Facts about Solar Power that Will Blow Your Mind

Power goes off in several buildings near your block, and you decide to take a stroll down the park to pass the time. The first step outside greets you with direct sun rays hitting your forehead. Then it hits your mind. You have been toying with the idea of installing a solar energy system for your home use. Not only is it convenient, but it also gives you a safe and renewable energy source.

What is Renewable Energy?

The energy that is derived from natural sources and that can be replenished at a faster rate than it can be used is referred to as renewable energy. For instance, the sun’s rays and the wind are two examples of such sources that are consistently being refilled. Renewable sources of energy are abundant and can be found all around us. 

On the other hand, fossil fuels, which include coal, oil, and gas, are resources that do not regenerate and instead take hundreds of millions to billions of years to form. When fossil fuels are burned to produce energy, they release harmful greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere. 

Producing electricity from renewable sources results in significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions than burning fossil fuels. The shift from fossil fuels, which are responsible for the share of emissions at the moment, to renewable energy sources is essential to finding a solution to the climate crisis. The cost of renewable energy sources has recently decreased in many countries, and their employment creation rate is three times higher than that of fossil fuels.

What is Solar Power?

Solar energy is the most abundant of all the different types of energy resources, and it can be harvested even when it is cloudy outside. Around 10,000 times greater than the rate at which humankind consumes energy is the rate at which the Earth can capture energy from the sun. Solar technologies are capable of providing a variety of benefits, including heat, cooling, natural lighting, electricity, and fuels for use in a variety of contexts. The sun’s rays can be converted into usable electricity by solar technologies using photovoltaic panels or mirrors that concentrate the sun’s rays. 

Even though not all countries have the same amount of solar energy available to them, it is still possible for direct solar energy to make a significant contribution to the energy mix in every country. The price of producing solar panels has significantly decreased over the past decade, which has resulted in their becoming not only an affordable form of electricity but also frequently the most cost-effective form. 

Solar panels typically have a lifespan of about 30 years and can be purchased in a wide range of colors, with the hues being determined by the type of material that was used in their production.

Here are some fun facts on solar power that you should know.

You Don’t Need Direct Sunlight

You may think that it is necessary to place your solar panel against the sun’s rays for use. However, your panel only requires daylight to produce electricity. Even with dark, cloudy weather, your solar panel will still convert photons from the light to make it energy. Plus, with lenses and mirrors on the panel for reflection, the absorbance increases.

However, please note that with direct sunlight, your panel will harness more energy. The inclination of the panel should face south at approximately thirty degrees.

It Takes Eight Minutes

When standing facing towards the sky, looking directly at the sun is not possible. When you attempt to look, you will have a temporary blinding effect, which will make you shed tears.

However, the sun rays take, on average, eight minutes to reach the earth’s surface. Imagine a walk to your grocery minutes could take nearly the same time with a vast distance between the sun and the earth.

The Longevity of up to Forty Years

When you install a solar panel system in your home, it will take, on average, forty years of service. You could install it in your home, have kids, watch them grow up, and even get grandkids when using the same system. Additionally, you will experience a significant decrease in your electricity bills.

A qualified professional will help you through the installation process. For expert help, go to website on solar power installation. Nevertheless, please note that excess exposure to rain and wind will affect its performance and reduce its lifespan.

A fun fact is the first solar cell with silicon was founded in 1954.

More Efficiency in Cooler Temperatures

You may think that a solar panel works better in hotter areas with a high temperature for harvesting the energy. On the contrary, if you live in a colder area, your panel will function more effectively.

Your Home with a Solar Panel Will Fetch More Money at a Sale

When you are putting up your home for sale, you will get better offers than one without a solar panel. Buyers will quickly recognize the need to cut down utility bills. Therefore, they will open up more to the idea of making an offer on the purchase.

