Get Rid of Migraine With These Tips

We’ve all probably experienced having a migraine at some point in our lives and know how excruciating it can be. However, people with certain risk factors are likely to suffer from migraines more often. For instance, did you know that women are three times more likely to get migraines than men?

LIkewise, individuals with a family history of migraines and those with other medical conditions, such as anxiety, depression, epilepsy, and sleep disorders, are also more prone to getting migraines. Having a good treatment plan and visiting your doctor can help ease the pain. You can also use wearable devices to help regulate your headaches, such as The Migraine Stopper.

Determine the cause

The common causes of migraines include your genes, age, and gender. Women and those with a family history of migraines are more likely to have them. And while anyone can get migraines at any age, individual propensity peaks in one’s 30s. However, they may become less severe later in life.

Some other common triggers include:

Hormonal changes in women, especially during menstruation
Emotional triggers, such as depression, stress, anxiety, shock, and excitement
Physical strain, such as when doing a heavy or intense workout
Any changes in the brain that affect the blood vessels and the balance of chemicals, as well as how the nerves communicate
Sensory overloads, such as loud sounds, bright lights, and strong smells
Dietary factors, including caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits, cheese, and foods with the additive tyramine
Skipping meals can also trigger a headache, as it causes your blood sugar to drop
Changes in air pressure when there are weather fluctuations
Taking migraine medication for 10 days in a month can cause a rebound headache

Have a treatment plan

So, what can one do in order to avoid getting migraines?

A solid treatment plan is your best weapon against this condition. Essentially, it can help relieve the pain before it gets too severe. Most people take medication the second they feel a migraine coming on. However, you need to prepare ahead of time and know which medication to take.

An excellent alternative to using pain relievers is using a wearable gadget, such as The Migraine Stopper. Of course, you should consult with your doctor, as she or he is more qualified to help you come up with an individualized treatment plan for your migraine.

Visit your doctor

If you’re prone to getting migraines, it’s vital that you work with your doctor to get relief. You can either go to a primary care doctor or a neurologist, but do take note that the key to a helpful treatment is great communication. You should be ready to ask and answer a lot of questions during your consultation, so come prepared with as much information before your appointment.

Keeping a headache diary is very helpful in case you forget anything. Here are some of the things you need to list down in your diary:

How often you get headaches
Medications you’ve been taking
Family history

Exercise regularly and rest

Stress is one of the biggest triggers of migraines. Therefore, when you start to feel the onset of a migraine, it’s usually helpful to step back and rest. Regular exercise is another routine you can start implementing to help lessen your migraine attacks.

In fact, exercise releases the body’s natural pain killers called endorphins. Aside from being natural pain killers, endorphins also help induce positive feelings. This is a good thing, since people who suffer from migraines face an increased risk of depression and anxiety, which are in turn common migraine triggers.

However, do take note that intense workout and exercise can actually trigger a headache attack in some individuals, especially those with chronic migraines. To offset this possibility, you can maximize the therapeutic benefit of exercising by pacing yourself. Introduce light exercise to your daily activities slowly. A simple 5 to 10 minute walk is a good start. Over time, when you have more control over your migraine headaches and a better understanding of your symptoms, you can start tackling more intense and longer exercises. And, as always, don’t forget to align your workout routine with a healthy diet!

Use a wearable gadget

For many years, the only recommended way to relieve migraine pain was by taking pain relievers. However, since then, we know that many of these medications come with negative side effects. Plus, taking too many can adversely cause even more headaches—not to mention liver damage. Fortunately, there are now wearable devices for migraine relief with no side effects. And the benefits of using a wearable gadget are endless.

For starters, they are non-invasive. The Migraine Stopper, for example, uses precise negative and positive air pressure to stimulate the two particular nerves found in the ear. This relieves pressure and pain caused by migraines without the need for pain medications.

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