that they can enjoy all the benefits of a full set of teeth without the discomfort and insecurity of traditional dentures.


Being a product of the advancing art of dental aesthetics, implant-supported dentures can restore balance to a face and replace lost tissues. With it, it becomes very easy for the wearer to produce remarkable smiles, just like with natural teeth. This can improve your confidence tremendously, which can better your social skills.

Implants are artificial tooth roots that are placed directly into the jawbone and topped with a prosthetic tooth, creating a solid anchor that prevents the slippery movement and pressure points that can be common with traditional dentures. This secure foundation allows for greater comfort while also improving the patient’s ability to bite and chew, effectively restoring their natural oral function.

Speech Improvement

When implants support the denture or bridge, it helps maintain and improve the wearer’s speech ability. Dental implants allow the tongue to move freely in the mouth without any restrictions. This allows the patient to speak normally. And also, eat more comfortably and increase your diet menu. 

Implants can improve speech in denture wearers by providing stability and support to the denture, which reduces slippage and movement while speaking. This stability allows for better articulation and clarity, making communication easier and more effective. Plus, implants can also improve the overall fit and comfort of your denture, reducing the risk of sore spots and discomfort.

Stability is Improved 

Traditional dentures are designed to rest on the gums, and a denture adhesive is used to hold them in place. Unfortunately, this denture adhesive weakens after a while, resulting in a loose denture. Due to this, the use of implant-supported dentures is preferred. Unlike traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures are fixed to the dental abutments on the dental implants. The dental implants are then fused with the jawbone. The result of this attachment is a strong denture. This makes patients feel more comfortable and eliminates the fear of their dentures falling out. 

In addition to stability, implants can also help preserve bone density and overall oral health. By mimicking natural tooth roots, they stimulate the jawbone and prevent bone loss that can occur when teeth are missing.

Biting and Chewing Improvement

Chewing hard or chewy food with dentures is a bit difficult. This is because they are not rooted in the jawbone and might slip. However, with dental implants, one’s diet can include all kinds of food. You no longer have to avoid food because it is hard to chew. 

Denture wearers often struggle with biting and chewing their favorite foods. This can impact their overall quality of life and limit their ability to enjoy certain meals. However, implants can greatly improve the biting and chewing ability of denture wearers. Implants are artificial tooth roots that are placed into the jawbone to support replacement teeth. 

When dentures are secured onto implants, they become much more stable and don’t shift or slip while chewing. This means denture wearers can eat with confidence and enjoy their meals without fear of embarrassing slips or discomfort.


Without the periodontal membrane, dental patients will find it difficult or almost impossible to feel proprioceptive impulses. Without these impulses, the patient can not feel occlusal contacts or control occlusal forces just like they do with their natural teeth. With an implant-supported denture, patients can maintain their periodontal membrane. Loss of proprioception is difficult for a lot of people, and acceptance can be a major struggle. As such, ways to prevent its loss must be explored.

Dental implants improve proprioception, which is the ability to sense the position and movement of our body parts. The sensation of having implants increases the awareness of the mouth and surrounding tissues, helping denture wearers to navigate everyday tasks with greater ease and accuracy.

No Sore Spot

There might be inflammation and sore spots when using traditional dentures. This is because they rest on your gums. For dental implants supported dentures, this is not the case. This is because dental implant-supported dentures are made to rest on top of the dental implant post. With this, the chances of the dentures leading to sore spots on the gums are lower. 

Implants essentially act as anchors, providing support for dentures by attaching them to the jawbone. By doing this, the pressure is evenly distributed, eliminating the development of sore spots. Additionally, implants can restore balance to the jawbone, preventing it from weakening due to missing teeth.


It can be embarrassing to have your dentures shift during a conversation. Dental implants with dentures provide a permanent solution to this. It provides you the confidence you desire, especially when you are in public. 

One thing you should have in mind once you opt for dental implants supported dentures is its maintenance requirement. Although regular cleaning with special materials is not a must, users are still required to brush and floss twice a day. This is a daily oral hygiene routine that must be adhered to in order to enjoy the functions and benefits of implants supported dentures.

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