Here Is How You Can Help Your Teenager Do Better at School


Fortunately, there are a variety of tactics that parents can employ to support their adolescent children’s academic success. Parents may provide their teenagers the support and tools they need to thrive by establishing regular routines, creating favorable study environments, supporting healthy habits, evaluating progress, engaging with teachers, and encouraging extracurricular activities.

Among all, every adolescent is unique, so what works for one adolescent might not work for another. it comes to their teen’s academic achievement, parents needs to be aware of their particular needs, preferences, and difficulties. Parents can assist build a supportive and productive learning environment that prepares their teenagers for success in school and beyond by collaborating with their teenagers and teachers.


Parents frequently functioned as their children’s primary teachers in the early years of formal schooling. Before sending their children to school, they would teach them the fundamentals of literacy and math at home. This persisted during the Industrial Revolution, when many nations enacted laws requiring all children to attend school, and parents increased their involvement in their children’s education.

Parents continued to play an important role in assisting their teenager’s academic progress as education systems got more organized and sophisticated. A rising amount of evidence revealed that parental participation might have a considerable impact on a child’s academic achievement during the middle of the 20th century, when it became a major focus of educational study.

Technology has completely changed how parents now assist with their teen’s education in the twenty-first century. Because of the growth of the internet and digital learning platforms, parents now have access to a variety of knowledge and tools to support the academic success of their adolescent children. They may monitor their adolescent’s development using online tools, communicate with teachers, and gain access to learning resources.

Many of the methods used by parents to encourage their teenager’s academic success haven’t changed despite these adjustments. They continue to develop regular schedules, and quiet study spaces, promote healthy habits, keep track of progress, interact with teachers, and promote extracurricular activities. These methods have been proven successful throughout history and remain important instruments for parents who want to support their teenage children in performing better in school.

As a parent, your first instinct is to jump in and help your kid if they’re struggling with academics at school. After all, you’ve been there for them at every step of their life. And by taking the right steps, you certainly can help them improve their grades. However, the wrong measures can be counterproductive. Instead of improving their performance, you may discourage them further.

Here are a few ways you can help your teenager do better at school:

#1 Develop a Strong Relationship

You need to develop a strong and healthy relationship with your adolescent. Remember not to get frustrated – relationships take work. Take time out of your schedule to spend time with them to bond and develop trust. Find the balance between being a parent and being a friend.

Always encourage them. With your encouragement, they’ll gain confidence. They’ll believe that they’re capable of performing better. Set boundaries but treat them with respect. And remember to keep all lines of communication open. If they can confide in you, then they can overcome the hurdles that stand in their way. Help them realize their potential.

Finally, don’t take anything personally. It’s harder for younger people to regulate their emotions. Give them space and respond to conflict calmly and constructively.

#2 Attend Parent-Teach Conferences

Support your teenager by attending all parent-teacher conferences. Meet their teachers, principal, and counselor and develop a relationship with them. Discuss issues such as low-grades or behavior problems with an open mind. Find solutions.

#3 Encourage Good Learning Patterns

Students can improve their learning by adopting better habits. Encourage them to sleep on time and have a healthy nutritious breakfast. Have them take notes in class and review their lessons at the end of the day. Studies suggest that students who take and review notes regularly learn much faster.

Teach them to stay organized. A student who stays on top of their assignments, tests, and exams is likely to do better.

#4 Get Them Help

If your teenager is struggling with a subject, then help them study. If you are unable, then consider hiring a private tutor to help them learn. Alternatively, if they’re overwhelmed by deadlines, then try using an essay writing service to help them complete their assignments on time and improve their performance at school. Sometimes, with a few more resources, students gain the confidence to complete their tasks. Also it might help to get extra text book copies so be sure you know that you can rent your textbooks among other options.

#5 Remove Distractions

Encourage them to study without distractions such as a smartphone, computer, TV, or gaming console. If there’s space in the house, create a study room. Alternatively, you can drop them off at the local library during exam time.

#6 Have High Expectations

Studies show that when there are high expectations for homework, assignments, tests, and exams, students perform better. Take their attendance and discipline seriously. Yet, find the right balance. Make sure that they set time aside from meals, showers, physical activities, and entertainment. A well-rounded individual will do better at every avenue of life.

#7 Establish a Consistent Routine

One of the best ways to encourage your teenager’s academic success is to assist them in developing a regular study, homework, and exam preparation schedule. They may feel more in control of their academic workload and able to stay on course as a result.

Encourage your adolescent to divide their work into small portions and set aside a dedicated time each day for studying. They will be able to focus on their objectives and avoid procrastination as a result.

#8 Create a Quiet and Conducive Study Environment

Your kid will be able to focus better and work more efficiently when studying in a peaceful, noise-free atmosphere. Encourage them to study in a space that is well-lit, cozy, and organized, with few distractions.

To reduce distractions, you might also want to think about purchasing noise-canceling headphones or soundproofing their study space.

#9 Encourage Healthy Habits

For academic achievement, good health is necessary. Urge your adolescent to maintain a healthy diet, get enough rest, and engage in regular exercise. This can help them focus and remember more clearly while also lowering their tension and anxiety levels.

Make sure your adolescent has access to nutritious foods, and encourage them to emphasize rest and physical activity. Limiting their screen time may also be something you want to think about, as excessive electronic use has been associated with bad academic achievement.

#10 Encourage Extracurricular Activities

Encourage your teen to take part in extracurricular activities that are related to their hobbies and interests. This can give them a well-rounded education and help them improve their abilities and self-confidence.

A sense of community and belonging that your teenager can develop through extracurricular activities is beneficial to their general well-being.


This article indicates that parental participation can majorly impact a teen’s academic progress, even if every adolescent is different and may require various tactics. The skills that teenagers need to achieve academically and beyond can be developed when parents actively participate in their children’s education. This helps teenagers stay motivated, feel supported, and grow as people.

These are a few ways you can help your teenager perform better at school. Remember to encourage good habits without becoming overbearing. And don’t hesitate to get them the help they need to improve their academic performance.

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