The solar panel could be a photovoltaic panel which works by transforming the sun rays into electric currents. On the other hand, you could also use a solar thermal panel that absorbs energy to heat water like swimming pools.

You Can Sell the Excess Power

The energy that radiates from the sun is more than what we consume. Therefore, it comes as no surprise when you have excess power than your household can use. In some places like the States, you can sell back your extra power to the primary grid. Such a metering connection will help you save money in the long run.

Free and Renewable, Zero Charging Fees

Unlike other energy sources like electricity that you pay for use, the solar panel system has the best alternative – free. You pay no deposit or even monthly charges. All it takes is fees to cover the initial cost of installation.

You will tap the energy all year round at the convenience of your home. Moreover, there is no pollution when using solar energy. Therefore, water, air, and even noise pollution are not current. Plus, you will not need extra fuel to generate electricity.

Store Your Power for Later

When the electricity goes off, you have no other alternative energy source to run your electrical appliances. Save for charging your phone on your power bank, and you have significant limitations. On the other hand, with a solar panel, you can store your excess power for later use.

The excess power doesn’t have to go to waste. All you need is a reliable, high-quality battery to store the energy later. Additionally, you can also keep the power in solar power banks.

Unlike other types, the solar power bank can charge your large electrical appliances like your fridge.

When you have a solar panel system, you will save a significant amount of money on energy utility bills. Plus, you don’t need elaborate maintenance techniques to ensure it functions effectively. As long as it is clean and you avoid complete overshade, you are good to go.

Other Facts about Solar Power

Since 1977, the price of solar panels has decreased by 99%

In 1977, the price of a straightforward solar panel was $77 per watt. The cost of a solar cell has dropped to $0.21 per watt, as stated in the Solar Market Insight Report for Q3 2017 that was compiled by GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association. It costs $0.39 more per watt for a completely completed module.

In 1839, Solar Energy Was Formally Discovered

In 1839, Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect, which occurred the same year that a business constructed the first coal-fired power plant. When the rays of the sun reach a conductor, this phenomenon is known as the photovoltaic effect or PV effect for short.

The Majority of Solar Energy Consumers in the US Are Located in California

California has done more than any other state in the United States to advance the solar energy industry. Not only does it lead the nation in solar installations by a significant margin, with 19.7 GW of solar capacity built as of the end of 2016, but it also derives 14% of its electricity from solar, which is a higher percentage than any other state.

The beautiful thing about the solar market in California is that it’s well spread between small rooftop systems and some of the largest solar power plants in the world. This is what makes California’s solar business so amazing.

Why Should We Use Solar Energy and How Does Solar Energy Work?

Solar photovoltaic (PV) modules take in light from the sun and transform it into a usable form of electrical current. Since solar power can be generated anywhere there is sunlight, it is an attractive option for meeting energy needs. Solar electric systems may operate independently of the utility grid and are therefore an attractive option for distant places. This is made possible by the fact that solar power can be combined with batteries, which are used to store energy. 

Solar modules have no moving components, which results in cheap maintenance expenses. In addition, solar modules are extremely reliable and have a long service life, with a guaranteed electricity supply of 25 years or more. Because solar electricity uses the sun as its fuel source, there is no requirement to drill for fossil fuels, refine those fuels, or transport them to the location where the solar panels are located.

The Growth of the Solar Industry

We can move away from other polluting and unsustainable energy sources thanks to the development and widespread installation of large-scale photovoltaic (PV) systems. Because the solar sector is expanding, a growing number of qualified people are required to meet the industry’s demands. 

Remote Energy (RE) is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that educates and empowers people all over the world to embrace the power of the sun and develop the technical photovoltaic design and installation skills required to provide clean power and positive change to their local communities. Training programs for technicians teach the hands-on skills that a rising workforce needs to have to be competent and successful in today’s market.

Solar educator training programs equip local trainers with curriculum, opportunities for mentorship, and the skills necessary to fulfill the most recent regional training needs by providing these resources.

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